MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > The US debt Ceiling - Joe Biden won! Hug...

The US debt Ceiling - Joe Biden won! Huge win for him.

More money to Ukraine

Congress has approved a deal to raise the government's borrowing limit and prevent a potentially catastrophic default on US debt repayments.

The agreement passed the Senate on Thursday, a day after it passed the House of Representatives.

Once signed into law by President Joe Biden, it will allow the federal government to borrow money until after the next presidential election in November 2024.


And the US citizens lost.


A huge loss for us. We have to repay for generations. The banks win.


Do you really want your country to have a ridiculously large and still-growing national debt?

Best to pay it back sooner or later.


Do you even have a clue what’s going on?

Nothing is being paid back.


Debts should be paid back, you know. You never know when the bailiffs will call :)


This is frankly alarming! Why isn’t this addressed? Why arnt people speaking up? Things will become very expensive for us going forward with the exception of the Ashkenazi 1% 😢 by the people for the people! Yeah right!


Guess your Porsche will be repossessed by then.


I have 3 (911, Taycan CT4 & Cheyenne) fully paid so the cars are safe! I’m thinking more of the people I have employed, friends and fellow Americans.


You said us yet you mean them. I see socialist ideas are not your thing? Nice cars, BTW.


No one cares when dems are in charge. Just wait til Trump is President and they will be whining about reducing the national debt.


Biden wins the polls when he's up against Trump. Dems will vote against Trump, even though most of them don't want Biden to even run, let alone be President.

Trump is off in Magadonia, which is alarming to me -- not to you, because you drowned in that tank a long time ago. But even I will vote for the fellow who gave us the clotshots, who started us down the road to inflationary ruin with his stimulus checks, who totally OWNS "15 days to slow the spread" lockdowns that went on for years, because I'll be voting against whatever Democrat finally goes the distance. Biden may not even make it through the next two years.

But as much as I despise Democrat policies, that's how much Democrats despise Trump.

I want DeSantis, but I'll vote for Trump if I have to. You Trumpers are going to sulk and sit it out or do a write-in campaign rather than vote for DeSantis, thereby ensuring a Democrat victory. Only Trumpers are as stupid as Never Trumpers.


I hate to break it to you, but the Democrats are going to do “everything” in their power to prevent Trump or Ron from winning. If by some miraculous reason, Ron becomes the president, they will compromise him from head to toe just like the others.

All Ron has is “anti-wokeness” based on a fraction of conservatism; nothing else, at the end of day he will cave, appease, and compromise. When push comes to shove, he is just as weak and spineless as McCarthy and the rest of the house infested RINOs. As the current governor he is no concern or threat to the DS or the global powers since he has no executive powers.

Keep in mind that he only turned from pro-vax to anti-vax because he came under a little fire mainly by his supporters. In executive position, he will have true hellfire rain down on him from all directions to go along with whatever they command, he knows this which is why he also wants to maintain his governor status if he becomes president.

He became governor by a margin of 0.4% and that was only because Trump gave DeSantis' gubernatorial bid an early boost by tweeting his support even before DeSantis formally entered the race.

Ron: Thanks Don
Trump: For what?
Ron: For making it possible for me to become governor
Trump: Your Welcome

McCarthy: Thanks Don
Trump: For what?
McCarthy: For helping me become house speaker
Trump: Your Welcome


"I hate to break it to you, but the Democrats are going to do “everything” in their power to prevent Trump or Ron from winning."


"If by some miraculous reason, Ron becomes the president, they will compromise him from head to toe just like the others."

The joke on Twitter is that Trump is pulling what's left of his hair out because DeSantis doesn't have any skeletons in his closet. So Trump's making them up, and the Dems will make them up, too. RDS has a heckuva PR gal. Trump ridicules the two good ones he had.

Why the emphasis on "wokeness"? Please read all of this. It shows how it's all connected:

At least he turned anti-vax. Trump never did, whatever you say. All always remember how confused he looked when he introduced one of the people who helped him produce the clotshot during one of his rallies. People booed the man. Trump looked genuinely confused. To this day Trump is still bragging on himself for what will go down in history as one of the greatest atrocities committed on mankind.

Again, Trump promised to drain the swamp and didn't. Now he's claiming it can all be done in six months. If so, why didn't he do it?

And what was DeSantis's margin of victory when he did it on his own record.

I rest my case.

Trump wants to claim credit for everything good and deny all the bad. That isn't what leaders do. They realize when they were wrong and change course, then own up to it. The record is there for anyone with a memory that stretches back at least three years.

It's been fun, but I've beat my head against your brick wall all I'm going to. Want another lockdown? More clotshots? Trump didn't learn anything. Actually listen to him instead of believing he MUST have learned something. He didn't. He'd take us off the cliff again. I don't trust him.

But yes, he's better than Biden, that incredibly low bar. Can you at least see that DeSantis is, too?


Hate to break it to you, but the Republicans are doing “everything” in their power to prevent Trump from running.
The leaders of the party are afraid his baggage is going to bite them if he does.


Where? The Republicans on Fox are totally in the tank for him. I saw somewhere that the majority in both Houses of Congress wanted Trump. The Democrats are trying to make it impossible for him to physically run by insisting he be in court at crucial points during the race. But where are all these Republicans doing everything in their power to prevent Trump from running?


Can you at least see that DeSantis is, too?

I give credit where it is due and he has done a decent job in FL, so yes, I certainly give him enough benefit of the doubt like I have done with “several others” including McCarthy; yet, here we are. At the end of the day, I'm more about "the policies" than someone's personal "imperfections" or getting sidetracked by been letdown to an unfinished and almost impossible task. Trump has proven himself while the powers and principalities of darkness and wickedness fought against him since before he became president.

And what was DeSantis's margin of victory when he did it on his own record.

But he didn’t do it on his own, he got where he is because of Trump, just like McCarthy and others.

Trump promised to drain the swamp and didn't. Now he's claiming it can all be done in six months. If so, why didn't he do it?

Are you seriously even complaining about that?! Considering what you know to be true.
He tried to or did you forget who actually “rules” this world?!...that’s right, it is not easy fighting the hordes of demons from every level and direction. Satan released his full might on this person for a reason; God is certainly not the one fighting against him. Please don’t be like the typical lefty or apostate that expects 100%-perfection from someone because of how they reflect on themselves or because they placed that person on some personal pedestal with such high hopes/regards/expectations that when they failed to meet some of them than they turn against that person.

About that twitter link/statement:
Culture wars is not going to fix rigged elections, cultural Marxism, or eliminate the Deepstate which is the one ultimately in control…keep in mind that the last two that even mentioned going after the DS were assassinated. The culture wars is only a small and selective aspect vs dozens of executive national/foreign policies that goes all the way to the global sector.
Oh, and remind me again as to who it was that open enough eyes to really kick-off the culture wars?!

Trump wants to claim credit for everything good and deny all the bad.

It is called focusing on the positive in order to continue moving forward to try and accomplish the “almost impossible against all hope” and not getting caught up on the negatives/setbacks/road-bumps.

At least he turned anti-vax. Trump never did

Please provide/demonstrate where/how there is any “official” admission that the vax was a failure that injured/killed thousands exposing all those responsible from top to bottom.

I have a post on this site with over a dozen articles, documentaries, and interviews from peer reviewed scientific medical papers of covid-vax death/injuries that contain 1151+ links about all that….none are official or approved by any government, CDC, WHO, WEF, Big-Pharma, mainstream media, etc.

Oh, and yeah, Trump actually tested positive for the Covid and he was vaccinated with the vax, so not only did his advisors/scientists deceive him with their knowledge/expertise/recommendations but the cherry on top was vaccinating him to seal the “convinced deal” to turn him from anti-vax to pro-vax…that was over two years ago and both he and his wife are still around without any negative effects from it. So, either they were given the “real” vax or something else as part of their deceptive schemes.

Ron only turned ati-vax to appease his voters/supporters and because they were giving him hell for it.
Ron did not test positive for covid, but he took the injection while promoting and praising it for at least an entire year. Here is another quote from him as a reminder:
It wasn’t so long ago that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was publicly singing the praises of Covid vaccines. “If you are vaccinated—fully vaccinated—the chance of you getting seriously ill or dying from Covid is effectively zero,” he said at a July 2021 press conference. “These vaccines are saving lives.”

LOL, trump was following the recommendations and onslaught of pressure from his advisors and the rest of TPTB. Ron had zero excuse for praising/promoting it; imagine how much weakness he will demonstrate when he is in executive position.

Ron doesn’t need to have a closet full of skeletons as they will simply convince him or present him with enough leverage or incentive and they will have zero defiance from Ron, he will happily go along much quicker and easier than he did when his voters/supporters gave him hell for the vax.

After all, he will already have executive powers so his voters/supporters will no longer matter. McCarthy is a perfect example of that. Levels of power/wealth changes some.


The US most be doing amazing to send billions to Ukraine , poverty solved , strong border , we are so strong.


Hmmm…the debt ceiling is for money already spent (under Trump’s administration). Gotta pay the debt, no? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Gotta pay back those credit card bills, no? This didn’t create more spending money. It’s actually audacious that Republican spin is blaming Democrats for their own spending.

It’s one of those situations that Republicans will never bring up when the debt ceiling is raised when one of their own is holding office. The debt doesn’t actually matter to them until it’s convenient to matter to them (ex. A Democrat is in office, and actually cares enough to decrease it).


Why has your country allowed its national debt to get so high? If this were Victorian times, you'd be headed straight for Debtors' Prison, and you should.


How nice for him to steal more of our tax money and to continue the 50-year-old tradition of kicking the can down the road.
