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Is Joe Biden’s life worth more than 10 American children ?

Protocol is that if a building was burning Old Man Biden is to be saved first. As a life for a politician and now President is worth more than 10 children combined.


Yeah, well Donald Trump is probably only alive today thanks to Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail. Something most of us wouldn't get as we were gasping for breath in the ICU. Is his life more valuable? HUD Secretary Ben Carson, a guy who's crusaded for reducing affordable housing, got that treatment too when he needed it. The very same week a 12-year-old boy in New Mexico died of covid-19. He probably could've been saved - but no Regeneron for him either. Is Ben Carson more valuable than a kid with his whole life ahead of him?

There's a basic hypocrisy behind anyone being classified as a VIP and given special treatment. Should we change the rules and forbid it? Make sure the Secret Service evacuates the children first, make sure politicians and rich people don't get medicines and vaccines before regular shmucks and the poor? You'd probably be opposed to that. Socialism, right?


Biden is not even worth the condom his parents should have used way back when!


He wouldn't have been my choice as a nominee. But he's competent, has plans to deal with crises like coronavirus and climate change instead of ignoring them, is appointing people as agency heads who actually know what they're doing ... and he's a basically decent guy who loves his country. As opposed to the sociopathic piece of human garbage in his final days of stinking up the Oval Office, who doesn't love anyone or believe in anything.


Biden is “competent”?😆 Is that with or without heavy meds, an earpiece telling him what to say or ditto with a teleprompter? Besides walking around like a fool with a mask....which doesn’t save you from anything, what is his plan for dealing with COVID? He should be the UTMOST expert! Considering Biden is in China’s pocket and the Democrats brought the disease here.... “Climate Change”? Who the fuck are Democrats kidding?😆 For people who take the word of some stupid kid from Sweden......Those words don’t mean too much! Donald Trump has done more good for this country and our allies in not even 4 years than Biden has done in 47 years.


Okay, you're clearly a right wing crank who knows next to nothing about ... well, almost any subject. Prostrate yourself before the Lord God Trump and praise his name. Dedicate yourself to him. Worship him. All glory and honor is yours Almighty Trump, forever and ever! Amen.

Sucker. 🤣


Great insight coming from someone who supports Corn Pop Biden! Now THAT is hilarious!😆 Yet another pinko communist Democrat.....Yep, you’re sooooo “enlightened”.....🙄


Whatever dude. Time for your medication.

To someone like me "support" doesn't mean what it means to someone like you. Blind faith and obedience. Belief in every word they utter. I wouldn't have chosen Biden as the nominee personally, but given a choice between him and the Big Orange Dipshit my vote pretty much cast itself. One is infinitely preferable to the other.


Great! Just give me what Biden is getting! Time for your meeting at the Kremlin.


Uh ... who's having meetings at the Kremlin? Joe Biden has never bent the knee to Putin. Donny boy might as well have unzipped his fly and given him a blow job right there on stage in Helsinki. Pathetic.

Please let me build a big tower in your city Mr. Putin. Please! I'll give you some classified information, anything you want to know. 🤑


I am amazed that people are fully on board with the two party system - when both parties are equally corrupt.
You are given a choice - die from hanging or a poison pill. Which will you choose? I'd choose neither - I prefer to live - yet, those are the only 2 options given to you.


We should get rid of political parties altogether - we need huge, monolithic, big money fueled organizations dominating politics ... why again? Second best would be to have ten major parties instead of two. They'd have to build governing coalitions out of various groups representing different parts of the electorate and government policy would at least be much closer to the actual will of the people.

As much as both our two Big Parties are corrupt corporate stooges, you have to admit - the Democrats are still the AAA club to the Republicans' Major League. They're the Keystone Kops of American politics.


I stopped at 'competent'. Biden is the very definition of incompetent.


Compared to Trump, anyone over the age of five is fit to assume office. Nominate Baby Yoda and I'd vote for him. Yeah he's just a muppet, but he could still do the job better than the Talking Tangerine - who never wanted the job, just the position and the power. He'll be happier out of office and so will we. Douche boy can go hit golf balls all day long, every day, and it won't mean shit that desperately needs doing isn't getting done!


Trump did more good in four years than Obama did in eight. That is not hyperbole. Look at how he fixed the mess Obama made in the Middle East. And the only thing that stopped his incredible presidency is the Dem's friends in China delivering an unusual virus in an election year. Trump immediately initiated Operation Warp Speed and said a vaccine would be ready by the end of the year. The MSM scoffed at that notion. They were right. We have don't have a vaccine. We have three.


Well gee, I guess we should put him into a blue and red spandex suit with a big 'S' on the front. 🤣

The Trump sycophants make me laugh. We have a second rate reality TV host, who hasn't met a legitimate business he couldn't run into the ground (the United States of America included) and this is the man you get on your knees and worship like a demigod. It's like the Cult of Forrest Gump. Except Forrest Gump is an evil self-centered asshole.

There isn't a single inspirational quote you can attribute to Donald Trump, even after four years as President. Nothing but whining, raging, and deranged Twitter rants. The tantrums of President Cartman. Such a pathetic sack. Tell me who is the greater fool - the fool, or the fool who follows them?


No one called him Superman, unlike the legions of Obamabots who compared Obama to Jesus. Literally. But Trump deserves a lot of credit for the good he brought to America and he was the ONLY person who dared to stand up to China.


Stand up to China? You mean by imposing useless tariffs on steel and aluminum? We need to deal with China's currency manipulation, their one sided trade practices, and their theft of technology from US companies. And of course their incompetence and coverup that allowed the covid-19 pandemic to begin, there need to be consequences for that when this is all done.

But what has Trump actually accomplished, other than forcing us to spend billions and still not entirely undo all the damage to American farmers? We've gotten no closer to resolutions on any of the issues that matter. And your valiant hero has stood by while Beijing blatantly violates the 1997 handover agreement with Hong Kong. Not to mention threatening Taiwan, which Xi Jinping regards as his territory and wants to absorb. Then there's their attempted takeover of control in the South China Sea, in violation of international law. What has Trump done about any of that? Nothing.

I've said it before, Donald Trump is a punk who speaks loudly and carries a small stick. All we've gotten out of him - with regard to China or anything else - is false bravado and empty bluster. Levying tariffs that accomplish nothing and repeatedly calling covid-19 the China virus or the kung flu does nothing to help Americans or win any meaningful concessions from the Chinese. They've been engaging him in dead end talks, stringing him along, and he's too damn stupid to see it.


If they were so useless, why did China take actions to hurt Trump's reelection?


They'd rather deal with a less erratic, more stable administration. What are you supposed to make of some guy who's complimenting your handling of the pandemic and then a few weeks later slamming you for it? Who changes his mind on the trade terms he's willing to discuss from one day to the next?

Iran doesn't like him for more obvious reasons. They were pissed that he walked away from the nuclear deal, reimposed sanctions when they were abiding by the agreement, and just all around seems to have it in for them.

Russia did everything possible to help him, again for obvious reasons. Trump pursues an international agenda that fits right in with Putin's ambitions. He'll take a few minutes out of his day to rip into some no name blogger who says things he doesn't like, no grudge is too petty, and yet he has never - not one time - had a single bad word to say about Vladimir Putin. When sanctions against Russia get passed by Congress Trump does his best to block them from taking effect. Let's cut the bullshit: Putin has something on Trump, the man's compromised. Nothing else would explain his servile fawning. He might as well have unzipped Putin's fly and given him a blow job right there on stage for the whole world to see in Helsinki. Absolutely pathetic.


No, it's because Trump's actions were hurting their economy. They want someone they can control. Biden is that someone.


Your mind has been rotted by the right wing conspiracy wackosphere. Maybe you can go golfing with your cult leader before Cy Vance awards him an all expenses paid trip to scenic Attica. Lucky for America, the only thing that asshat will be running in 2024 is the prison yard ... for exercise. 😳

I notice you completely avoided Trump's borderline traitorous relationship with the Russians. What a shock.


Well Trump can't get votes in GA and AZ...

So the Republicans are all worried...


1 Jew is worth more than 10 Americans!


Goes without saying.
