MovieChat Forums > Edward Norton Discussion > No matter how his career goes...

No matter how his career goes...

...Wes Anderson will always hire him.


Maybe so, but just to chime in - I've never been a fan of his. ALways thought he was overrated. In fact, I can't think of one performance by him I really liked. He was tolerable in "The Score". That's about it.


Sometimes actors get unfairly tagged as just playing themselves in every role, as if their performance come so naturally that it doesn't even qualify as acting. Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwood, and James Garner come to mind in this regard. In Edward Norton's case, however, I think the shoe fits. He seems to play the same sort of whiny tough guy in most every role. Sometimes this suits a film well, like Fight Club and American History X, and often it doesn't. Norton would've fit in perfectly as one of the meatheaded Boston Southies in Good Will Hunting.


Funny enough i think the only time i have liked him was Birdman where he was making fun of taking himself to serious

He has the same quality as Christian Bale for me where he is doing to much all the time


Loved The SCORE.. Norton did a great job acting mentally challenged that if that movie were made in 2024, Norton would be the victim of #cancel culture over it


As great as American History X was, I think the whole shit went down with him and Director Tony Kaye scared of a lot of directors wanting to work with Norton, and he's been known not to be easiest to deal with behind the scenes. Sure he's worked with Wes Anderson and other great directors since but this guy was considered one of best American actors at the time. And you look at his C.V and it's not blistering with lead roles or big films.


Perhaps eventually ONLY Wes Anderson will hire him. They seem to get along.


There's always work in the NY Water & Sewer Dept.


I'm surprised he hasn't filled in where Kevin Spacey has been phased out. He's a better actor than Damon and Affleck, imho, but it seems he reputation proceeds him either various producers and directors.
