He did gain a new sizeable world wide audience with Knocked Up and Superbad, which he then lost with Dewey Cox, which he did produce and co-write so he has to take some responsibility. Luckily he saw the error of his ways with Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Pineapple Express, later Bridesmaids. Here in the UK the films I mentioned are shown regularly on TV, as far as I know Dewey hasn't been on for years. Why I wonder.
Of course a film flopping at the box office doesn't mean it is bad, though Dewey Cox isn't in the same league as Donnie Darko, Fight Club and Shawshank which still remain popular to this day and which have probably accrued a considerable amount of money over the years. It is a bad film in my eyes, which is my opinion, but I'm sure I'm not the only one with that opinion. Other people will like it, good luck to 'em.