Let's see the DNA

I don't believe that he and River were full brothers. Since their parents were mixed up in some weirdo cult who knows what they were up to or into. I'd like to see the DNA on all of his remaining sibs.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


I know my sister and I don't like siblings. She is my only sibling since there are no brothers. I inherited a genetic syndrome from my father and she didn't inherit it . Not saying any of the Phoenix siblings were born with any syndromes. I'm only referring to myself and my sister. I was diagnosed with Waardenburg syndrome by a board certified medical geneticist Alan Donenberg MD who was then part of Pennsylvania hospital.

My Life "Much ado about Nothing"



The Bottoms didn't join COG until after River was born.


I think it's possible that River has a different father, but he obviously is his mother's son and at worst a half-brother to all of his siblings. I also don't see any resemblance between John Phoenix and River.

What always confounded me is that John Phoenix (nee "Bottom") looks very similar to some Jewish kids I grew up with but he wasn't from a Jewish background at all, so least it is said in his biographies
