MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > The democrats 4 step plan to Communism.

The democrats 4 step plan to Communism.

We are at Step 3.

1. Demoralization 15-20 years
2. Destabilization 2-5 years: economy, foreign relations, defense systems
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

Bezmenov explained the four steps plan to force Communism into the United States, and looking around today, it seems to be working.


I'm more worried about degeneracy than communism to be honest. Now we got humans that can't even identify themselves properly or don't even loot human besides having the basic appendages. They're looking more and more hermaphrodites.


This is a big problem, too, and ties in with the Liberal Progressive agenda being doled out by the Rainbow Reich.


Bring your bananas, bitches.


we are on our way to step 4, plus the liberals are silencing the right and free speech is being banned.



Some of tRump's biggest loyalists in Congress and the Senate come from districts that receive Federal subsidies which basically is free money to keep their businesses (in this case Agro and Animal Farming) afloat when there's no free market paradigm for them to operate on their own. That sounds like an extreme form of Socialism to me, but it's not quite communism because that would require the recipients to share their profits (which they do collect) with their minimum wage work force.


Soooo.... you think this is the first crisis in US history? A crisis which arose under Republican leadership, by the way. The destabilisation of foreign relations were entirely Trump's doing, too. As for the defence systems, I really don't see how you think you can argue that they have been destabilised at all.

Go check out the history of the US. People have been saying what you have been saying for at least 100 years. Not much different from the religious types who insist that "the end is near!"


They've been working on this for much more than 20 years.


That doesn't explain how Democracy is the opposite of communism.
