MovieChat Forums > Bradley Cooper Discussion > Comforting Will Smith after the slap

Comforting Will Smith after the slap

If you've seen video of the commercial break Bradley comes over and talks to Will, placing his hands on Will's shoulder. I'm curious as to what he actually said, and if he thought Will did the right thing.

Here is a picture of the moment:


I think he was saying "Sneak out to the men's room, buddy, and I'll help you relieve some of that tension...".


Or he said: "That was a brave thing of you to do".


Or "Never hit them in front of cameras!".


That is a good guess, although he seemed to be very supportive.


I'm sure he's telling him to remember the world is watching, and it's not the best place to act like a ghetto thug.


"You look like a giraffe".


The night was a little light on stars in general, and COVID still overhung the proceedings...the stars in the "front rows" weren't packed together but rather spread out (at tables?) So there were not too many stars around Will to have to deal with it.

Thanks to his nomination for MacBeth, Denzel was down there near Will Smith, which put a fellow African-American "in position" to take Will Smith aside after his outburst . And I believe that Tyler Perry came down to join the comfort session.

..which left Bradley Cooper (embarrassedly, I say) as the "nearest white star in proximity to the whole thing," so he had to get involved.

Cooper was down there representing two Oscar-nominated movies for which he personally had NOT been nominated -- Nightmare Alley and Licorice Pizza. Neither won anything(as I recall) but those two movies fatefully put Bradley Cooper in proximity to a historic Oscar event, and in the uncomfortable role of "the white guy in the middle of the fracas."

I'm sure he said something nice.


It looks like he's congratulating Will on his win


This was in the commercial break right after the slap. He hadn't won yet.


"Never go full retard!"
