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Was the Covid Vaccine The Cause Of Death In The End??

Perry was a big proponent of the Covid Vaccine and the Rolling Stones article above cites this and yet, as much as Pro Vaxxers don't want to admit this, people have died from developing Myocarditis after taking " The Jab" and it is documented, so is it very possible this played a part in his demise??


from may 2021


Doesn't matter if it's from May of 2021, the fact is that the vaccine can produce side effects at any given time and we don't know how many boosters he took between then and now in 2023??


covid-19 itself can cause it as well at any time in anyone, a lot of unvaccinated people have had the same thing happen with heart problems and cardiac arrest.

Some research is beginning to chip away at how COVID-19 impacts the heart. A *February 2023 study found the inflammatory immune response to a COVID-19 infection can cause calcium to leak from the heart, potentially leading to a fatal, irregular heartbeat. The subjects in this study weren't vaccinated, and research shows a COVID-19 infection is more likely to cause heart problems than vaccination, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute also points out that COVID-19 may affect the heart's cells. A **January 2023 study, which began before the vaccine was available, looked at the relationship between a COVID infection and the protein troponin in the blood, which is associated with heart muscle injury or heart attack. It found that 61% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 who had high troponin levels had heart abnormalities, such a scarring from a heart attack.

Some people develop blood clots after a COVID-19 infection, sometimes in the heart, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute explains. The virus can attack blood vessels, causing a surge inflammatory cells, which can trigger the release of molecules that contribute to blood clotting

More at the above link.

Before there were vaccines people were already having heart attacks after getting covid-19, even if only mildly having covid-19, plus it started happening mid 2019 before we had even heard of covid-19 (let alone vaccines):

The researchers examined hospital, ambulance and forensic data for people aged 50 years and under who had a cardiac arrest in Victoria between mid-2019 and mid-2021.

Their findings have been published in the peer-reviewed journal Europace and involved a review of 1,319 cases.

One of the most startling discoveries was that about a quarter of all people aged under 50 who died during that time period, died as a result of sudden, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, something pointed out by Baker Institute cardiologist and report co-author Elizabeth Paratz.

Rajesh Puranik — a cardiologist with the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney — has reviewed the study's findings.

He said the rate of unexpected cardiac arrest death had significantly increased in the past three decades and doctors now needed to figure out why.

"In this cohort, it's a premature onset of cardiac disease, which means that these people were born with a genetic predisposition," Professor Puranik said.

"Therein lies the avenue for where we could make an impact: We could understand the cause by running genetic tests on these patients.

That's just a snippet and more at the link.


The major finding was that people with COVID-19 have a higher risk of all sorts of heart problems at one year. That included arrhythmias (irregular heart beats or the heart beating too fast or too slow) and atrial fibrillation (a fast heart rhythm in a particular pattern). We found evidence of an increased risk of stroke, of blood clots in the legs and the lungs, and of heart failure and heart attacks. The increased risk of a broad spectrum of heart problems was evident.

I went into it thinking that [the risk] was going to be most pronounced and evident in people who smoked a lot or had diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, or some [other] risk factors. What we found is that even in people who did not have any heart problems start with, were athletic, did not have a high BMI, were not obese, did not smoke, did not have kidney disease or diabetes—even in people who were previously healthy and had no risk factors or problems with the heart—COVID-19 affected them in such a way that manifested the higher risk of heart problems than people who did not get COVID-19.

It was really eye-opening that the risk was also evident in people who did not have severe COVID-19 that necessitated hospitalization or ICU care. People who got COVID-19 and were asymptomatic, or got COVID-19 that was so mild that they were able to nurse it at home, without going to the doctor still developed an increased risk of heart problems a year out.

So yes while some (5 in every 10,000) have developed myocarditis and pericarditis after Covid vaccination, vaccination is not the only thing that has caused it as it was happening before vaccination was available, has happened to the unvaccinated as well, and has been on the rise before we (the public at least) knew of covid-19.

A report on the heart damage from the vaccine from a non-US Journal that wasn't paid off by the government to hide the truth. Study shows 3% of people getting the vaccine get heart damage which is not a huge amount but is certainly higher than you see in studies by the agenda driven US puppets that claim the vaccine is perfectly safe.


Yep like I said it does happen and also happens without it and has been increasing and why the second quote is from Australia so it's outside of the claim of being paid-off, and from a country that has subsidised medical where the pharmaceutical companies don't own the Government and medical is affordable to the people living there (no matter of income level).

Point is, unexpected cardiac arrest death has increased before there was even covid-19 not just the vaccine, so I'm saying let's not throw the baby out with the bath water and blame one thing, include that is happening to 3% of the population and investigate as part of the whole as to why.


So because covid could possibly cause heart problems, you should just willingly take a precautionary method that also cause heart problems?


You should be free to make an informed personal choice of what you want to decide to do, your Doctor or Vaccination Clinic person should be legally bound to inform you of the risks and then you move forward from there and decide whether you want to take the risk of being one of the 3% that may develop heart problems or will be one of the 97% that don't. It should be made known just like all those commercials that run through the possible side effects of medications do, every single medication has a risk involved in it, so like those the side effects of the covid vaccination or any vaccination should be public knowledge.


I completely agree.


It's the fact, that atleast in Australia, you were denied entry to the pub and excused from some jobs for not taking the jab. That dosent offer much of a choice, unless you have a backbone.


No, just the good old fashioned drugs was enough


He could have been hit by a car and the anti-vax crowd would be saying this.


If he were hit by a car and killed from it, wouldn't that be pretty much cut & dry at that point on the cause of death??


You'd think so. However, I recall once seeing a man high on massive quantities of a drug that's notorious for causing respiratory failure. While being arrested, the man repeatedly shouted that he couldn't breathe while squirming and kicking around, even knocking himself out of a police vehicle. Eventually, an officer restrained him on the ground as they called for an ambulance for him. Meanwhile, the man continued to yell about not being able to breathe. He went unconscious before the ambulance got there and unfortunately died. The autopsy report revealed what was already apparent: that this drug that causes respiratory failure caused respiratory failure. Nevertheless, of course, many people continued to passionately and adamantly proclaim that the man died by being choked to death by a police officer.

If people want to believe something, they'll look for any cognitive loophole they can find to rationalize it as being true. Activists like stories about black people being killed by the police because it supports their pre-established worldview that the police are mostly racist. Anti-vaxxers like stories about people dying from vaccines because it supports their pre-established belief that vaccines are mostly bad and dangerous. Either group will prematurely insert these beliefs into any new story they can find because they so desperately want more evidence that validates the ideas that they've already decided are true. And they'll do whatever mental gymnastics or god of the gaps arguments that are necessary to rationalize that point of view.


I'd say that pretty much sums it up.. I couldn't have put this better myself.. People should listen to this


The footage was pretty damning.


When someone says they can't breath maybe stop what you are currently doing.


He said he couldn't breathe multiple times before anyone began doing anything to him.


What about an anvil dropped from a tall building?


Or shot six times in a drug deal gone bad. Or some other clearly not vaccine related death.

They'd still blame it on the vaccine anyway.


But that's not the case though and neither happened like this.. The man championed the Covid vaccine that has been known to cause side effects and is documented.. Why Liberals have a hard time grasping this is fascinating??


Quite a few people have been hit by cars, shot by guns, and died from various other mishaps, and their deaths counted as Covid fatalities by the Covid-hysteria crowd.


That's not true. Post a link to prove your claims.


yeah that mcfranklinvax did him in most likely


The dude had a severe opiate problem, taking upwards of 50 vicodin a day. Alcohol issues too. Cops say they found anti anxiety meds (probably benzos), so you seriously think he didn't pull a Whitney Huston and drowned while intoxicated?


the human body is a power machine but that mcfranklinvax is some new science bitch demon shit



Was going unvaxxed and catching COVID the cause of your brain malfunction?


I've never had Covid and still don't buy into it.. I take care of myself in general.. I eat right, workout daily, drink plenty of Vitamin C & D and feel damn good for being 57 and not vaccinated.. I personally don't care if someone chooses to get the "Jab" but also, do your homework and know what you're getting into with it..


It probably was not the cause of death. This seems like a drink and or take muscle relaxers thing and then accidentally fall asleep in the hot tub. But one thing is for certain about the death, if it was vaccine related they'll never tell you and if this had happened during the covid craze it would have already been labeled a covid death.


Yeah, you're right about that.. They'll never admit someone died from complications brought on by that vaccine, otherwise, everyone who took it would be losing their minds over it..




You honestly believe ghouls were involved? What are you 3 years old?


