MovieChat Forums > Tony Hawk Discussion > The State of Skateboarding

The State of Skateboarding

I skate for myself but never see anyone else out, at my local skatepark, it's dead.

The community and the comradery you see in old skate videos is gone. Because no one is skateboarding any more.

The boards are still made, the trucks and wheels are made, because it took 30+ years to develop that skateboard to the state it's in today. But the innovation peaked after the development of the double-kicktail board.

Now all you need is a board, you can skate, you'll probably be by yourself but you can skate. But now it's only for the soul , the feel of the board, the wheels under your feet, and that's it.
It's not a "clique" anymore to join just to fit in. Because there are no cliques skateboarding anymore. There's barely any 'cliques' at all, just people sitting at home watching streams and looking at their own social media feed.

So, what killed Skateboarding my view is: All the over-commercialism , stupid brand names, wearing the cool 'skate' brands like DC, Emerica, Etnies, whatever. It became a look. A style. A subculture, but nothing to do with skateboarding. Now you think of a skateboarder as, not just someone on their board, but someone who buys the right CLOTHES , and the right brands, to get the right look.

That's what killed skateboarding, IMO. At the end of the day, it's just the board under your feet and that's it, it's not about the clothes. But this stupid fashion is what ruined it for me.


What killed skateboarding is the same thing that killed USA shopping malls and that thing is drugs. Skateboarders used to skate and back in the 90's skateboarders started doing drugs. Now, skateboarders only do drugs and don't skate. The druggies on the street would have been skateboarders if they did not have easy access to drugs.

Drugs also killed USA shopping malls since once women started doing drugs they stopped going to malls and buying stuff.


Drugs also killed USA shopping malls since once women started doing drugs they stopped going to malls and buying stuff.

Now that makes perfect sense!


psychopath druggie skaters!


How can any kid skateboard when their face is glued to their phone?


I was having a similar conversation with my youngest son (15) yesterday. I was asking him if he's excited to start driving and to get his license.

I asked if he had places to go and congregate with his friends. He said that no one does that. He and his lifetime group of friends spend all day on discord [voice chat], playing games and watching videos/movies/shows "together."

There's no physical community anymore. It's all virtual. At least where I am, Southeast US.


Thanks for the reply, I picked up skateboarding recently , but I haven't seen another skateboarder in years. I think it must have been 20 years ago I last saw a skateboarder on my downtown street, just skating along.

So, I skate for myself but I have to learn everything myself. There's no one else to skate with, so, I have to work out every single trick, every new manuever myself. Which is fine, that's part of skateboarding, But I really think if I had a group, a couple friends who knew how to skateboard, my skill level would increase much faster.

And frankly, I'd have a group to hang out with outside and in public, rather than just sitting around at home, either looking at streaming, or sitting and looking at our phones.

However, seems like not many other 35 year old guys are thinking about this, or coming to the same conclusion as me: that getting outside and doing someting physical with other people, and actually socializing and making eye contact is good.

So, I'll skate by myself mostly because most other millenial men are, as far as I can tell, and in all honesty, too afraid of going outside.


I remember first skating in the late 80s. It was definitely a collaborative effort with each of us bringing something into the group that they had seen or learned elsewhere. Each of us challenging each other to do more complicated or difficult things or combinations of things.

And the social aspect was part of it, too. We had a place where we belonged. A group of friends to be with.

That was middle school and early high school. As we aged we all went our separate ways to do our own things. It's not unique to Millennials.


the skate park out where i live is busy, but its a small mountain town. It is mostly parents with children during the day. Scooters are probably the most common toy used. Later in the day the older kids hang out there.


Yeah, I saw a few scooters at my park, but that's all I've ever seen. And that was years ago.

Those scooters are stupid, honestly, completely limited in what you can do vs a skateboard.

I never even see kids on the scooters anymore. They are all probably sitting around PS5's, Xbox ones, never, ever (EVER) going outside.

And honestly, there aren't that many kids or youths anymore. The birth rate has gone way down, that's just a fact. But since everyone has an sister-in-law or a cousin who just had a kid (probably only child), as soon as you bring up birthrates they will talk about themselves, how someone they know had a kid, and they'll make themselves feel better, and change the subject, and not give a shit about crashing birth rates, because they don't really give a shit about society. They care about themselves, that's it.

We live in a society in denial. Just deny what you don't want to hear. That's what people do now.


It is mostly the urban/suburban white women who stopped making babies. Rural redneck and religious areas have pretty good birth rates. I know lots of people with 6+ siblings. Every day care out here has a 3 yr wait list, pools are at capacity, multiple sports teams in single age groups.


"Rural redneck and religious areas have pretty good birth rates."

No. I live literally in a rural, redneck town in Southwestern Ontario. Every kid in my High school knew Larry The Cable Guy's and the entire Blue Collar Comedy Tour routine by heart. I'm not even joking. I'm surrounded by farms as far as the eye can see. So I LIVE in a rural redneck town. Yes, technically I see some dad or mom with a few kids at the grocery store or the street. SOMETIMES. Most of the time, it's all 50+ Baby Boomers, 40+ Gen Xers ... A TON of Millenials (Me).. But the point is , everyone is 35+. We are an aging society. I barely even see any teenagers , ever. Even driving my car, most people I see walking = old. Most people I see in social gatherings = boomers or Gen X. Add Millenials to that mix (35+) and you have roughly 20% of the population who are actually young people, and declining.

Let's look at your theory "Rural redneck and religious areas have pretty good birth rates."
Okay, Georgia's birthrate dropped significantly between 2007 and 2022 — falling nearly 29%, from 16 to 11.6
Which is exactly in line with the U.S overall decline in births. So yes it's at 11.6 from 16 that's almost a 6 point decline in just 20 years. That is a pretty steep decline. That's just one state, I don't think I need to look at another. Take any southern state. Same trends.

Your notion that "redneck and religious areas" aren't affected is complete nonsense. Just because they believe the Earth is 5000 years old and marry their cousins doesn't mean they are immune to global birth trends which affect everyone , doesn't matter if you live in a tiny village in India.

Real trends show it's people with MONEY who are having more kids: Think of any hollywood celebrity. They all have like 5+ kids with 4 different wives. Why? Because raising a child is ridiculously expensive now, and those Hollywood actors can afford it. They can also afford all the fancy invitro fertilization and special procedures they need, in order to have all these kids, when they are almost 40.


I agree people are having less children and most of what you say is true. But I wouldn't look an entire state to rule out small religious town growth, the capitol skews all the data.

Ontario is a shithole and a bad example, there is a million more men than women. Luckily, the average white woman is a slut and this keeps hordes of male immigrants from raping everyone.


It must be where you live, I don’t skate but I see a lot of people doing especially when the weather get nice. I live in the northeast states.


I definitely never see roaming gangs of skateboarders anymore. Used to be a very common sight. I just assumed it was because all the malls went the way of the dildo. There's no longer any common hang spots anymore. Them big fancy skate parks they build in public parks and what not? I've never seen them used EVER. In big cities they have them places with all the ramps half pipes and what not. Those mega skate domes, whatever they're called. Those places still seem to be doing banger business. But the actual skate culture for the youth and never-surrenders looks like its seen its day. I don't think MTV is propping it up anymore either. They were doing quite a bit to brainwash impressionable minds.


the way of the dildo.

Did you mean Dodo? 🙂


At the University I work for as Public Safety, I see quite a few students using skateboards, but they're the New style of Skateboard that you apparently can use your Smart Device to control the speed


It's not surprising at all to me that they put wi-fi on a frickin' skateboard.


That's not a skateboard then... Taking all the effort out of it. If they can't even PUSH.. How the hell are they going to ollie? It's taking all the skill and technique out of skating. Just like riding an electric bike: Where is the excercize? Electric Bikes: It's not a bike. It's a motorcycle. The first motorcycles were bikes with motors slapped on the side. That's exactly what these motorized bikes are. It's really not even a new invention.

Putting a motor on a skateboard could have been done 30 years ago, too, but does it need to be? What's the point? You're adding unneccesary weight to your board, and motors and engines that could break. Who wants to try a big gap or take that thing off a ramp? When it costs probably 1000$ + ?


It seems there's a steep learning curve. And just practicing intermediate stuff is dangerous. So they can put their balancing prowess into action on ice skates or rollerblades and not have to board.


There's a steep learning curve with anything worth doing. Playing an instrument. Learning a skill. As for it being dangerous, come on... You have to take some risks in life. Even walking out your door is dangerous. You can't just live your ENTIRE LIFE being afraid of every little risk, or you'll be afraid of getting hit by lightning when you go outside, or slipping in the shower and dying.

I haven't been hurt skateboarding once in the entire last 4+ months I've picked it up again and been skating, except a few tiny little microscopic scratches. I don't think it's that dangerous. Just don't do anything stupid like 10 foot handrails or stair gaps. But just skating around on small obstacles is not going to get your self hurt.


Sidewalks are off limits (illegal in the city). Asphaltic concrete is a pain. High grade cement also has control joints. Anyway the fashion may work full circle in this fashion.


How are sidewalks off limits. That is bullshit. I skate on my downtown sidewalk in my town... A skateboard is just a vehicle of transport, they use electric scooters on sidewalks , why shouldn't skateboarding be allowed.

It started out as sidewalk surfing. Saying you can't skate on a SIDEWALK, that is what killed it. I remember whn those bans for started coming into place, in my own town 25 years ago. All a sudden, skateboarding was 'illegal'.

If a cop gets me in trouble for skating on a sidewalk (doubt that would ever happen) that would be a COMPLETE joke. In the age when no one goes outside and does any physical activity anymore, we NEED people outside actually taking part in SPORTS. Getting actual physical excercize. That's what I would say to the cop if they ever gave me shit. They would probably agree with me.
