Did he guaranteed a Republican President for the nxt term
It seems like him and his administration just hand delivered the next term to a Republican.
shareIt seems like him and his administration just hand delivered the next term to a Republican.
sharenope, media hides his fuckups, democrats are either too stupid or blind to see/accept the problems.
And if it comes to that (again) expect a lot of problems at the election.
oh , you mean you're going to start crying "Election fraud!" again if you dont win?
"I don't win" - I don't run for POTUS, i'm not a citizen. So no.
I don't care who wins or loses. But if you don't see the many problems that this past election had then you must be blind.
Was there fraud? I don't know. But give how many problems had been discovered I wouldn't be surprised, the signs are there.
The better question would be: why don't people like you want secure elections with zero problems and why do you insist in ignoring the facts??? Regardless of who wins the elections should be 100% safe.
There were no major problems except what Trump put in your head, you brainless piece of shit.
shareLearn to read you idiot.
And I don't care how "major" the problems can be. When you have a mirriad of smaller problems with a system that should have NO PROBLEM then ... we have a problem. But look at the audits, the Arizona one saying that 63% of the votes are not certain.
And again, it's idiots like you that minimize and refuse to see and try to solve that problem, and so giving bullets to the other idiots, the republicans. And why are you idiots doing so? What could be the reason in refusing to accept that the system has problems and should be improved? Maybe because it actually benefits you???
The simple fact that the democrats refuse to clear the air about the election should raise, for intelligent people, some questions. For idiots no, they only have certainties ...
you brainless piece of shit
LOL calling yourself Mensa is like North Korea calling itself a democratic republic. You are one brainless nincompoop
shareTrump had 11 million more votes than 2016, and won the sacred state of Ohio. Biden didn't "win" shit.
shareThere was election fraud and that’s comically ironic coming from the cult that bitched and moaned about fabricated Russia collusion for four straight years
shareThat is their strategy ... win or lose they will push the fake-new fake election agenda - probably forever. Republicans hate democracy and free elections. They hate schools. They hate non-billionaire Americans. They love stupid gullible people who swallow their lies and vote to hurt their own interests.
shareI don't know. A lot of the intelligent Democrats (I know, I know) are seeing the obvious. The only ones that don't are the low information voters, the abject morons and the suicidal, brainwashed leftists. They would prefer Armageddon to a Republican president.
shareYeah, but they will still not vote for a republican ...
I know a LOT of intelligent but brainwashed democrats that have been fed with ideology and narrative that can't even comprehend something different. Their whole moral system and values would crumble if they do that so they refuse to take anything into consideration ...
Exactly. Brainwashed, suicidal leftists.
shareA republican president is basically armageddon for democracy and the constitution.
Amazing how you posters completely ignore the news about Trump and his Eastman memo, and his call to Georgia and all the rest of it. You want him to be king already so that anything he does is legal. You are not Americans.
Probably Russians, or Eastern Europeans, maybe Chinese.
You are so lost. Your Democrat PINO (president in name only) IS Armageddon for democracy and the constitution. We are watching him and his puppeteers destroy our country in real time. Hopefully his (their) actions can be stopped and the damage he's done can be fixed before it's too late.
shareOh shut up .... the country if far from being destroyed, and if you actually cared instead of wanting that to happen, you would not be supporting a fascist revolutionary who is attacking the system outside of its procedures and laws.
shareI have a better idea, YOU shut up and move to one of the shitholes that embrace your fringe kook, country destroying values. I hear it's really nice in Venezuela.
shareI hope you're correct!
sharein a fair election , yes
shareLets hope so
shareIf the election is fair then Biden is toast, if we have the levels of election fraud as we had last time who knows.
shareMost Democrats would rather live in a third-world toilet than have Republican leadership. They have demonstrated this with their irrational anti-Trump campaign and their continued support of the crazy old puppet they installed to replace him. Employment, good prices in the stores, peace with other nations... None of this matters to the Demoncraps if it's a Republican calling the shots. Give them poverty and unemployment and threats from abroad as long as there's a Lefty in the White House.
shareThe thing is their policies won’t put them in a third world toilet , it will benefit them it will put us in a third world toilet. Demokkkrats don’t give a good fuck about the people they represent
shareMaybe their leadership will benefit, but the average Democrat-voting slob pretty much already lives in a 3rd world toilet. San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Detroit, Chicago, NYC... All in the toilet already about to be flushed.
shareYoure a dumbass
shareAnd you like living in a toilet as long as the water is Democrat Blue.
Nope. Hate the Dems and GOP equally. I support the Socialist Equality Party. What ekse ya got, big boy?
sharePft, I hate socialists, so fuck off.
shareApart from actually living in a socialist country and directly experiencing the horrors of socialism and "equality"?
Apart from reading most of socialist works? Except "Mein Kampf", maybe someday but I don't believe I will ever ...
Even Mussolini before forming the fascist party was an important member of the socialist party. I haven't read "his" book either but he said "If the nineteenth century was the century of the individual (liberalism implies individualism) we are free to believe that this is the "collective" century, and therefore the century of the State."
So which type of socialist are you? Sait-Simonianist? Marxist? Leninist? Trotskyist? Maoist? Juche? Fascist?
But I doubt that matters, they all have few elements in common: destruction of society, oppression of the citizens, dehumanization of the people, authoritarianism, "equality" (lol), "democratic" (rofl), "for the people" (lmao).
I'm a Trotskyist.
shareAnother authoritarian, like all socialists.
"‘Without the direct State support of the European proletariat, the working class of Russia cannot remain in power and convert its temporary domination into a lasting socialistic dictatorship,’ "
- Trotsky.
You socialists love to be dictators and decide other people life. As I said, I lived it. And there's been no equality and no democracy. And the workers did have a better life ... after we said goodbye to socialism and got back to communism. And hope to never get back to being led to the likes of you.
What "socialist" country did you live in?
shareI don't see the need to use quotes.
In the East European block.
The quotes are because whatever you say, you did not come from a socialist country, you came from a country that calls itself socialist, like the USSR.
shareHahaha, the "it was no true socialism, only what I say is socialism because I say it's socialism" stupid argument.
I heard it so many times.
But let's say that you're right, and that wasn't socialism (it was) - why would I believe that what YOU call "socialism" is actually ... socialism????
And what EXACTLY is socialism according to ... you, oh master that contradicts Lenin, Marx, Mao and all others??
But not answering a simple direct question ... ie. what country did you come from, is not a stupid argument.
And attacking my argument that countries call themselves whatever they want without regard for meaning.
Proof: Do you believe the "People's Republic of China" is a true Republic?
If you remove the BS from your comments, the lies, the name-calling and the distraction there would be nothing for me to respond to. Try to actually have a point.
So, first, what country did you come from? IF you think it was socialist, what policies lead you to believe that, and what policies do you not like?
is that to hard for you to field?
Well, you are telling me that my country was not socialist. I gave you a hint of my country, the Eastern Block, most countries had the same policies, being "led" by the USSR. Let's say it was USSR.
So first: tell me why do you think USSR was not socialist. (they did call themselves "socialist" and they did had the socialist policies (in case you don't know, the most important one- by the definition of socialism: "workers (community) own the means of production").
Reminder: "socialsm: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."
OK, not reading any more of your posts until you post the name of the country and why you think it was socialist and what policy you don't like about it.
Country on line one, or don't bother posting, I mean lying any more you time-wasting cretin.
When you start with name calling I just don't need to answer to you anymore. You lose.
So stop wasting my time, you have no idea what socialism is, hide under a rock you ignorant little bitch.
BTW, you can tell from the level of my English that it's not my native language you stupid bozo.
Any sane reasonable person reading this would conclude you are a time-wasting cretin.
shareOr you are, why would I give you any information on my background?
Look around the forum, I gave some to other idiots if you are that interested.
And as I said: it doesn't really matter the country, you would have no idea about it's organization prior to the fall of socialism anyway - or now. Or it's constitution. I bet that you can't even find it on the map without google you ignorant bozo (although that I told you that's in Eastern Europe, although you might not even know where Europe is ...)
But as an idea: straight from the constitution, prior to the socialism fall: "Socialist property over the means of production is either state property - over goods belonging to the whole people, or cooperative property - over goods belonging to each cooperative organization."
And I'm done with idiots like you. bye
Any sane reasonable person reading this would conclude you are a time-wasting cretin.
Hahaha. You make me laugh.
Anyway, I even presented evidence from the constitution.
You have presented NOTHING but adhominems.
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
- Socrates.
PS: I wish there was a way to block imbeciles on this forum ...
Any sane reasonable person reading this would conclude you are a time-wasting cretin.
shareAny sane reasonable person reading this would conclude you are a time-wasting cretin.
shareAny sane reasonable person reading this would conclude you are a time-wasting childish cretin.
Any sane reasonable person reading this would conclude you are a time-wasting childish cretin.
Really? Said the one that doesn't do ANYTHING else but adhominems and repeating an idiotic phrase.
I was just showing you how dumb you are, and childish - as you realized. Glad you learned something.
Imagine sucking off the GOP when you don't even live in America. At least dumbass conservatives in the US have an excuse, as they've been indoctrinated in their nonsense their whole lives. But you as an outsider sucking off a political party which doesn't actually govern you?
And no, I'm not a Democrat so don't come at me with whatever BS responses you have pre-made
1. I live in the USA now. You fail. Sit down.
2. Are you that stupid as to understand that I support the GOP when I say that I hate socialism???
Gee, are you THAT dumb???? NOBODY can be THAT dumb.
I think you confuse Socialism with Communism... You could say hardcore Socialism comes close to communism... but there will always be that difference that in Communism all economic resources are publicly owned and controlled by the government. Individuals hold no personal property or assets, and in Socialism you can own private property...
I would also like to know what country you are from as it is interesting to known what country your are from... when you claim to have lived in a socialist country?
I am from Denmark a country some people also claim are a socialist country... but even though we have a lot of socialist inspired aspects in our sociaty... free health care, free education etc., we also have a very large private sector...
Nope, I don't confuse anything.
Hint: NO country ever has reached communism. There is no country in which private property has been abolished completely.
We were even able to have some subsistence farming on small patches of land that we owned. We bought and owned our houses.
We were paid for the jobs we did ("To each according to his contribution"), never was there a "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" principle applied.
So even if you take this 2 differences (distribution and private ownership not abolished) should be clear for you that it was NOT communism. As I said, there is no country on this planet that can be called "communism".
Denmark is not socialist, people that say that it's socialist confuse social services with socialism, social democracy (specially the third way - which is the most common now) with socialism, welfare capitalism with socialism.
And really it doesn't matter what country I'm from. The whole eastern block was governed by the same economic principles, with small differences.
Socialism comes in many shapes and believe me there have been communist states... Socialism should also come with free democratic elections and many countries do not have that... So maybe what you are talking about is something between communism and socialism...
And as I said Denmark are not real socialist state but we do have many socialist ideas and principels in our sociaty's structure...
Don't you like free health care and education for everybody?
"Don't you like free health care and education for everybody?" yeah, but socialism DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING to do with it ... they had public, free health care under the Roman Empire, before any idea of socialism have even been coined. Those are social services and would be normal to be provided for the citizens, up to a level.
"there have been communist states" ok: list them.
"Socialism should also come with free democratic elections and many countries do not have that..." - nope, that's not true. Socialism is the antithesis of democracy because if people can really vote they will not vote socialism - why would ANYONE vote to be stripped of his property, business, work???
Plus even Marx (and Lenin) calls socialism "the dictatorship or the proletariat".
"So maybe what you are talking about is something between communism and socialism..." or maybe you don't know what you're talking about ;)
Well, we agree on something: Denmark is not socialist. And what you call "socialist strctures and principles" are not socialist, they had been present in human societies since prehistoric times. And what's even more interesting that they had been introduced into the modern Europe by a capitalist: Otto von Bismark.
Look, i gave you definitions and texts. Now it's your time to give back some textbook definitions that make you say what you say.
And examples. Like "that state was communist because and because".
And let's start simple: as I said - list the states that you think that they were/are communist.
Then list the differences between socialism and communism and associate them with the states that you listed. Wanna play? :D
""Socialism" is public ownership or control of the means of production. "Means of production" refers primarily to tools: factories, machines, perhaps large plots of land... anything that is too large to be controlled by a single individual except in the case of vast wealth disparity, and where that wealth disparity would be used under a capitalist economy to ensure that the workers who operate the means of production receive only minimal compensation for it. Under a socialist economy, public control of the means of production means that profits from the means of production are shared with the workers rather than with the owners (since the workers are the owners).
"Social programs" are a collective action by the government to ensure that certain basic needs are met. It's widely thought that the existence of an underclass leads to general social unrest, and from there to a bad economy. They thus benefit everybody, perhaps especially those with the most wealth, since they have the most to lose from a government that falters under public unrest. The risk of free riding makes this a legitimate government enterprise.
In other words... the two have practically nothing to do with one another, and people who scream about the former whenever they see the latter have nothing to contribute."
You are probably right that if you take the hardcore definition of communism (as described by Marx) then no countries have ever lived up to that (Maybe North Korea came close at some point)... but then again what you define as socialism isn't real socialism... you said you grew up in the eastern block... and lived under a socialist regime... sorry to tell you but you didn't... you lived in a country (even though you won't tell me which country) which mixed ideas from both communism and socialism to create the structure of your sociaty...
True socialism comes with a government chosen by a free election (power to the people)... so even though you won't acknowledge it... free elections is a core part of true socialism...
which is why when you write this:
Socialism is the antithesis of democracy because if people can really vote they will not vote socialism
It shows exactly where you come from and why you don't understand what socialism is... you project your simplistic view on socialism and then decide that no one would vote for socialism...
From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution.
Individuals own personal property but all industrial and production capacity is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government.
Production is intended to meet individual and societal needs and distributed according to individual ability and contribution.
Classes exist but differences are diminished. It is possible for some people to earn more than others.
Freedom of religion is allowed.
You are 100% wrong in your assertions. Read Marx on what he is saying about socialism.
Look at all socialist states: ALL have ditched true democratic elections because people don't want socialism, whatever you think. They might vote for it due to being ignorant of what socialism is, like you, but then they will vote out.
"True socialism comes with a government chosen by a free election (power to the people)... so even though you won't acknowledge it... free elections is a core part of true socialism..." - this is NOT true.
What Marx says:
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - and he sees the coming of socialism only being possible through a revolution.
“The class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat.”.
"You are probably right that if you take the hardcore definition of communism (as described by Marx) then no countries have ever lived up to that (Maybe North Korea came close at some point)... " finally you start to realize some things.
"but then again what you define as socialism isn't real socialism... you said you grew up in the eastern block... and lived under a socialist regime... sorry to tell you but you didn't... you lived in a country (even though you won't tell me which country) which mixed ideas from both communism and socialism to create the structure of your sociaty..."
Nope, no communism there. And it's funny that only what YOU define as socialist is socialist, but without defining your definition of socialism ...
I asked you to list the differences between socialism and communism and pick a "communist" state of your choice and we can see if ANY of the communist ideas had been implemented in that state.
But you deflect and don't want to specifically pick one because you know that your arguments don't hold when faced with reality.
If you take these:
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution.
Individuals own personal property but all industrial and production capacity is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government.
Production is intended to meet individual and societal needs and distributed according to individual ability and contribution.
Classes exist but differences are diminished. It is possible for some people to earn more than others.
Freedom of religion is allowed."
You will see that all socialist states (that you call "communist") have implemented exactly those ideas. USSR, PRC, NK, Cuba, etc.
They even faked the "democratically elected government". In case you didn't know all these states had elections, "democratic" elections.
But, first of all, how can it be "democratic" when you are forced to elect between ... socialism and socialism?? That is no democracy when you vote only for the face but not for ideas. Even the simple fact that it's a single party "democracy" makes it undemocratic ...
And second, as Stalin said (according to his secretary memoirs): It doesn't matter who votes but who counts the votes". That is "democratic socialism" lol. And yes, most of those countries even had "democratic" in their names, like "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" and it's even in their constitution:
"All the State organs in the DPRK are formed and function on the principle of
democratic centralism"
"The State shall adhere to the class line, strengthen the dictatorship of people’s
democracy and firmly defend the people’s power and socialist system against all
subversive acts of hostile elements at home and abroad."
"The DPRK shall champion the democratic, national rights of Koreans overseas and
their rights recognized by the international law."
"The State shall firmly adhere to the principle of properly combining political
guidance with economic and technical guidance, the unified guidance of the State
with the creativity of each unit, monolithic leadership with democracy, political and
moral incentives with material incentives in the guidance and management of the
socialist economy."
Democracy my ass, although it's full of "democratic".
It's simple:
if you have democracy and freedom you cannot have socialism. Period.
If you have socialism you cannot have democracy and freedom. Period. Even if you just take into consideration that you don't really have a choice (no democracy) and that you are not allowed to have a personal business (no freedom).
And another thing: the only situations in which organizations that use a socialist structure are somehow successful is capitalism and democracy: in which people are allowed to form a "socialist organization" like mondragon - based on voluntary agreements.
So because a country uses Democratic in their name it is a democracy???
All the countries you name do not have free elections... that say they do but we all know they don't... so just by that mere fact they are not a real socialist state... they a basically dictatorships hiding behind communism and socialism... but not adhering to basic socialist principles...
Of course you can have free elections and you are exactly right this could mean that the socialist party loses its majority and therefore must give up power that is what a democracy is... and if you are a true socialist you will accept this... the people have spoken and the majority decides the leaders in a democracy... And you will then keep fighting for your socialist agende through the democracy...
We have a couple socialist parties in Denmark and they support free elections... they will probably never get enough votes so they get enough power to turn Denmark in to a true socialist state (which is good)... but they do fight for the little man... the sick, the unemployed, for equal rights and so on...
The funny thing is that I am not a socialist... I just think it is funny that you think socialism is what we have seen in the countries you mention... they are all dictatorships which have used some socialist ideas... but have really neglected most of the basic principles...
You can keep going about Marx and Lenin... but as soon as you have a dictorship who shares and decides over the wealth it is not really a socialist state anymore... as you suddenly have an upper class which is what socialism is really against...
You are right that true socialism will never work in a modern democratic sociaty... Capitalism has taken a hold of the common man... but that doesn't mean that socialism is bad... A Dictatorship is bad... But a mix of capitalisn and socialism which we have in Denmark is a good middle ground...
I keep going over Marx and Lenin because they are the "founders" on what is mostly accepted as being socialism today. There are other forms which are even worse (like fascism or nazism) but still retain the authoritarian part. And thing is: everywhere were socialism survived for a long time it neede the authoritarian part to survive. UK voted socialists in 48, for the first and last time. French experienced some socialist ideas in the 70's, ditched them pretty fast. Because socialism cannot survive in a democracy.
Again, about Denmark: that's not a mix of socialism and capitalism, it's capitalism with social services and welfare. Totally different things. But well, you can call it however you like, that doesn't mean you're right.
Again it is not pure capitalism in Denmark as that would mean no public sector as everything would be privatized...
We have a very large public sector in Denmark and pay some of the highest taxes in the world... This is very far from classic capitalistic views...
And now you mention Socialism in the same sentence as Fascism and Nazism... which really shows me how screwed up your understanding of Socialism really is.
As I said earlier pure Socialism would never work in our modern sociaty... but that doesn't mean that certain aspects of Socialism isn't very usuful... the same way that Capitalism in its purest form wouldn't be very successful either...
It's accepted that nazism and fascism are forms of ... socialism. Read a book. You can start with
"Again it is not pure capitalism in Denmark as that would mean no public sector as everything would be privatized..."
That's not what capitalism means. Read a book.
"We have a very large public sector in Denmark and pay some of the highest taxes in the world... This is very far from classic capitalistic views..."
Again, read a book, the amount of taxes is not anticapitalist or socialist.
IN socialism you don't need to pay taxes since the state owns everything that's production or generates wealth anyway. In socialism taxes are just ... fake taxes.
"but that doesn't mean that certain aspects of Socialism isn't very usuful" yeah, with the caveat that those are not "aspects of socialism".
I have read many books but I begin to wonder if you have, because your ignorance is astounding...
What you think is Socialism is actually Marxsism and the 2 are not the same:
And it is not accepted that Nazism and Fascism are forms of Socialism:
And please find one capitalist party in the world who wants high taxes and a large public sector... I dare you?
Again I recommend you read a book instead of finding your information on the Flat Earthers FB forum...
Socialism has many forms but Marxism is the most common accepted and used forms.
Nazism and fascism are closely to Saint Simon form of socialism than Marxism but they are still socialist.
Mussolini, the founder of fascism, was an important member of the Italian Socialist party before founding the fascist party.
Fascist and socialist parties were competing for the same electorate.
"Economic fascism is a variety of socialism — individual rights may be routinely suppressed in the name of “social justice,” “national greatness” or some other utopian ideal. The Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises pointed out that “the economic program of Italian Fascism did not differ from the program of British Guild Socialism as propagated by the most eminent British and European socialists.” See, for example, Sidney and Beatrice Webb’s A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain (1920)."
Just gave you the 25 points of the nazi party, some of them are purely socialist.
You can call that "propaganda" but that's what socialism is/was everywhere it was implemented. All propaganda and lies, at the core of EVERY socialist/fascism/nazi state ever formed.
Just as yours.
And I stop here, I'm tired of socialists lies, redefinitions and propaganda.
Have a great day.
You have lost the plot... So Socialism is propaganda??? Socialism is a Philosophy...
Sure socialist ideas has been used in propagande to convince workers to join the cause for example by the Nazis...
But Facsism and Nazism has almost nothing in common with Socialism they are mostly the exact opposite...
I now you even admit it... Socialism was used as propagande so real socialism was never implemented and probably never even intended in the countries you previously mentioned and thereby even the country you grew up in was not really socialist...
The Socialism I am talking about can be quickly explained:
Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and democratic control, such as workers' self-management of enterprises. ... Social ownership can be public, collective, cooperative, or of equity.
If you think what the Nazis did was Socialism then I understand why you don't like it;-)
Lol, i told you i lived in a socialist country, not in nazi Germany.
"Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and democratic control, such as workers' self-management of enterprises. ... Social ownership can be public, collective, cooperative, or of equity."
That was USSR. That was my country. That was China. That is Cuba. They all pretended to be ... democratic.
And still you don't accept it.
But I understand you, you are very confused :D
But you did not... you just said socialism is propaganda... meaning what you experienced was not socialism... you words not mine:-)
And you still won't tell which country... what are you hiding?
What I experienced is socialism exactly because socialism IS propaganda ;)
Real socialism doesn't exist. Cannot work and cannot exist. It's a fantasy utopia.
The country I lived in is irrelevant.
Why are you so keen to defend a failed system???
I am not defending a failed system and am defending what socialism is... and not what you think it is...
What you experienced in your country has nothing to do with what socialism is about...
Did you for example live in a democracy with free elections? I would assume you didn't...
Socialism is a philosophy the works within a democracy... where you accept the outcome of an election because you respect peoples right to choose...
You will fight to limit the private sector... and work towards a large influential public sector... which will work for equal rights and oppotunities for all... no matter your race, religion, sexual orientation etc.
I am pretty sure the above was not something you experienced in the country you grew up in?
What you describe is not socialism.
It's your image of how socialism should be.
Socialism DOESN'T allow, by definition, a private sector. That's one part that you're missing, and it's from the definition you quoted. Read it again, and again, and again.
Maybe someday you'll understand. I doubt it, since you have your idyllic but incorrect image of socialism that you are stuck with ;)
Funny you don't reply to any of my question?
But now focus on the private sector... As I have said before socialism in it purest form doesn't fit modern sociaty... And most modern socialist accept the private sector even though they will work to limit it's influence and strengthen the public sector... You try to make it black and white but it isn't... socialist argue among themselves on how far they should go in limiting the private sector and you can definitely find socialist that wants no private sector but most accept that it is part of modern sociaty...
It's not me that argues that socialism is not socialism ... because you say so.
No you're arguing on how much capitalism should be in socialism ... hahaha.
If there is capitalism in socialism than that it's not ... socialism. By definition. By YOUR definition.
The thing with socialism is easy: you either have public ownership (socialism) or you don't.
That's all. If you don't have public ownership of the means of production then it is NOT socialism. Period.
You still haven't answered my previous questions?
shareWhat questions?
Did i live in a country with elections? Of course. And socialists had won those elections and after that the same person has won elections over and over. Free? Of course not. And no one would allow "free" elections in a socialist society. Even for the sole reason that if people chose to not be socialists ... everything falls down. So you CANNOT have socialism and free elections in the same society.
It's debatable how "free" are the elections in any society, including capitalism.
If you don't realize why ... sorry for you.
We do have free elections in Denmark... but I can see you have lost all faith in politicians after 4 years with Trump... And I can understand that
shareEven your definition clearly state that:
1) public ownership is the first condition
2) the control of those assets is done democratically.
So you CANNOT choose not be socialist anymore, you CANNOT say "we want private property" because then it plainly stops to be socialist.
So democracy (real democracy) and socialism are incompatible.
I think you have been brainwashed... Socialism is a philoshophy about how the sociaty should function... it is not a dictatorship... As soon as if becomes that... the country doesn't function after basic socialist principles... so of course if can function in a democracy... if you are a real socialist... you accept the voice of the people... You are right that in a modern democratic sociaty, you will never have a full socialistic sociaty... because the would never get enough votes, as well as you will never have a completely liberal, conservative or capitalistic sociaty... that is what being in a democracy means...
shareAnd please find one capitalist party in the world who wants high taxes and a large public sector... I dare you?
I don't think you know what high taxes and a large public sector is... if you think that is what the Democrats want... maybe Bernie but he is not really a Democrat and definitely not a Capitalist...
shareYou didn't define "high taxes and large public sector". The Democrats want to raise taxes and they also want bigger government.
The people who oppose this want taxes to be lower and government to be smaller. They consider what the Democrats want, to be high and large.
Fair enough... and that is a valid point...
shareAny fair election will yield a Democratic victory, unless it is in a very few hot Red districts. There are less Republicans than Democrats, and less people who buy the Republican agenda, that is the whole reason Republicans have to lie, cheat and bribe and corrupt their way in elections.
shareThen how come the democrats are opposing to making the elections more secure and problem free? So make it 100% fair. I would expect someone that has a 100% chance to win a fair election to fight to make it secure and if there are problems to be the first to investigate and make sure it doesn't happen again ...
If I would win an election and someone would say "hey, we found these problems, we don't think it was a fair and secure election" I would say "ok, let's investigate and clean this up". The democrats are doing the opposite, are trying to block ANY investigation. That to me is very dishonest.
> Then how come the democrats are opposing to making the elections more secure and problem free?
Why do you believe that?
There are plenty of Democrats including me that think Voter ID is fine. It is a question of how to implement it fairly. Republicans just want to push voter ID because they see it as a way to reduce Democratic votes. Because they do not agree to compromise with Democrats on how to do it. Republicans want to build in an advantage for Republican votes ... in other word cheat. That goes along with all the other changes Republicans are pushing for, and the lies that the Biden victory was somehow rigged.
Maybe open your eyes - they did investigate, in fact Republican partisan group investigated the election in AZ, and more Biden votes were found and less Trump votes. There is no election fraud - it is more lies.
When one party has to scheme, cheat and lie ... that is a threat to this country. It is all coming from Republicans. If there is some element of Democratic fraud it is insignificantly small. Every time they investigate - there is no voter fraud found.
"Why do you believe that?"
Because I saw it happening. And in this case when I say democrats I don't mean democrat supporters but the ones in power, party, senators, etc.
"There are plenty of Democrats including me that think Voter ID is fine."
The opposite can be said about the democrats, that they DON'T want the voter ID because that would limit the possibilities for fraud.
> The opposite can be said about the democrats, that they DON'T want the voter ID because that would limit the possibilities for fraud.
No Democrats think that way, it is another pure Republican lying point.
On the other hand there are plenty of actual public quotes where high ranking Republicans have said - if we have honest elections and everyone voted another Republican would never be elected.
Ok let's make it fair... everybody 18 and older gets to vote without having to register... and we shut down the electorial college so each vote counts... What do you think the Republicans think about those ideas?
shareI don't care what republicans think about those ideas.
I can tell what I think about those ideas:
1. Yes, everyone that's 18y years old and a citizen (and can prove that - id) should be able to vote. No registration required.
2. Sure, if you change the federal status of the USA and you change it from a federation of states (United states, rings a bell???) and you have one single state then yeah, there is no need for the electoral college. Would I agree with that? Well, maybe, but it's not up to me, it's up to the states that form the USA. As long as you have states that govern themselves and insist on having "independence" from the federal government in a lot of areas then ... the electoral college is needed. Might be anachronic but it's how it works.
Nice try kid but there was definite voter fraud in 2020, dead people did vote for Joe Biden and this is why the libtards are so opposed to common sense voter integrity laws, they know it will lose them votes. Your cult however of course told you lies about how common sense voter integrity laws are somehow racist or whatever
shareNot one case of fraud votes for Biden.
There were a couple in favor of Trump.
But not matter .... there are insignificant cases even if there were one or two. One or two crazy people trying to vote twice does not change a national election with tens of millions of votes. You know that, yet you lie anyway. That is the basic character defect in almost all the current crop of Republicans. You are liars and criminals trying to seize power in a democracy with lies and corruption.
You are lying once again, there are actual documented cases of dead people voting for Biden, not to mention in several key swing states they just stopped counting in the middle of the night then in the morning they all of a sudden discovered hundreds of thousands of ballots and 100% of them were for Joe Biden. You are living under the rock your cult forced you under if you actually believe this bullshit. If the DemoKKKrats were so confident that the election was fair they would be explaining to people in a calm, rational manner why it was fair rather than calling them “conspiracy theorist”, and kicking them off of social media. Sounds like they have a lot to hide.
Also it’s quite odd that you are calling me a Republican as I have said multiple times that I am an independent, I don’t care about either political party, I just call it like it is which means I am a great source of the objective truth.
The DemoKKKrats are a bunch of fascist, corrupt scumbags trying to run this country into the toilet all so it benefits them. They don’t give a good fuck about you, me or anyone else who makes tough choices and works for a living and respects the law. You’ve been duped by a lie and I feel sorry for you. (Almost)
Please, show me where this is a documented case of dead people voting or any other voter fraud?
If that was true, why was President Trump's commission on voter fraud headed by Chris Koback unable to come up with a single documented case of voter fraud and disbanded.
Curious isn't it? Or maybe there are just tons of KKK/Nazi liars like you out there trying to make a big lie that every ones is false stick.
I am really surprised at the number of Fascist lying trolls there are here on MovieChat willing to waste time and show how dishonest they are in public just to fill the site with hate, lies and noise.
I want to discuss movies here, but you brownshirt thugs ruin that experience for everyone.
Here you go kid. Your second paragraph is irrelevant because there was voter fraud. Whether it was proven if it affected the outcome is a different matter, we don’t know if it affected the outcome because the Demokkkrats are undermining any attempt to take a closer look at the election results. Clearly there is something in there they don’t want us to see. Your cult leader Biden even promised a new era of transparency which is clearly a lie. If they were so confident in the results they wouldn’t so passionately oppose common sense voter integrity laws either. You are very confused in this matter.
I’m not the KKK again I am an unbiased , objective observer who is just calling it like it is. Your cult keeps acting more and more like the KKK and Nazis every day it seems.
If you want to see a fascist lying troll just take a good hard look in the mirror numb nuts. You just described yourself.
Your cult is corrupt and evil, I hope one day you have the moral strength to get out but right now it’s not looking too good.
Literally no one is forcing you to respond to me and there is even an ignore feature, you’re just an attention whore which is why you don’t use it. Clearly mommy and daddy didn’t give you the attention that you are so desperately seeking from me, it’s quite disturbing
Your cult is a threat to democracy and our nation as a whole, you people need serious help.
If you actually had a serious point you would not need all the stupid talk about mommy and daddy. Tucker Carlson? The guy is about the worst of the Right-Wing liars, and you take his opinion piece over your hero Trump's own commission on voter fraud. Shows you are major wacko.
The list of stories on this is almost endless ....
Lol and there you are attacking the source rather than the information. And your fact checkers aren’t fact checked they are just acolytes for the demokkkrat cult masquerading as objective sources. It’s been proven there was voter fraud, you are asserting that I asserted that it changed the election results which I never said. We need a bipartisan commission to do a serious investigation into the 2020 election but the Demokkkrats are against it because they are clearly scared about what we might find. Your cult leaders Biden, harris, Pelosi , Schumer, etc all belong in federal prison as well for inciting riots and insurrections all throughout 2020 but your cult will never hold them responsible
Edit; most of your sources are far left radicals which aren’t reliable btw, Tucker is for the most part fair and balanced as I am.
Lol and there you are attacking the source rather than the information.
Your source is considered fiction by sane people.
And I like mailing my ballots in. Who the hell wants to go back to standing in that dumb line catching other people's germs?
My source is fair and balanced, and the fact that you discard everything by Tucker Carlson as false just shows your blatant bias. Your cult probably told you that anything objective is a lie.
Your cult only wants mail in ballots because it will be easier to cheat. That’s also why they are against common sense voter ID laws and call them “Jim Crow 2” which is such a pathetic lie. It’s all a fraud and you are dumb enough to fall for it.
For your sake, please learn English before posting here.
shareI only hope so. There will be a special in hell for him when he's removed from office.
shareIf anything did in fact guarantee a Republican President is was the purging of the Republican party of honest election officials and the candidates for the House - by means of money, and the passing of redistricting rules and changing the election laws back to pre-voting rights corruption. I hope it doesn't work, but none of it bounces back on anything Joe did.
shareAll he promises is that next year will cost you more than this year.