MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > the DIFFERENCES between Liberals and Con...

the DIFFERENCES between Liberals and Conservatives!

LIBERALS think anyone in America should be given a chance to succeed, as we are "the land of opportunity" after all. CONSERVATIVES think only whites should be given a chance to succeed.

LIBERALS think everyone should have free speech, though that also means people should be criticized fairly. CONSERVATIVES think free speech means they should be able to say the n-word with a hard "r", that it's not fair that only black people can say it, and that they should be given special immunity to criticism. Criticism to a conservative is just a fancier word for "censorship".

LIBERALS want to protect the USA and help it grow and prosper into a nation that resembles most of the advanced world. CONSERVATIVES want the country to regress to the dark ages.

LIBERALS actually care about science, facts, and logic, and usually do alot of research into topics they're passionate about before speaking their mind. CONSERVATIVES claim to do the same, but then put all of their faith and trust into a fictional religious text with zero scientific evidence a single word of it is even slightly true.

LIBERALS are made up of all kinds of people, of all genders, of all backgrounds, of all shapes and sizes. CONSERVATIVES are fat white people who are still angry with their dads.

LIBERALS are talented in several facets. CONSERVATIVES can chug a beer in 5 seconds, waste their disability checks on gaming equipment, and are really talented at tailgating drivers in the slow lane instead of going around them.

LIBERALS actually care about who they vote for. CONSERVATIVES will vote for anyone who claims to be republican.

LIBERALS have a good grip on their emotions. CONSERVATIVES claim to "never be offended" but then get offended incredibly easily.

LIBERALS aren't offended by Jordan Peele, because they understand what he was saying when he said he wanted to tell more black stories. CONSERVATIVES think Jordan Peele hates white people.

LIBERALS care about their health. CONSERVATIVES care about how many lift kits they can add to their all-black truck, and/or how many gaming accessories they have to their shitty alienware gamer PC.


I think someone has been hitting the tequila a bit early today in their moms basement…..


IK, conservatives really need to leave the gaming PC in mommy's basement to venture outside more often...


While you are out in the street sniffing glue and trying to sell your body to middle aged men to raise enough money to buy more meth with. . . .


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Wow! Nice ploy trying to make liberals look like unhinged baboons.

Pssst... they don't need your help.



LIBERALS are open about hating people. CONSERVATIVES claim to have christian brotherly love, but then hate people even harder than liberals.


Doubling down! I love it!


Lol 😂. He's such a loser


aw poor snowfwake, cant handle criticism...where's your safeplace?




Loser. I doubt that you can even tell the difference between right and left.


Straight to my ignore list. You could have at least tried but oh my God...


oh no! you cant handle freedom of speech!
