MovieChat Forums > Carlos Bernard Discussion > producers don't kill off tony again

producers don't kill off tony again

don't make that horrible mistake

TONY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Anti Tony flamers will rot, smell and corrode in hell


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The horrible mistake is bringing him back. They should have left him alone. Now they're just going to destroy him even more than they already have.


if you really believe that the producers brought almeida back just to kill him off again, then you are a *beep* idiot.


Just like anyone who thought they'd never bring him back and kill him off in season 5 was a *beep* idiot? the only idiots here are the writers who cleary have nothing original left in their heads.


The mistake was to bring him back. Now you have a choice: he's evil and Jack will have to destroy him "for the good of the country" or he's secretly good and the whole thing is a super secret government operation to have him brought back to life to pose as a terrorist, in which case, what does he do after his cover is blown? Go back to working with Jack as if nothing ever happened? Wow, they could be like the Lone Ranger and his trusty sidekick Tonto, fighting the bad guys together! Ridiculous.

Expain why the producers have said definitely, time after time that Tony WAS dead and now they want to say "he was only sort of dead, but not really". This is so bogus. They screwed up and made a lot of fans unhappy when they killed him off and they should have to live with that decision, not make up farfetched ways to get him back in the show or flat-out lie and say "we never told you Tony was dead". How willing are you to be a fool and play along with this nonsense?


Well, I gotta admit, I too am very courious on how they the hell they´re gonna bring him back. I mean, we saw the bodybag.
Maybe, it´s his evil twin brother...

No anyway, I don´t see any point in bringing him back, just to kill him off again. There is a greater meaning to it. Maybe even the writers have listened to the fans, and brought him back again, becasue no fan of the show wanted him dead in the first place.
What a *beep* tease, if they kill him off again. It´s like: Hey fans.. Here´s Tony as you requested. BANG!!! A shot in the head, and that´s the end for Tony, for good...
