Can you at least see that DeSantis is, too?
I give credit where it is due and he has done a decent job in FL, so yes, I certainly give him enough benefit of the doubt like I have done with “several others” including McCarthy; yet, here we are. At the end of the day, I'm more about "the policies" than someone's personal "imperfections" or getting sidetracked by been letdown to an unfinished and almost impossible task. Trump has proven himself while the powers and principalities of darkness and wickedness fought against him since before he became president.
And what was DeSantis's margin of victory when he did it on his own record.
But he didn’t do it on his own, he got where he is because of Trump, just like McCarthy and others.
Trump promised to drain the swamp and didn't. Now he's claiming it can all be done in six months. If so, why didn't he do it?
Are you seriously even complaining about that?! Considering what you know to be true.
He tried to or did you forget who actually “rules” this world?!...that’s right, it is not easy fighting the hordes of demons from every level and direction. Satan released his full might on this person for a reason; God is certainly not the one fighting against him. Please don’t be like the typical lefty or apostate that expects 100%-perfection from someone because of how they reflect on themselves or because they placed that person on some personal pedestal with such high hopes/regards/expectations that when they failed to meet some of them than they turn against that person.
About that twitter link/statement:
Culture wars is not going to fix rigged elections, cultural Marxism, or eliminate the Deepstate which is the one ultimately in control…keep in mind that the last two that even mentioned going after the DS were assassinated. The culture wars is only a small and selective aspect vs dozens of executive national/foreign policies that goes all the way to the global sector.
Oh, and remind me again as to who it was that open enough eyes to really kick-off the culture wars?!
Trump wants to claim credit for everything good and deny all the bad.
It is called focusing on the positive in order to continue moving forward to try and accomplish the “almost impossible against all hope” and not getting caught up on the negatives/setbacks/road-bumps.
At least he turned anti-vax. Trump never did
Please provide/demonstrate where/how there is any “official” admission that the vax was a failure that injured/killed thousands exposing all those responsible from top to bottom.
I have a post on this site with over a dozen articles, documentaries, and interviews from peer reviewed scientific medical papers of covid-vax death/injuries that contain 1151+ links about all that….none are official or approved by any government, CDC, WHO, WEF, Big-Pharma, mainstream media, etc.
Oh, and yeah, Trump actually tested positive for the Covid and he was vaccinated with the vax, so not only did his advisors/scientists deceive him with their knowledge/expertise/recommendations but the cherry on top was vaccinating him to seal the “convinced deal” to turn him from anti-vax to pro-vax…that was over two years ago and both he and his wife are still around without any negative effects from it. So, either they were given the “real” vax or something else as part of their deceptive schemes.
Ron only turned ati-vax to appease his voters/supporters and because they were giving him hell for it.
Ron did not test positive for covid, but he took the injection while promoting and praising it for at least an entire year. Here is another quote from him as a reminder:
It wasn’t so long ago that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was publicly singing the praises of Covid vaccines. “If you are vaccinated—fully vaccinated—the chance of you getting seriously ill or dying from Covid is effectively zero,” he said at a July 2021 press conference. “These vaccines are saving lives.”
LOL, trump was following the recommendations and onslaught of pressure from his advisors and the rest of TPTB. Ron had zero excuse for praising/promoting it; imagine how much weakness he will demonstrate when he is in executive position.
Ron doesn’t need to have a closet full of skeletons as they will simply convince him or present him with enough leverage or incentive and they will have zero defiance from Ron, he will happily go along much quicker and easier than he did when his voters/supporters gave him hell for the vax.
After all, he will already have executive powers so his voters/supporters will no longer matter. McCarthy is a perfect example of that. Levels of power/wealth changes some.