What a relief! Joe Biden’s voters won’t have to leave their graves to see this illegitimate “president” get sworn in. That’s very nice of Grampa Joe to think of their health.
Can't wait. They should make it a national holiday. Nypost is a hack tabloid site.
Biden won by over 7 million votes, all verified for a third time. In fact the only fraud being committed could only be from the Republican side since Biden was ahead in the polls anywhere from 10 to 20%. And the Electorial College. Biden won by a landslide. He gave Trump a good shellacking. It was a shellacking folks.
And oh what sweetness it will be when Trump is captured and hauled off to jail for his dealings with Child Sex Trafficking tycoon Ghislaine Maxwell. It will be a beautiful day. A beautiful day.
Do you think “Corn Pop” and the “bad dudes” he led will be there? What about FDR, Truman, LBJ....they voted for him too right? I think the guest of honor should be one of those Dominion voting machines....He couldn’t have “won” without them! Considering, he “didn’t need votes to win”... Please don’t drug him up! I want that old fool to actually speak from his heart....if that racist pedo has one. How is the NY Post a “hack” tabloid? Is it because they spoiled Hunter’s party? I wouldn’t worry about President Trump....He’s not going anywhere but maybe to Mar-a-Lago. With all of the cheating the Democrats pulled during this election, THEY should be worried about jail....
"I think the guest of honor should be one of those Dominion voting machines."
That's brilliant!👏🏻
They could do a Weekend At Bernie's theme in honor of the 70 million extra who "voted" for him. 🤣
Could you imagine though if it was done traditionally? How would they space out the 20 people in black hoodies holding frozen water bottles and canned goods to make it look like millions? Maybe they could have used those cardboard people you see at the basketball game these days!
The Dominion representative Weyoun has issued a statement:
There is nothing wrong with Dominion voting machines. Like your founders, ours believe in free and fair elections. We encourage the losing candidate to stop being a whiny little bitch and just accept that his people don't like him very much.
Apparently you didn't catch the reference there. Not important.
They did hand recounts. The whole point of hand recounts is that they reveal any discrepancy between the actual ballots and the machine tabulations. When you don't find one, it shows that the machines didn't malfunction, and were not hacked or otherwise compromised. No election in US history has ever been scrutinized under a microscope at every level the way this one was.
I don't understand why anyone is all that shocked by the election results. Just travel around and listen to people talk. Trump may have a fanatical group of hard core supporters but he's never been that popular and has only lost support among the general population over the last four years - his increasing focus on the rabid base was turning everyone else off, even before the pandemic. If you don't think climate change is a hoax and don't get all fired up by the idea of walling off the border, Trump just isn't very appealing.
Down ballot Republican Senators and Representatives did okay in 2020, while Trump lost at the top. How do you suppose THAT happened? Who do you think cast those ballots? It was registered Republicans who didn't want four more years of Donald Trump. That's who. No other way you get those results. If it was all Democrats voting for Biden the Dems would've picked up half a dozen Senate seats too.
Ditto if there was vote tampering. It simply makes NO SENSE to get Biden in there while leaving Mitch McConnell in charge of the Senate. Now the Democrats are left with a double victory in the Georgia runoffs as their only hope to get anything done in the next two years. I'd give them a 50-50 shot at pulling it off. If you're going to screw with ballots you might as well screw with the WHOLE ballot. You'll be facing the same number of felony counts either way, if you get caught. Right?
Trump has MAJOR support. He's gained voters, not lost them.
Republicans did great in this election. So much for a blue wave.
You have it backwards. The cheaters only had time to fill in the top of the ticket! Trump had a massive amount of votes it broke the algorithm! They "closed up shop" so they could do the devils work!
In desperation to exceed Trump votes they had to move quick.
Only problem is they overdid it, raising red flags.
It's amazing how Biden didn't do so great in blue states (but better than Obama; yeah, right!) but worked a miracle in battleground or red states??!!
How dumb do you think we are?
The Democrats have been hard at work to cheat in this election since November 9, 2016! They've tried other ways to get rid of President Trump and it never worked.
They knew Basement Beijing Biden didn't have a snowballs chance in hell on beating the most popular and beloved president that ever existed.
Okay, you're clearly one of those people who don't have the first clue how the election system functions. Every supposed scheme I've seen online wouldn't actually work in the real world. But since the target audience mostly doesn't realize that, they buy into it.
More people hate Trump than like him in the United States. That's why he lost. It may not seem that way if you live in some rural town in a deep red state but I assure you, travel the country (which I did regularly before covid) and you'll eventually come to realize the voting percentages we saw pretty accurately reflect public sentiment. As you'd expect them to.
I'm sorry you see propaganda and just believe it because you want to believe it. That's how propaganda works you know. Donald Trump is a disgusting shell of a human being, I have rarely in my life encountered a person who seems to have no redeeming human qualities - but he's one of them. Read up on his life history. He truly is a vile man who loves no one and believes in nothing greater than himself. It's a constant source of amazement to me that people would choose to build a fictional character around him, based on his own lies, and worship that character like a demigod, treat him like a Savior, as if he somehow can give meaning and purpose to their lives.
That's why his supporters are referred to as a cult. They're so brainwashed they sit there unable to accept that enough of their fellow Americans want him gone that they went to the polls and voted him out. Stop looking for nutty and impossible conspiracies where there aren't any. I wasn't happy with the 2016 election but I didn't start spouting batshit crazy nonsense that Hilary Clinton was the actual winner and the whole system was arrayed against her, out to destroy her legitimate victory. Dead people voting. Ballots supposedly disappearing or being changed. Do you have any idea what you sound like making those accusations? In states where an effort was made to locate allegedly dead voters nearly all of them were found, and quite shocked at the news that they were actually zombies!
(Pt. 1 of 2)
You're clearly unhinged and don't want to deal in facts. I shouldn't even reply to you but I'll make an exception.
What do you make of the forensic audit that shows Michigan voting machines had an 'error rate' of 68%? Do you have any idea what's allowable? It's .0008%! And they're not the only state that's way off. But nothing to see, right?
Most do not hate Trump. Even those who don't like his personality weren't dumb enough to vote for Quid Pro Quo Joe! They'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face. The few that did vote for Biden wasn't because they liked his policies (which are a mystery since he ran on "Orange Man Bad" rhetoric), they voted for him simply for their blatant hatred for Trump.
Your assessment is off. FYI, I live in a very blue state. I live in a Democrat county. I've never in my life lived in a red state or county. I lived 40 years of my life in Chicago! Home of the corrupt Democrats!
Every election cycle people put Democrat signs on their lawns and/or in their windows. Except this year (other than 2 houses), which I found very odd. Trump supporters around here do not advertise for fear of getting their house burned down. God forbid someone put a bumper sticker on their car. It makes me wonder if people here in my county voted for Trump. People have been waking up.
You sound like the propaganda believer! Let me guess, you get your news from CNNMSNBCABCNBCCBS and The View? You are the victim of propaganda and brainwashing.
Your description of President Trump is beyond ridiculous.
Trump is not my "Savior," by the way.
I suppose you think Biden is an upstanding man, right?
I live in reality. I didn't like Obama--AT ALL but each time he was elected I accepted it on day one even though it seemed unlikely that the worst president in history would be elected a second time. I moved on and didn't get upset about it or question it. Now I have to wonder about his second term though.
Pt. 2 of 2
This time is completely different! There is a mountain of evidence and Trump won by a landslide, not Beijing Biden! I knew they were going to play games because of their mass mail in votes, for one. Covid was just the excuse they needed and that's why the virus has been highly politicized, but that's another subject.
Unsolicited mail-ins opened the door WIDE to fraud and here we are. Besides that, it wasn't enough with that portion of the cheating, the the people handling ballots were tampering with them according to eyewitnesses. It's so disgusting. If I really thought Biden won fair and square I wouldn't even be talking about this. People like you just want to turn a blind eye.
Remember a month or two before the election when "the news" was saying they were already seeing 'election interference' with Russia and Iran? (Funny how they didn't include China😅) How come they don't talk about that anymore? It's because they were setting it up to go after Trump once again if they were not successful in their massive cheating scheme so now they're silent on "Russia and Iran interference."
Now we hear this ridiculous "this was the most secure election EVER!" Give me a break! 🙄 This election was the most unsecure election ever!
You guys don't want to look at it or even consider it because you like the fraudulent outcome. Well it's not gonna work. The silent majority is no longer silent.
It's funny how the media (and the Democrats) first said there was no fraud. Then they said there was no massive fraud (indicating there was fraud that they initially wouldn't admit). Then they said there wasn't enough fraud to change the results. Do you see what they do? The games they play.
"I didn't start spouting batshit crazy nonsense that Hilary Clinton..."
Maybe you didn't but she sure did and still does till this day. The Democrats cheated in 2016. Just not enough. This time they went waaay overboard, therefore exposing themselves.😅
I'm only going to say this one more time: there was NO widespread voter fraud. There have been recounts, recanvasses, audits, more recounts, and nothing. Trump's legal team has had a whole bunch of chances to convince his own appointees that there's any evidence whatsoever of cheating, and they haven't been able to do that. The Supreme Court (of which he has appointed one third) smacked him down twice. No evidence. No evidence. Every court says the same thing. All Team Dumbass ever does is present more unfounded conspiracy shlock.
It's not hard to fool a bunch of right wing sheep on the internet, who will believe in imaginary deep states and satanic pedophiles because some unknown source is telling them to believe it. When you go into an actual court of law you need EVIDENCE. Documentation, eyewitnesses who are not just unhinged conspiracy nuts spouting wild accusations, real footage that shows wrongdoing, forensic data - something, anything. Many conservative judges have heard what they have to offer and been less than impressed. In fact some of them have gotten quite irate that their time was being wasted.
I for one am sick of the anti-truth movement. This whole idea that everything is subjective, my facts are no better than your facts, my opinion is equal to yours, everything is bias, blah blah blah. Trying to blur reality and then say, does anyone really know what reality is? Yes. We do. And we need to stop patronizing people who engage in this type of cynical deception.
Trump is outta here! And it's because he was an utter failure as President - something no amount of misinformation could hide from the voting public.
You can twist perceptions, reality won’t budge. - Rush, Show Don't Tell (1989)
No doubt. I see how N&N had no answer to your question that if it was rigged, how did Republicans GAIN members in the House, return the despised McConnell to his perch with a victory in his Kentucky Senate race, and maintain Senate control assuming GOP wins at least one of the two Senate seats in Georgia which they are projected to do pretty handily?
If N&N is not dumb, s/he should be able to explain this if not figure out that that the election was NOT rigged. 😳 It's not like Dems were thrilled with the outcome, there's been lots of soul searching on how to better appeal to Trump voters even.
N&N doesn't appear to have even considered how Arizona appears to be the gift of a toxic president that dragged their longtime beloved war hero Senator through the mud. 🤔 Methinks someone not dumb would have thought of this.
Or ponder why a longtime despised Trump sycophant and GOP huckster Brian Kemp would rig the vote for Biden in Georgia as Trump claims. I'd really like to hear the answer to that one.
"I see how N&N had no answer to your question that if it was rigged, how did Republicans GAIN members in the House,"
I absolutely did address this. It was in the third paragraph.
I have family in Arizona. They don't believe for one minute Biden got their state! I agree. And I can't think of one person I know on the right who ever liked McCain. But it's funny how the leftists used to call him a racist when he ran against Obama but now they all like him. 🙄 Such phonies.
Kemp is an idiot. That's no secret. He's another one who answers to China.
It doesn't matter what you or your family believe, it only matters what is. Biden won Arizona. Georgia too. Brian Kemp has just learned the same lesson others have before him. Stop kissing Trump's ass for one instant, say a single thing he doesn't like even after years of being his little bitch, and he turns on you like a rabid chihuahua.
Only five more weeks until we're rid of the human tangerine! And Cy Vance will be waiting for him. 🤗
McConnell seems to think so and has told his GOP congressional colleagues to cease with entertaining Trump's absurd fantasies by doing his bidding challenging the election results.
Sometimes reality just doesn't go your way and you have to come to terms with it. You're acting like a child.
Of course to be fair you could be acting your age since I've no idea how old you are.
lol. Yeah so it was the left in Arizona that elected and re-elected McCain to the Senate all those years while keeping the state Ruby Red Republican in every other state and federal office in Arizona eh? You're such a ridiculous clown to be not even be aware how easy it is to poke holes in your trumptard logic.
But N&N explained that in the context of Trump losing while Republican Congressional candidates did okay. You see, the people with the flashlights breaking into the back room and altering paper ballots in the dark of night were in a rush, lest they be caught at the task. So they had to be quick about it. Gone by first light. So there wasn't enough time to erase and refill all the ovals - they had to pick one! 🤣
John McCain was in fact very well respected in Arizona. He lost street cred with the Cult of Trump after his thumbs-down vote, shortly before his death (which Trump handled like the well-adjusted mature adult he is). But he still had the admiration of most GOP voters in his home state. He stayed behind in Vietnam with his men when he could've exploited his family's prominence to get released, and paid a hell of a price for it. Meanwhile Trump was hiding behind a fake medical excuse bought with his daddy's money. So the orange monstrosity's open disrespect for McCain didn't play very well.
"the people with the flashlights breaking into the back room and altering paper ballots in the dark of night were in a rush, lest they be caught at the task. So they had to be quick about it. Gone by first light. So there wasn't enough time to erase and refill all the ovals - they had to pick one!"
LOOOOL! Sounds like a dumbed down inverse watergate burglary scenario on crack. Except unlike Republicans, the vast Dem electioneering burglars got away with it without leaving a sliver of evidence. They must be Houdinis. Such a mystery how they could have manipulated all those completed ballots in their tamper resistant seals when the sheriff and poll workers deliver them immediately to county tabulation centers to be counted after polls close. Arizona ballot security protocols actually involve a live video feed to tabulation centers in every county. Those damn Dems must have been magicians. 🤣
I keep telling them they should get someone who's actually worked in the election system, preferably at a management level, to concoct their conspiracy theories. Those people at least know which scenarios simply couldn't happen in the real world and would save them the embarrassment of advancing that kind of crap as serious allegations.
Ooooh, right wing conspiracy lingo. Well riddle me this genius: what would you call a guy who lets the Russians launch a massive cyberattack against our government and says nothing, does nothing, can't find the spine to condemn Putin and promise consequences, beginning with a reprisal attack on their infrastructure?
Yeah they do. To someone like you Trump's acknowledgement may be an essential component of determining whether a thing is true. But the intelligence community and the military know who it was.
Donald Trump has had a borderline treasonous relationship with Vladimir Putin since before he took office. Once his toadies are no longer in charge of which records see the light of day I think we're going to find out lots more on that front!
We know. And the Spineless Wonder won't do a thing about it, he who talks loudly and carries a small stick. Whatever Putin's holding over him that turns him into a docile little puppy must be dyn-o-mite! I look forward to finding out what it is. Well alright, if it's a sex video I don't really want that image in my head. Talk about seeing something you can't unsee! 😳
Personally, I can't wait for all you idiots to start blaming Beijing Biden's failures (until Komrade Kamala takes over) on Trump, just like you blamed Obama's abject failure on Bush. Remember folks, you heard it here first!!
On a that note, are all you Democrats who REJECTED Komrade Kamala's bid for president gonna realize how your own party screwed and duped you AGAIN (can you say "Bernie got berned"?) when she's shoved down your throats anyway?
Keep trying Republicans. Despite your cheating, despite your voter intimidation, despite your rigging the elections, despite your help and hacking from the Russians and Chinese, despite your corporate voting machines turning votes for the corporats in the GOP, despite your voter suppression BIDEN STILL WON BY A LANDSLIDE! It was a Shellacking! OooRah Semper Fidelis. Biden won by SEVEN MILLION Popular votes
You kiddies are probably too young to remember this but This "voter fraud" thing was the hoax du annum When Obama won too. It's in the old Republican playbook. Back then they were saying people voted as "Mickey Mouse". Once they investigated it they not only found NOTHING from Democrats but uncovered voting fraud from Republicans and then the story died a quiet death.
Speaking of Mar-a-lago. Trump's associate Ghislaine Maxwell in child sex slave trafficking named her operation TerraMar maybe as a hint to where she funneled them through. Sure they came on boats and were offloaded at Mar-a-lago. No doubt most of you ignorant goons don't even know what the words mean. Basically it was "wink wink" way of saying "we transfer the kids from land to sea, then from sea to lake."
Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit: Did He Abuse 13-Year-Old Girl? Facts To Know About The Child Rape Case : News : Parent Herald https://www.parentherald.com/articles/52775/20160705/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-abuse-13-year-old-girl-facts.htm
ROFLMAO Get over it Republipigs and you dirty traitorous MAGAs, you lost and so did your Russian friends. Let's just hope they haul Trump off to jail. Nha that's not good enough for a child rapist.
He still thinks the election isn't over, and Trump might pull it out. Are you surprised?
It's amazing how guys like Billy Barr and Brian Kemp bend over backwards to lick Trump's balls on a daily basis for years, but the moment they displease him they're suddenly losers, incompetent, and a puppet of the Democrats. Retroactively. 🤣
I'm very curious how a man with the ego of Barr will try to maintain his dignity after all this.
Even more for Brian Kemp who is still in office and is in the precarious position of having to thread the needle between defending himself from Trump's broadsides while not alienating the president's hordes of diehard cultists.
They don't have a mandate, I think is what you mean. Their presence in the White House is the result of a legal technicality - not the majority of Americans wanting them there. Most voters chose their opponent only to have that choice not count.
Some Presidents have done their best to try and make up for this, and earn the mandate they didn't start out with. Not this asshole. When you can decree reality and have it instantly become truth there's no need to accept whatever doesn't fit your heroic self-image. In all of history, since the dawn of time, no leader has EVER achieved a victory as overwhelming as mine! Now the popular vote is yours - and always was. Who needs a time machine to alter the past when you can do it with words alone? 😉
In a representative democracy it is, which the US tries to pretend to be when it's clearly not. Not when the president can legally win and rule representing the democratic minority without a mandate.
But I understand the US is a Constitutional Republic first so it's moot. No point to even pretend it's a democracy when minority rule is legal and constitutional.