Rushed to hospital
But right now, apparently rumors are flying that he's taken a turn for the worse,
Look, this has been extremely serious from the start. He was making a movie that is being finished without him, using doubles and CGI, and what does that mean? A movie that can afford a name actor like Foxx will have insurance policies that covers illness and injury in the leading actors, so that if the film's star is taken ill or injured, costs for a pause in production will be covered, so that filming can resume when the actor has recovered. So the fact that they finished the movie without him implies that they didn't expect him to be able to come back to work any time soon.
Waiting for the story to come out how some "assistant" posted that text message with the explanation that it was just done to give hope to his fans or some other bullshit line.
Foxx has been in the hospital for a month now, and when a previously healthy middle-aged person is in a modern hospital for a month... there's something *very* bad going on.
For every relative/person I know who survived an initial stroke/heart attack, I was able to visit them in the hospital within days - I assume he's been placed in a coma and is not going to recover.
It's the apparent lying about his condition is what gets me.
I guess you can pass off low level celebrity X as a suicide or drug overdose or whatever other spin they want to put on it but when an apparently healthy more famous guy bites it, people start wondering about things.
I don't think anyone has been lying to the public, just refusing to disclose information that is none of our business. And that is their legal and moral right.
But I think something very, very bad has happened. I hope he is able to make some kind of meaningful recovery, but that's looking less and less likely every day.
The text message he allegedly sent out seemed to be bullshit.
Jeremy Renner's case comes to mind immediately - almost turned into hamburger meat and yet we're seeing him on TMZ almost every day while he recovers.
Just think of the free PR his new movie would get if Mr. Foxx gave updates about his recovery like Mr. Renner did with his recovery.
Actors are well-advised to make a video experience as soon as possible after a medical emergency that makes the news, because every day they stay out of sight is a day the public can assume they're gone forever, or a day that other actors are being offered the good roles. Everything I see in Foxx's case implies something dire, this included.
Which is probably why someone on his side thought that sending one text was a good idea, but of course one text with no pictures convinces nobody.