MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Where are all the Joe Biden supporters?

Where are all the Joe Biden supporters?

I can't find one person or post that openly supports Mr. Biden.


The Deranged are still here though. They'll still be going on about 'Rump' for the next 20 years.


I know, this is my favorite post so far.

"Biden has won the presidency and is now lining things up to take over on 01/20. There is nothing to talk about."


Leftists and progressives aren't really excited about Biden, rather they will acquiesce to anything as long as it gets rid of, literally, orange version of bad guy from WWII... This is literally what they think. From socially liberal corporate executives, to Noam Chomsky, to socialist protesters to various forms of anarchists... They all believe this literally... OMB unites them...


Exactly. Because he was orange and he made them upset with his nasty words, they chose to elect a man whose incompetence will make Jimmy Carter look like Abraham Lincoln by comparison. They elected the man that Osama Bin Laden wanted to see in charge of the USA because of his weakness and inability. They destroyed America because the Bad Orange Man hurt their feelings.


Where are all the Joe Biden supporters?

There are none. There are only Trump haters.


truth...TDS is just getting worse everyday...


All quiet on the Biden board, haha.


Probably living in fear for their family's lives now that the beer belly guts stormed the capitol!


In cemeteries.



I know! I mean, for him to win, his opponent had to be one of the worst examples of a human being ever, right? 🤷🏻‍♂️


We're back to the pre-Obama days before super popularity and the pre-Trump days before cult leaders.

This is how a president is supposed to be admired. Kudos to Biden supporters for not going overboard with it. It's good to see it.


There are none. There are only Trump haters.


Don't have any constructive criticisms at all. Just stay with the hive-mind and destroy freedom at all costs.


Freedom has been restored.
The dipshits trying to overturn a legitimate election have all been stopped in their seditious tracks.
The adults are back in charge again.


adults that are 85 yrs old. Joe sent 1500 troops to secure the border, I assume you are upset by this?

Joe approved drilling in Alaska, after he had banned it, I assume you are upset by this?

a 3rd bank has failed. I assume you are upset by this?


Biden sent troops to ports of entry to do paperwork.
We're drilling in Alaska because Trump told the Saudis to stop producing in 2020.
Banks failing doesn't effect anything because unemployment is so low after all the MAGAtards died of Covid.


1. paperwork? lol
2. biden went to the Saudis and begged them for more oil.
3. it affects the economy Einstein. its Economics 101.
