I heard that Tim Allen was a major player in the cocaine trade during the late 70's and rumored to be the biggest drug dealer in America.
Apparently after he was arrested the federal agents seized his property including his 50 million dollar Beverly Hills palace, fully armored Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz 600, five sports cars, gold plated helicopter, over 20 illegal unregistered firearms and one illegally imported endangered pet tiger.
Hate to disappoint you but I find him funny in Home Improvement. Couldn't stand watching Last Man Standing after the first episode of the second season when they changed his daughter and her ex into completely different characters.
I can take or leave Tim. The stuff he does with Jay Leno when they're talking about cars is actually pretty interesting. But that's the problem with Tim. He's kind of an anachronistic dinosaur who doesn't really have a place in the modern century. I wasn't the biggest fan of his back with his old show cause that show could be seriously sappy. And his movies were the wrong kind of goofy. Not Galaxy Quest though. That movie is dynamite. So Tim's always gonna be okay in my book.
The Santa Clause was awesome. I loved the second one too. I find Tim's sarcastic whit hilarious. Haven't liked a Will Ferrel movie yet but to each our own.