Why did Martin stop?
Am I just left in the dust and missed something?
He's a talented guy!
Did he just make all he needed to make, money wise, and call it a day?
Am I just left in the dust and missed something?
He's a talented guy!
Did he just make all he needed to make, money wise, and call it a day?
He's still finalizing "Bad Boys 3" (as of 2014).
I, too, think he made enough money to be comfortable. Now and again I still see him touring his stand up act, though that may be more for his personal enjoyment.
Martin Lawrence. What an absolute piece of shit.share
In my lifetime I have had the opportunity to work on a few movies here and there, or at least visit the sets. I worked on “Mystic River” and “Shutter Island” and was on the set of “State and Main” and a few others, one of which was “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?”, a comedy with Martin Lawrence and Danny Devito shot at the Milton Academy in Milton, MA. I am not a member of the Union; I’m a scab. When I show up it’s at the largesse of friends. I’m there to do scut work, throw sandbags and work after hours when the Union goes home but the director needs to complete the movie. People who work on the movies tend to be tight-lipped about what’s going on because reputation is everything. You WANT Martin Scorcese to say, “Ya, I want that guy on grip because he was so good on Mystic River.” or some such. So they don’t go around saying, “This movie is a pig.” When they do they are toying with their reputation. Many times they don’t even know. But sometimes they do. And Martin Lawrence was financing this movie out of his own pocket. And yet he showed up with an entire entourage of hoes and sluts that hung on his every word like he was a God and he demanded that they all be treated like royalty. He was selfish and rude and whenever he didn’t get his way or felt slighted, he stormed off the set to his trailer to sulk. Every time he broke character and stalked off it was costing tens of thousands of dollars - of his own money!!!! What a moron. He was universally reviled. All of his stardom went right to his head and he was a perfect example of people who believe their shit doesn’t stink. For the record, the movie sucked and bombed. It was no surprise to the people who made it.
Nobody wants his crap today.