Will Hillary Clinton run for President in 2020?
Will Hillary Clinton run a third time for president in 2020? I been hearing stories that she might be running for president in 2020.
shareWill Hillary Clinton run a third time for president in 2020? I been hearing stories that she might be running for president in 2020.
Will Crooked Hillary run for President in 2020?
On one hand I hope not, since she would be even worse than that arrogant, lying, narcissistic Socialist bo.
On the other I hope she does, so we can see her HUMILIATED again!
Btw, I predicted her defeat way back in 2007. I predicted (to anyone who would listen) that she would be the Democrat nominee for President in 2008, and that she would be defeated because she was the most hated woman in America (Apologies to Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters).
The Obama happened. I got the defeat part correct, just not the year.
I sue hope she does.
There is probably no doubt that she still wants the job. The only real question is "are the Democrats stupid enough to nominate her again?" I'm hoping they are.
Remember, this is a woman who accomplished the near impossible. She lost to Donald Trump, someone whose own party was plotting to dump him before the election! Someone who had extremely unfavorable polling. And someone who seemed to have a new scandal every day.
And she lost despite spending more than twice as much money as he did, having almost 100% of the media campaigning for her, and even getting 3 million more votes than Trump did!
Those are pretty impressive accomplishments! Any randomly selected Democrat governor or senator could probably have easily beaten Trump. It took a special kind of arrogance for Hillary to lose.
But I really think Hillary is way past her shelf life now. She has the stigma of being a two time loser, and has some serious health issues. And none of the Bernie Sanders folks actually wanted her. They just voted for her because they assumed Trump was worse.
So Hillary probably won't run again. Instead the Clinton Dynasty will set Chelsea up to carry the banner for the fake progressive movement. You know those people. They say one thing, then do the exact opposite.
Hillary is too dangerous to the well being of this nation to be given a third chance. Who knows what lows Hillary and her minions both inside and outside of the media would sink to so she could beat her opponent. I would hope people would be too smart to vote for Chelsea unless she can demonstrate a clear superior intellect and integrity. I am not saying Trump is the answer and am hoping a clear centrist Independent might be elected in 2020.
share Don't want to be too political here, but I hesitate to put Chelsea and "superior intellect and integrity" in the same sentence! lol From all of Ms. Clinton's interviews, I fail to see a whole lot of integrity. I do think if she had been raised by normal and moral parents that she might have turned out differently and not someone who feels entitled to everything wonderful. But she unfortunately grew up with a sense of Clinton entitlement and six figure jobs which she clearly did nothing to earn.
Vote for Chelsea? Uh, yeah maybe, many towns vote for coroner or dog catcher, so she stands a chance in those areas.
Here's hoping that Chelsea fades out of the public view. Too bad prison is not going to be a part of Hillary's or Chelsea's future. One strike against Trump as far as I am concerned.
shareI seriously doubt it. After getting beat by Donald Trump(!), I'd give up.