Plain and simple.
shareHero? How?
I assume you mean by the traditional definition, someone who risks himself to benefit others. Or do you mean the current, meaningless buzzword used to describe everyone from teachers who sit at home to teenagers who bag groceries?
Pelosi's impaired lap dog
Plain and simple
You're easily impressed.
To China, racists, and pedophiles...yes he is their hero
shareGot that confused with Donal Trump. Easy mistake you make when you have no brain.
shareOh, he again. And insulting again. Because he has sooooo much more style than Trump.
Thanks God you have a brain. But why do you preserve it in that tiny little jar?
It's insulting to come to a movie site and be exposed to right wing propaganda like this. So shove it, Pete.
shareAll you do here is insult people and post loony, far left lies and hatred. Hypocrite
shareIt's not loony if it's in response to right wing propaganda! There is nothing hypocritical about wanting a movie site to be about movies when it is currently taken over by Trump fans who love nothing more than spewing Republican lies. The right to free speech is currently attacked by the right to gaslight and it's pissing me off. Because of trolls like you the world is a shittier place! I have every right to call out your bullshit and I have every right to insult you while doing so.
The time for politeness died with the rise of Donald Trump. The motherfucking worst president in the history of the United States who let 400.000 people die under his reign and sent his idiot mob to attack the Capitol because he couldn't live with the knowledge that more people vote him out of office than who wanted to keep him doing his corrupt business.
The hatred is real, my friend. Reading all the right wing propaganda, the stupidity of Trump lovers, the detachment from reality here, it gets my heart pumping. To be surrounded by indoctrinated idiots who are assholes on top is infuriating. There is no respect coming from "conservatives" on this site. After 4 years of support from the top for you guys it is high and mighty time to put you back into your place, you fucking pieces of trash!
You're a left wing politics troll who contributes nothing movie related. You have no business here so piss of. Lying, trolling, piece of shit loser.
shareHow can I contribute anything movie related if this site continue to be spammed by right wing propaganda? And who are you to judge? You are posting mainly politics and feel offended when someone does the same? Such a ridiculous loser you are.
shareThat's all you got? Denial? You know that people can read your writing history here, don't you? Such a pathetic Trumper. I almost pity you. Almost.
It doesn't matter to trolls like you what "I got". You're just a bitter, hateful, IRRATIONAL child. You need your binkie. I don't have pity for disgusting garbage like you, at all.
shareHow can I not be hateful when Trumpers like you distort truth and facts? You want applause for being absolute assholes? You want applause for supporting kids in cages, giving tax cuts to the rich, deregulating companies so they can destroy the environment, letting 400.000 people die of Covid, cheating at elections and to a certain degree spamming movie sites with your right wing propaganda?
You wont get any applause for being destructive assholes, buddy. Not here and not in the real world. That#s not being irrational - it's the only response applicable to you being wrong.
Direct all that drivel back at yourself and you got it just right.
shareHow? I get that your right wing mind has been warped by propaganda for too long, but how is "I Know you are - but who am I?" an adequate response to me citing kids in cages and almost half a million dead Americans ?
shareYou're a liar and a troll. I could provide you with facts but you don't care about those things so I don't bother.
shareYet, you don't provide facts. So, I am assuming you know how wrong you are and just don't want to admit it.
shareFind them for yourself, loser. If you shut your ass and open your mind (well, same thing in your case), you'll find that you're just another "useless idiot" pawn.
shareSo, when asked for facts you point to the other side? What a lazy way of getting out of your own lies. Typical conservative blow heart. Nothing but right wing propaganda and no truth behind it. Pathetic.
shareAt least I got you to shorten your lies to one word. I'd call it progress, but conservatives hate progress so much, you'd think I'd be throwing an insult at you.
shareYou're so backwards it's actually astounding. Stooge.
shareIf I have it backward then conservatives actually like progress? Oh wow, never new that. Care to give an example or is this just another of your right wing lies?
shareOf course you never knew that because you're an uninformed, idiot pawn.
shareActually, I never knew it because it's not true. You backwards motherfuckers wouldn't know progress if it stood right in front of you. Besides, you don't want the world to change anyway. Just leave minorities to struggle and keep the rich in power. Fucking tools.
shareletting people die of Covid"
that was your dem. hero coumo up in NY
kids in cages"
that happened even before trump was the pres.
you are a moron that wont accept facts.
Like I said above, troll like him don't care about facts.
share400.000 died of Covid, because Trump "didn't wanna get bad numbers". His response to the virus was horrible until the end of his reign. Your denial is pathetic. Kids in cages as a policy was vastly different from the Obama era, but your conservative news are not subtle enough to spot the difference between practical tactics and actual and wanted child abuse.
So, I wont even call YOU the moron, because if you can't accept the truth by looking at actual facts then why would you accept my assertion of you being dumb. Then again, it's really hard to read right wing propaganda and not call someone a moron for spreading it.
You're a pathological liar.
shareSo what are the reason for the million+ dead in europe......... bad numbers as well?
shareTrump did it...
shareTommyboy, bad management comes in all shapes and forms. It's just sad that you wont even admit how Trump fucked it up. So go ahead, make excuses for the killing president. You wont come off as credible at all.
And to that dumb tool Chilone I can only say that it takes one to know one. Right wingers have done nothing but lie for the past 30 years and now you are so far up your own fake reality you can't come out to face the truth and facts anymore. You are brainwashed cultist who were bad even before Trump but have gone over the edge ever since that lying piece of shit took office. You are pathetic to even try to stay in this conversation. Sad losers.
shareIt's insulting to come to a movie site and be exposed to left wing propaganda like yours. stop your lies please
Trumpers took over this site waay before lefties got a chance to. Conservative drivel has been invading movie chat for years now. Sad.
shareThe truth is the exact opposite of what this brain dead troll says.
shareThe truth never interested any braindead right winger. Not here, nor anywhere else. Otherwise you traitor folks would have to accept the fact that conservatives fucked up the US in the past 40 years. So, shove it, you tool. Nobody can take you seriously with those claims.
shareIf it wasn't for conservative drivel, there wouldn't be an America. Choose your racist commie paradise out of 100 existing countries and jerk off with your demon spawn.
shareFuck off, Trumper. I get that backwards conservatives are always looking into the past to justify their unpopular opinions, but that still doesn't make today's conservative shit any more relevant or positive. GOP and Trump have been the destructive force of the US for the past 3-4 decades.
sharedamn straight