MovieChat Forums > Anita Bryant Discussion > No hate like Christian love.

No hate like Christian love.

When her own granddaughter came out as gay to her in 2021, Bryant reportedly told her that homosexuality is a delusion invented by the devil and if she focused on loving God she would realize she was straight, proving that after all these years, Anita hasn't learned a damn thing.


She's entitled to her opinion. She didn't disown her granddaughter, she just told her how she felt about homosexuality. At least she doesn't blow people up or run over them with a truck if they don't share her religion. It's a moot point now, anyway. She just joined Jesus.


Liberals are open-minded, so long as you share their opinions. Their pets can throw gays off of tall buildings, but let someone express an opinion in line with the Bible -- merely an opinion, mind -- and they get angry.


At least she doesn't blow people up or run over them with a truck if they don't share her religion.

Or shoot them in the back...


She didn't join Jesus because she broke her marriage vows taken in front of God when she divorced her husband. She was fired as Florida oranges spokeswoman for the same reason.

No one likes a sinner preaching to others about not sinning.


"proving that after all these years, Anita hasn't learned a damn thing." Hysterical! Anita didn't have to learn anything, she's entitled to her opinion, just as you are. Stop hating so much!


I'll hate her hate as much as I want.


Free speech means just that, not a man throwing a pie in a woman's face. That is assault.
Assault with a diabetic weapon.


That makes you nothing more than a hater. You're worse than she is because you seem to hate anyone that doesn't agree with you on anything. You just admitted she can't have a differing opinion. That's actually pretty sick, not to mention Communistic. I might not agree with her, but she is absolutely entitled to her opinion in a free society! People like you don't seem to understand that. Oh well, keep hating. See where it gets you.


stop spreading the truth


No, anyone can have their opinion on anything they want. I am also free to disagree with them. I don't know how it is in your country, but in America, we are free to express our opinions.

Hating people get me no where, duh. But I still feel free to express my opinions on anything I please.


Of course you're entitled to your opinion, we all are, that's a given!! However, there's a difference between sharing an opinion and rabidly, daily, constantly, creating posts intended to bash people you don't agree with. That's hate. Obsessive hate. There is a difference.

And that is my opinion.


Anita hated her own granddaughter. That's sad.


One may have an opinion different from somebody elses opinion, but that's not the same as insisting that something provably false must be right anyway.
Homosexuality being a delusion invented by the devil is simply false, provably false, scientifically false and I'm not even starting how wrong it is morally.
It's what religion does, breaking families apart by demanding that the belief in a provably non existing god shall be a higher value than family bonds.

Check the story of Kate Austin on YT
who has documented the whole story of her life (starting with the oldest videos she has on her channel), how she tried about anything to get along with her mother until she had to realize that her mothers religious belief was too strong to accept her daughter as she is.
She ended up locking her mother totally out of her life, moving to a new address the mother doesn't know and getting a new phone number, because up to that moment her mother just wouldn't stop bombarding her with religious BS.


Being LGTBQ is simply a genetic mutation/corruption. Yes I believe there is a gay gene and most gay people are born that way. Given the current cultural aggressiveness of promoting LGBTQ Some young people might be tempted to “identify” as such for social brownie points. And some are manipulated into it. That being said…a healthy society wouldn’t promote something evolution deemed a dead end. We don’t celebrate other genetic mutations/corruptions.

There’s no such thing as Myopia pride parade or a Sickle Cell Anemia Pride Month. Sure there is awareness for such genetic disorders…but to find cures and treatments. Not to celebrate them. We try to rectify every genetic mutation/corruption except one. One we celebrate like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.


I think the gay pride thing is what is responsible for the fact that killing people just because they are gay, is starting to be less fashionable.


Not in some parts of the world.


Yeah I know. I was speaking primarily of the USA.


Polls show people tiring of LGBTQ rubbing it in their faces.


Does "rubbing it in their faces" means simply existing in public and not hiding in the closet? How do you define the phrase?


More like this


So when the straights do this, they are not "rubbing it in their faces"? Why the double standard?


I think you have to be 18 to enter a strip club.


So why are you claiming that straight performers are limited to strip clubs and drag queens are not?


I haven’t seen kids in straight strip clubs.


I have not either. I was asking about why you think straight performers (of any kind) are limited to strip clubs.


You got things totally backwards.
Genetically everybody inherits their genes as a mix of their parents genes with a few random mutations and since almost all parents are hetero that means genetically everybody would be hetero, there is no "gay gene".
The part you're totally ignoring is the science fact that the brain develops independent from the body and whether or not the brains wiring matches a hetero orientation is a matter of plain random.
Furthermore there are several switches in the brain all independent from each other, all developping on random, leading to a wild spectrum, of gay, bi, trans and everything else in between.

For roughly 60% of all humans their genetic setup is dominant also for their sexual orientation meaning 60% of all people are genetically straight.
For the other 40% their brains wiring is dominant over their genes, they build a spectrum between 99.9% straight and 100% gay, depending how the switches in their brain developped.

This holds true not just for humans but for many other species as well.
Gay behavior has been observed in monkeys, sheep, goats, dolphins and other species, so reliable with the always same percentages that we can estimate it may exist in all species that have a brain, humans just don't have enough data and not many options to figure it out, about species like spiders or birds.
Many morally questionable attempts to eliminate homosexuality have been made in the past, i.e. by the Nazis, meaning we have enough data from that to be sure, even iffffff you could prevent all homosexuals from having children, make absolutely sure that only 100% straight people reproduce, the very next generation will again have 40% people on the very same spectrum, because their brains still develop independent from their bodies.

Evolution never had an advantage from eliminating homosexuality, because even if homosexuals would never reproduce the 60% straight plus the almost straight part of the other 40% produce far more offspring than required for the survivial of the species and that's why the combination of random mutations plus natural selection cannot eliminate it.

For human evolution in ancient history it's actually the opposite.
The Romans had figured out that nobody fights harder in a battle than a gay man who knows his partner is also in the battle and in danger of getting killed, they had entire legions of exclusively gay men, which led to the fact that gay men in Roman times had an evolutionary advantage over straight men in better chances of survival, but even that didn't change the relation between 60% genetically straight people and 40% on a spectrum.

The only way to eliminate homosexuality would be figuring out how those switches in the brain work in their interaction and develop brain surgery that can alter the brains wiring and if that becomes an option one day the moral question to answer will be: Who gets to decide whether to give priority to the genes or the brain and which part (if any) gets altered?
Forcing children into brain surgery would be highly immoral, especially because you would have to keep doing that for 40% of all people of all future generations.


May she rest in peace.

I may have to check out some of her albums.


As a self-proclaimed, deeply sincere conservative, you had to go pretty deep into ancient history of third tier celebrities to make your anti-religious liberty post

By the way, she’s absolutely beautiful in the picture for this page


I believe the person the OP hates the most is himself. Each time his username appears, it should come with a hazmat symbol beside it. He is insufferably toxic.


I’ve had some reasonable debates with him but he undermines his own credibility with his gaslighting insistence that he’s a devout anti-leftwing conservative. With the exception of 2A rights (as long as they’re not exercised by Kyle Rittenhouse that is), he just happens to have the most leftist-progressive talking points and hyperlinks immediately at hand for cut-and-pasting


I have tried once or twice, but I have to go with that funny George Bernard Shaw quote. "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."

I do not like vulgar language and unending hate.

I do appreciate your wise and fair posts.


Thanks, same to you. You never get into histrionics. You just make your point and defend it which I respect


In the case of Anita Bryant that's not a fair assessment. She projected herself as an ardent enemy of the gay community.

Yes, I support her free speech right to have done that. But don't expect everyone to sit idly by and not challenge her.

It's just not fair to call this thread "gaslighting".


I didn’t call the thread gaslighting. I said Ranb gaslights on MovieChat about being a devoted conservative.


Bryant may have been a third tier celebrity, but politically she was a formidable nemesis and stirred a good deal of hate against gay folks.

I'm not sure why you're attacking the OP. Conservatives can be against homophobia as well. Why are you questioning his sincerity?


I claim to be more conservative than Trump. I never used the words devout conservative or anti-left wing. Trump is not actually a conservative, unless you consider his pro-rape and anti-gun zealotry an example of conservatism.

What are these allegedly leftist-progressive talking points that you claim I am posting here?


She was a bad grandmother.
