MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > the worst president in usa history???

the worst president in usa history???

i think so! look at all the awful crimes this man has committed. he has stuttered on live television, made a dumb joke about hairy legs, dozed off during an interview, and looks like a typical 78-year-old man. wow, truly unspeakable horrors. no president has ever done anything worse than that. he should be publically flogged and quartered, and his corpse should be burned and sent to the bottom of the ocean for these unforgivable atrocities.


I think James Buchanan wants a word...


oh wow, somebody on this site that actually understands history! i am genuinely surprised. thank you for existing, interlops.


Likewise, e3e34ifj, likewise.


He never dosed off; that's a lie by the Fascists, tons of which are here on MC because they've been kicked off of other platforms. Actually he's one of the greatest, though we'll know better after his 2nd term. Lincoln 19th century, FDR 20th, and Biden 21st.


even if he did hypothetically dose off, isn't it funny how conserves genuinely want him impeached for that? but not what trump mocked and impersonated the disabled, or when trump suggested injecting disinfectant as a vaccine substitute?


Frustrating how they all are filling their own pockets with under the table deals and doing what they want while imposing rules on the masses and running the country into the ground for their own agenda. I'm not just talking about the USA. It seems power really does corrupt.


Try using correct grammar, buddy, I bet you're a Trumpet.


Sad how sarcasm escapes people so easily.


your a tuba.


Planet Earth


Joe doesn't do or say anything that isn't expedient to himself, his party, or his lunatic followers. He doesn't even try to hide the fact.

I can't believe a word he says; can't stand to see or hear him. He's not a good human being.


Sounds like you need a they have those at truck stops and construction sites?


I concur.


is Trump, followed by James Buchanan.


"the worst president in usa history???" That would be Fat Donnie Trump.
