MovieChat Forums > Bill Clinton Discussion > Why Was This RAPIST and General Sex Offe...

Why Was This RAPIST and General Sex Offender Allowed to Destroy the Left?

The early 90s was a very hopeful, yet strangely cynical (in a good way) time for leftists like me. We could see the Reagan/Bush and Thatcher era finally coming to a close, and culture, or at least pop culture, rising up to take pot-shots at the mainstream, 2.4 children, mortgage and a family, white upper-middle-class, nicey-nicey BULLSHIT consensus of the last decade or so, and many us hoped that what would come next would destroy that 'normative' nonsense.

Instead, what we got, was a continuation of the same neoiberal, capitalist, 'meritocratic', 'winner takes all' politics of the last decade or so, but WORSE, it now had a 'legitimate' goodie-goodie faux-liberal sheen (which played into the hands of the *less intelligent* and less *self-aware* feminsts, civil rights and LGBTQ+ activists among us; although, to their infinite credit Black *men*, albeit, not, alas, Black women, have continued to cast a wary eye on the faux-leftist establishment, which makes sense, since it wasn't Black *women* who were the ones being demonised as 'super-predators', or being mass incarcerated as a result of Clinton and Biden's policies; a FACT that WHITE Democrats, their pals in the WHITE 'liberal' MSM, and their Black female simps continue to deny, whilst Black men are STILL being MURDERED by cops, and being thrown in prison simply for being *men* with the 'wrong colour skin' πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ).

In other words, the Clintons, this FUCKING *RAPIST* who exposed himself to a woman whilst governor of Arkansas, and his wife who referred to Black men as 'super-predators', and mocked struggling students/Millennials/Zillennials who dared to ask that something be done about their debts, whilst rich BOOMERS like the Clintons and their pals continue to get RICHER, DESTROYED *TRUE* left-wing liberalism, alongside their UK partner-in-crime, and WAR-MONGER and LIAR, Tony Blair. 😠

What makes it even more disgraceful is that Hillary, the supposed 'feminist' (πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ) chose to stay with her CHEATING, RAPIST, SEX OFFENDING husband all these years.

Speaking as an ACTUAL feminist, what type of self-proclaimed 'feminist' does that? No wonder Hillary lost the 2016 election, and how fucking DARE any self-proclaimed feminist argue in her favour. Yes, it was her shitheel husband who personally committed acts of sexual VIOLENCE towards other women. Yes, that isn't *her* fault, and NO woman should ever be blamed for a *man's* violence. And yes, she was an infinitely better option for Commander-in-Chief than Trump, and would have done more to ensure that SCOTUS was filled with Judges who would protect women's rights. I get all that, and that's why I reluctantly endorsed Hillary in 2016. But I still can't blame anyone who refused to vote for either of the main candidates in that election, because, let's be fucking HONEST for one monent: NEITHER Clinton nor Trump are TRUE feminists. A feminist DOESN'T RAPE WOMEN, but nor do they stand by the men who do.


Did you forget to take your meds today?


You're so close to the truth, Harv. Keep going!


A feminist who has something against a meritocracy. What a shock. What's a matter tootz? Can't compete? Maybe that's why you had a gender role to begin with. It's something your practically worthless gender can handle as you coast through life complaining and contributing nothing but problems to everyone you come in contact with.


Don't forget that political correctness BS introduced by Hillary Clinton...


his wife who referred to Black men as 'super-predators'

Can you link where Hillary Clinton said this?



Hahaha. That was hilarious. Thanks.

But as far as I can see she never equated "super predators" to blacks.


what a load of waffling pretentious indulgent crap .
If he was a rapist he'd be in prison

How about name something he did or didnt do that actually affected peoples daily lives , for better or worse.
what laws did he change?
did he put taxes up ? or down ?

reply must like Trump too.


The above was in no way a defense of clinton , just a reply to the rambling libelous zero substance quasi intellectual rant of the OP

I deeply dislike Trumps personality first , policies second , and would never vote for him or his party .

but yes , I'd like to hear some actual facts on how his term actually performed .
I dont think he actually did much damage economically .
Diplomatically he turned the US into a laughing stock in the eyes of the rest of the world, but that was just some lols
At least he managed to keep his little paws off the big red button.


You might get an answer when you ask Republicans why rapist Trump was allowed to destroy the GOP. haha.
