MovieChat Forums > Candace Cameron Bure Discussion > She contradicts herself on the submissiv...

She contradicts herself on the submissive thing

Ive seen interviews where she tries to explain what being submissive means...and im not sure I understand what she not sure she even knows what she means.

She says submissive means letting her husband make decisions for the family. Then turns around and says she is a strong opinionated woman and that her husband always consults her when making decisions,, how are you being submissive when your husband asks for your opinion?

If you were truly submissive, wouldnt you just go with whatever he says?

What if he said okay honey, i want to move to NYC. And she didnt want to move. If she voices her opinion then wouldnt that be not being submissive? Would she have to end up moving even if she truly didnt want to, just because her husband said to?

What if her husband decides he wants to invest a large chunk of their money into somethjng she knows wont work out...would she have to go along with it anyway if her husband demanded it?

If thats the case then seems like the male would have quite a bit of power over the females

I dont get it. Does she get it?

It sounded like she threw that submissive stuff out there to let conservatives know shes one of them..then got flack for it, so she backtracked and tried to put a positive strong woman spin on it,


That's the thing...people assume in a submissive christian marriage that it means women are treated like dirt and their opinions don't matter. Just not true. My husband and I are devout Christians and I consider myself as submissive too but my husband always discusses things and asks what I think but when the final decision has to be made its his whether it turns out good or bad. He gets the credit but also the blame. It's not as glorified a role as it may seem.


So if your husband decides to move across the country even though you dont want to leave your family, your life, etc youd have to go because he says so? Or if he invested all your money and lost it all even though you didnt want him to...then youd be ok with that?

I think resentment would arise after a while.

Not all husbands would do these things without consulting their wives first but im sure there are some that do things like this and walk all over their wives. That is not okay.

Big decisions should be decided on equally.


I agree . What alot of people don't keep in mind when it comes to the whole submissive wife roll (per the bible), is that the 2nd part of that is God's instruction to man on how to treat his wife and what kind of husband to be. If a man is truly Godly he would not make decisions in a bullying manner and expect his wife to go along with it.


Yea people tend to ignore the second half of that verse. It's sad that the only examples of submissiveness are women that are trampled on. Actually that's not submissiveness that's abuse, the two are different.
A submissive wife and her husband actually do work together, the husband respects his wife enough to listen to her opinion and thoughts. The wife respects her husband enough to let him make the final decision. All relationships I've seen 9 times out of 10 the husband usually ends up listening to the wife anyway lol. Most men want a partner and not a doormat, but he has to know ultimately the decision is his.
An abusive relationship is when the man totally ignores his wifes opinions thoughts and ideas and totally disrespects his wife.


All her kids have Russian names, so daddy must have significant influence!


So if a husband decides to invest all their money and the wife says no, the husband does it anyway because hes a man and its his final decision..and he loses all their money, the wife should just be ok with that??


All her kids have Russian names, so daddy must have significant influence!

that's what I keep on saying...why, are they all with Russian names.....why not good old American names...

oh I know that Valerie is a woman's name....I knew one, woman who was born and raised in Canada, (she recently died), but still....



Actually that's not submissiveness that's abuse, the two are different.

I do agree with you in saying they're different but I can see how the two can be confused both by participants and onlookers. There's a thin line, yes? I mean, submissive means he's "the boss" ultimately, even if he does take her opinions into account to whatever degree he sees fit... That could lead to a lot of negative things including physical "discipline." What if the wife steps out of line?? (lol, as a non-submissive, that phrase just makes me LOL.) Also, what are a wife's measures of recourse if her husband does get carried away with his dominance? I don't suppose she can divorce him...and I don't suppose she can call him out on his s h /t... because neither one of those things are very submissive.

You can see how us non-conformists are a little confused by this.

And no matter what, as someone else mentioned, it will inevitably lead to resentment. But do/think as you please #whatever 
