MovieChat Forums > Jamie Foxx Discussion > Rushed to hospital

i wonder what happened?


According to the report, he's OK now (personally, I wouldn't be surprised if wasn't just the studio trying to drum up publicity for the movie?)


Smart thinking


They have already found a body double for them to finish the movie. It is just a low budget netflix movie so they have no choice as him gone to long will go over the budget.
Two different men appeared to be standing in for his part, and both wore identical costumes with a gray jacket, a burgundy shirt, dark jeans and white trainers.


Jamie Foxx is a pantywaist so it is likely he just didn't feel well and and wanted the day off.That is the rirectors fault in hiring him and now having a film that goes over budget because of hiring lazy people.


Jamie Foxx is an epic performer, fool. His range from drama to comedy is nonpareil.

Is this lazy?:


Elcamino said nothing that minimizes Jamie’s acting ability, and I agree with you, his talent is exceptional to say the least, but ones’ talent is not synonymous with their character nor is it an accurate reflection of their work ethic. Jamie Foxx has a notorious reputation for being a drama queen on set, you can Google numerous instances which do in fact lend themselves to in some cases, being lazy. He flat out refused to film outside of the US during the Miami Vice production causing Mann to have to rewrite portions of the script in the midst of filming, not to mention the numerous reshoots that were required, this is one example, I’ll leave it to you to search for others. I personally feel that “pantywaist” is an accurate reflection of Jamie, but I’m also a huge fan of his talent and greatly admire his work.


Elcamino glorifies the murderers of children in Palestine. I got my eye on that guy. He's a sicko.

But beyond that, these movie people are all self-entitled bastards. Look at Will Smith. He's worth like 350 million. Really, is what that guy does really worth that? We live in a sick society where children go hungry yet actors earn that kind of money.

However you can't say Jamie Foxx is lazy. He sounds like a temperamental diva. Lol. But I'm in awe of that guy's ability and range as an actor.


I’ll concede that he may not be lazy, but he’s still a pantywaist in my eyes, and I’m with you, dude’s talented as fudge.


Define "pantywaist". 🤣


He's always been a sicko


I agree. Elcamino is a sicko.


This whole ellen situation has gone far enough.


Ellen must be stopped at all costs!!! 🤣




They ruled that out 3 days before the incident occurred. But they are now saying flying saucers produce a similar effect on cattle which graze near rivers that have 3% graphite content, so it's probably that... or it could be something really uncommon.


The Vax


Ain't it odd how Jeremy Renner is all over social media, I think there's even a video of him getting turned into hamburger and yet nothing like that for Jamie Foxx who seems like a very nice and sociable guy.


Still in hospital.

Reportedly still in the hospital after suffering a "medical complication," Jamie Foxx is in need of prayers.

Foxx's friend, Charles E. Alston, known as Charlie Mack, took to Instagram over the weekend to ask his followers to keep Foxx in their thoughts.

"I need you all to constantly keep our beloved brotha @iamjamiefoxx up whom we all [love] & care for dearly in our Hearts, Minds & Prayers!!!! We need you back Bro. As I always state a true champion isn’t the one that wins, it’s the one that meets & overcomes adversity," he expressed.

"You’re test becomes your testimony!! We all can’t wait to receive you back home to celebrate, laugh with and applaud you," he added.


