Her Full Potential

I hope she reaches it in movies.
She did great in Walk Hard but hasn't had too many funny movie roles besides that.
Slither and blades of glory weren't bad and the giant mechanical man was good but her timing and delivery in walk hard is unmatched even when compared to the office.
I just hope her best days aren't behind her.


For me she did her best work in The Office. Of the movies I have seen I have been less than impressed. Her best film was Blades of Glory though she did play second fiddle to Will Ferrel and Jon Heder. Her performance in Dewey Cox was awful, but then so was the film. Slither she was OK but again the film was terrible. TGMM was lacklustre as many Indie films are nowadays and so barely got released. Most of the films she appeared in were either box office failures or didn't get a cinema release. So I can't really see her making any headway in films as a result. That's no bad thing as TV appears to be her medium, and to be fair when she first came to LA her ambition was not to make films but to be in an ensemble show like Cheers. So at least she did achieve that ambition. As for films, not a chance.


So let me get this straight.
You think Blades of Glory is good(which it isn't bad) but Dewey Cox was awful?
Wow I have that as one of my best comedy films of all time.
I play music and watch music movies and I'm guessing you do neither?

Have you not seen any music biopics like Walk the Line with Joaquin Phoenix?
Or 'Ray' about Ray Charles with Jamie Foxx?
What about 'The Doors' with Val Kilmer back in the early 90's?
Or even Great Balls of Fire with Dennis Quaid?
Or freaking La Bamba?
What about the Buddy Holly Story?
This movie not only makes references which are hilarious to all of those films and more it also makes blatant references to other musicians such as the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the temptations, etc.


Yes Dewey Cox was awful and yes I do listen to music and yes I do watch music movies including all the ones you mentioned. The film does make references to many movies and other musicians and therein lies the problem. It tries to cram in as much as it can, a lot of it sketchily, the targets were too obvious as was the humour. Subtle it ain't. I did see the extended version and at times I got the impression that the director didn't like to shout cut. For example in the Beatles section it was funny for the first 20 seconds, but the it just went on an on and on. My main problem was with John C Reilly, who is a great character actor but comedy is not his forte, who would take a joke and hammer it into the ground and then stomp on it. It was no great surprise when I learn't that he got the job because he could sing, unlike say Will Ferrel who would have made a better choice, and as I mentioned Jenna was hopeless. The film was one of the few films Judd Apatow was involved with that failed at the box office, and I can understand why. You didn't mention the greatest and funniest music film ever made, This Is Spinal Tap, now that's how to do it properly.


I just can't believe it.
So I must know what your favorite comedies are now if you don't like that but blades of glory is okay.
Mine in no order are:
Topic thunder
The Other Guys
Walk hard
Bad Santa
21 jump street
The hangover even though the sequels ruined it.
Dazed and confused
Fast times
Super troopers
Team America world police
The blues brothers
Almost anything will ferrel
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Napoleon dynamite
Office space
We're the Miller's
Pineapple express
Pitch perfect
Guardians of the galaxy
Animal house
Anchorman firsst one
The history of future folk
Eastbound and down(not a movie)
And a lot more I can't think of right now.


As we are in Judd Apatow territory

Knocked Up

Pineapple Express

These two films show JA had finally moved out of the frat house and into the adult world. Why he would take several steps back with Dewey Cox is a mystery. It was probably to throw a bone to his old audience who couldn't take all that baby stuff in KU.

And not forgetting This Is Spinal Tap, a hoot and a half. 


Knocked up was only the second movie he directed.
What frat boy days are you talking about?
Also with the cult following that walk hard has gotten since it's release I think a lot of people would disagree that it's a bad movie.


I meant films that JA was associated with, either as producer, director or writer. Many of his earlier works appealed to high school kids or frat boys, with Knocked Up he gained an more adult audience which was why it was such a huge world wide success. With Dewey Cox he lost that audience which is probably why it failed at the box office. I'm sure there are people who liked it and it's not unusual for bad films to get a cult following e.g. Showgirls or Plan 9 From Outer Space.


That's your opinion.
I don't think he lost any audience for any movie or work he did, not to mention he didn't even direct walk hard which directors take the most responsibility for how a movie turns out.

Just because it flopped at the box office doesn't make it a bad film and just because you don't like it doesn't make it a bad film, it's just your opinion, which you're entitled to.

Dazed And Confused barely scraped by it's budget which is considered a flop and that movie is nowhere near "bad".

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World barely got half it's budget back and that film is good.

Donnie Darko only got $514,000 on 4.5 Million Dollar budget.

Fight Club brought in $37 Million against a $63 Million budget.

The Shawshank Redemption only made its budget back.
