Tarantino hated him in TWBB
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shareAround the 07:15 mark
"Not that it was bad he's just not at the level or caliber of DDL"
What's wrong with that? He's not
Ok, I'm paraphrasing Quentin Tarantino: "if I had ONE criticism of the movie, it would be Paul Dano's performance. Not that he's bad, but..he's just not up there with DDL. They're supposed to be the main antagonists in this film. But its like Muhammed Ali compared to Johnny Doe."
Yep, that's what an aspiring actor wants to hear from one of the most influential and greatest directors around.
DDL has been acting a whole lot longer than Paul Dano. Who knows maybe Dano will be up there in years to come but he wasnt in this film. He did admirably in my view but we all have opinions don't we
Tarantino said his acting was fine, he played his part well, but he couldn't hold up opposite Daniel Day Lewis. A pretty far cry from saying he hated him in the movie, don't you think?
Hey its a little odd that you despise an actor, but to despise him so much that you make up stuff to slander him with...maybe you should take up a hobby. You ever golf? Just an idea...its easy enough to cheat, I think...=D
How old are you, 13? No, he doesn't literally say he hated it. He said it was fine, like Muhammad Ali compared to a random nobody. Which is the equivalent of saying it sucked balls. I think (as a non english person) it's called "reading between the lines".
shareyou're a degen
I hate Daniel Day-Lewis, in pretty much everything.
shareI feel like that's sacrilege or something because he's so revered, but I feel the same way.
shareHe prepared one year for Lincoln, to emulate his voice. In the end it sounds like Daniel Day Lewis playing a guy with a beard putting on a silly voice, so there's that effort. Insanely overrated actor, by others and by himself. A dead giveaway for me is the fact that he can't do comedic roles. Truly great actors can be both, tragic and funny.
Who cares what Tarantino thinks about anything? TWBB is one of the greatest movies of the new century.
sharei didn't like his acting either.
it was a lil much.