Yes, the glass ceiling for actresses is much lower than for actors, and as much as I respect Clint Eastwood and Michael Douglas, it's tiring to see them constantly paired with women half their age.
Two actresses who, in my view, have broken that ceiling are Ellen Burstyn and Gena Rowlands, who aren't strictly relegated to playing the grandmother or the neighbor -- though, of course, they still play plenty of those parts as well.
I hope I didn't sound like I completely writing off young actresses. It's just that so many of the new releases seem geared to the youth market that the true diversity of film fans seems neglected. I respect and admire Rachel McAdams and Scarlett Johansson, and I look forward to seeing their careers develop to the point of breaking through that glass ceiling. I even like Lindsay Lohan, despite some of her personal foibles. But of course, in keeping with the theme of this thread, I'm not one to gossip!