MovieChat Forums > Chris Rock Discussion > Humiliation Transfer

Humiliation Transfer

That slap probably did Will Smith a lot more good than it did Chris Rock.

All the embarrassment and humiliation he has faced re not being a real man has now - via one open palmed womanly slap - been transferred on to the meekly accepting recipient of the blow...

Chris Rock now requires some incredible comeback not to be remembered as the guy who pathetically allowed himself to be slapped by another man in front of the viewing millions without defending his honor.


Easy. Just sue Will Smith for millions!


I thought he took the slap well (and WTH, a slap? What, no punch? Was Will channeling Scarlett O’Hara?) Chris just kept smiling and went back to work. Will looked deranged up there, then sounded on the verge of a breakdown in his speech.


Chris took the strike, stayed on his feet, and powered through it. I just wish he had a better line than: “Best night of TV ever.” I’m sure he was a bit stunned. It would have been great if he, as a comedian who is quick on his feet, came up with some unforgettable line right after the slap.

Regardless, it will be interesting what he does with this. I’m sure he has plenty of new comedy material to run with. But he should also sue Smith’s ass.


Had he said "oh that's right, you played Ali, I'ma watch my mouth" it would have been a good save.


Absolutely. He could of said "Will your not meant to be Ali this year. That was 20 years ago. This year your King DICK. Folks I've just been king hit by King D-I-C-K.


Not bad.

Can't take credit for it but the best comeback I read on the youtube was something like:-

"Well it seems like you can share ANYTHING with the Smiths except a harmless joke".

But then if he'd hit back with that, Smith would probably have strangled him to death live on stage.


Yeah, my thought in the moment was he could have joked something like "I don't know about G.I. Jane 2, but you just saw the teaser for Ali 2."


Yep, absolutely. Chris came out of that the better man by far.




In terms of the immediate aftermath, yeah he probably did take the slap "well".

But make no mistake - as time passes and that is shown over and over again, it's going to burn deep down into his soul.

Would do any man. Well, perhaps you should qualify that with any man of his generation, given that nowadays we have the likes of Timothee Chalamet... But you get the point

He'll play the way he handled / accepted that over and over again in his head, not helped by swirling images of Will Smith later "getting jiggy with it", laughing and dancing the night away. While he was left nursing his bruised cheek.



You have added comments that a bunch are missing about broader personal implications of the slap and are spot on.

This incident says so much more than the mere slap.


👍 Definitely!


Defending his honor? Against a cuckold who slaps people when he's white knighting for a wife who laughs at him when she screws other men?

The obvious course is to brush it off, that kind of 'man' is zero threat.


Smiths behaviour may have scored him a few points with the 'thug' element....but I thought Rock displayed a professionalism that will long outlast the media-hype.

In a society that's constantly pushing the whole 'Toxic Masculinity' agenda....You'd expect Will Smith to be cancelled immediately? However the same society also tries to push 'Blacks are oppressed' bullshit.....So it's likely Smith will survive this (albeit, largely existing as an internet meme for the rest of his career)

To be honest, I've never cared for either of them. But I'm (sort of) happy that Will Smith (who always talks about 'Black-This' and 'Black-That') has finally exposed his true colours. His acceptence speech highlighted what a hypocrite he is (and likewise the fellow sycophants that applauded him)

Speaking of which, I wonder if BLM have commented about this incident....Oh wait, I doesn't matter if it's black-on-black violence?


Chris Rock comes out of this looking far better than Will Smith. Smith was way out of line, and humiliated himself and his wife with his childish act. Rock was the consummate professional in that moment. Rather than retaliate or say something to escalate the situation, he took it in stride, laughed it off, and kept on going. Many people aren't even sure the moment was staged, primarily due to how well Rock bounced back.


And I think if he had come back with an exceptional one-liner that even more people would believe this was staged and scripted.

You can tell who all the techies brought up on social media and lacking in real-world experience are by their belief this was fake - watch the unedited video and from body language alone you can tell this was not fake.


There are a lot of people in denial claiming its fake because their hero, Will Smith could never do such a thing.


Chris Rock is the bigger man for not responding. Will Smith just made himself look unhinged especially screaming expletives in front of thousands of people.


Hard disagree, Rock comes out looking all right, Will Smith looks like a straight up bitch, he made it even worse with that chosen to spread love speech.

Scientology is a hell of a drug.


Chris Rock wasn’t the one being controlled by his emotions. Besides, he probably initially thought Will Smith was playing around when he started to walk up on stage, like most viewers probably did.
