MovieChat Forums > Timothy Dalton Discussion > T-DALT. was a great Bond!!!!

T-DALT. was a great Bond!!!!

Interesting how they said he was too dark and brooding to be Bond at the time. Now they love the dark and brooding Daniel Craig as Bond. Guess he was ahead of his time. He should get more respect for his Bond portrayal.


He wasn't dark and brooding to the point of being charmless. He played a good conflicted Bond with flashes of debonair bravado when the scene called for it.


For those of us who read the novels, he personified Fleming's actual description of Bond's physical attributes.


Agreed db-
Bond was nearly suicidal in the old/original Fleming novels (drinking/chain-smoking/did not care anymore)
He felt really awful about killing those first few targets and it was pretty well written story-wise...really liked most of the movies but only Dalton and Lazenby played the human side of the role


Not quite sure about Lazenby, but Dalton seemed to have the chiseled features, black hair and steely, cold, blue eyes and intensity Fleming attributed to the character.


Yeah Dalton was cool and kinda angsty as Bond should be
Check out Lazenby's one and only performance as Bond sometime when youre free...good movie


Dalton's problem was he agreed to do Living Daylights as it was written for Roger Moore. I think when it did poorly they decided to drop him but he was already filming License to Kill which was made for his style. Unfortunately the box office suffered for it.


My third favorite Bond and leagues better than Craig who needs to fucking go already.


Going for “dark and brooding”(like everyone else)....was fucking stupid.

The BOND formula ain’t about trying to be John fucking McClane or Jason Bourne.

By embracing a uniform VANILLA formula...they destroyed the mystique that made Bond stand out.

Personally...I LIKED Timothy Dalton as Bond.

But he was shit as Rhett Butler.


You're right, the movies feel so removed from what they used to be. Take away the name Bond from the films, get rid of the music and you've got yourself a generic action film.


Girls, Gadgets and Gab.

Fairly lacking in the Craig films.

Feminists, kiss my ass.


I liked Dalton as well. Craig plays Bond very cold and charmless.


I wish Dalton had gotten both A View to a Kill and Goldeneye. That would have solidified his run as one of the best.


T-Dalt is great in anything, pure class, I'd of loved to of seen him play 007 earlier too. Much better than the current Bond!


Agreed 👍⤴


Dalton was good, pity he didn't do more than 2. Sam Neil done a test for Living Daylights and I think he would have been good but not as good as T-DALT . See below ⤵


He wanted to do more but they took to long to make another film and he had lost interest at that point.


Yep you can't blame him for giving it up 👍


No, not really. Fascinating to think what Goldeneye would've been like with him.


Agreed it would have been good to see. 👍


I just really like people referring to this guy as T-DALT. All Bonds should be given a hip-hop type moniker:

and MC LAZ
