Her last name

Does she realize it makes her sound like "the degenerate one?"


Such minor details are of no importance when you're overflowing with pride!


They say pride cometh before a fall.


A lot of adages seem to be attributed to these mysterious “They” characters! Who do you think They are? Freemasons? Illuminati? The alien overlords that the way-too-tan faced guy with wild hair always talks about on those Discovery channel shows?


they are wise old saying that have been passed thru the ages


I doubt it. That's never occurred to me, anyway, and probably not to many others.

Maybe if someone dislikes her a lot, it might occur to them, same way people do that with the names of other celebrities they dislike a lot.

FWIW, I've met her, and she was friendly and humble.


She had a standup special (like 20 years ago) where she mentioned how people who thought they were really clever would call her Ellen Degenerate, like she's never heard that one before. She noted how pathetic and desperate those people are...


And then she called for war with Brunei, a country you've never heard of, because they are mean to gay people, and by pure coincidence they happen to be mean to multinational corporations as well. Hilarious!


I have to return some videotapes


I would have changed my name if it was as strange as Ellen's.


It sounds more like Ellen TheGenerous. Which is pretty apt.


Yep, I thought the same thing. I think she is great.


screw the negative braindead cunts.


I always wondered about her last name. If it were me I'd change it.


I'm sure she realized this well over 25 years ago when Howard Stern repeatedly called her Ellen Degenerate on his show a million times in the 1990s, and his fans heckled her.


I thought it sounded more like Ellen the Generic
