He was right - Trump 'fans' ARE ''like Nazis''
Are people blind and deaf?
Nazis = racist, violent, authoritarian, homicidal.
Trump fans....= ?
Are people blind and deaf?
Nazis = racist, violent, authoritarian, homicidal.
Trump fans....= ?
No way, he was totally wrong.
Trump fans ARE Nazis. No two ways about it. ;-)
Misguided fool.
shareMisguided Trumptard.
shareSorry, idiot. The only people exhibiting Nazi characteristic behavior are democrats. I believe in liberty. You do not. It's that simple.
shareI don't believe in making things up in an argument, so when I say "Misguided Trumptard" I'm referencing your own proof time and time again of defending Trump and the Republicans no matter what - and clumsily at that.
shareMods, please tell me how this brux person is still around???
shareANTIFA = racist, violent, authoritarian, homicidal.
ANTIFA = nazi ...
Now talk about something that actually exists outside of the rightwing garbage propaganda of Trump fanatics.
shareFunny thing: I am talking about reality.
violence? Check
authoritarian? Check
homicidal? Check
The racist part is checking as well, but in a different more subtle and subversive than the alt-right or nazi. In the "they are subhuman and it's our duty to protect them" style.
racist? Check!
I have no idea what you're going on about. I was making fun of this monolithic and nonexistent ANTIFA which rightwing nutjobs have turned into an all-purpose mythical boogeyman.
shareOf course you have no idea!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States) ... non-existent
Like the trump supporters are highly monolithic or organized.
You're so full of bullshit ..
Now that's ironic.
Someone named 'Paedokiller' is defending Pedro Pascal, who defended and memorialized Joe Rosenbaum, a convicted child rapist.
Kyle Rittenhouse is literally a paedokiller.
I absolutely hate Trump, but can we stop this narrative of calling everyone who is on the right a Nazi? Save that for the people who actually want to rid an entire demographic off of the earth.
shareWhen someone has to resort to the Nazi schtick, they don't have a leg to stand on.