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Seinfeld Booed And Students Walk Out On His Duke University Commencement Speech

Weird to see a guy once looked upon as just a great figure of comedy now looked upon so divisively...


Welcome to Generation Whine is how these students look to me and truth be told, many of them don't even know what they're protesting, but merely going along for the ride on it to get on Tik Tak


Yeah, social media like Tik Tok and Twitter are potentially dangerous for the status quo. It's no longer possible to control your population's media consumption / propaganda, when you can see the death and destruction being wrought in easy to digest 30 second clips...


People like Seinfeld don't even know what they're supporting, and if Seinfeld is aware then he's exactly the POS the students claim him to be.


Oh he knows who and what he's supporting for certain.. He's not a pinhead like 95% of these self entitled students just trying to get on Tik Tak to make a name for themselves, attention whores so to speak


Yeah, I think he knows unfortunately - He's been pictured (with his family) with IDF soldiers. Took them to some entertainment experience where they could machine gun down mock freedom fighters, whilst visiting Israel.

He knows exactly what he's preaching in favour of.

It's a shame because I'm pretty sure in Seinfeld the middle east "issue" came up a couple of times and I think the body swerved it with a sort of funny "well, what can you do about that?". It was played like, well we're American Jewish folks and that's far removed from us.

But the reality of Seinfeld now is quite different.


Hamas are freedom fighters?


I'd imagine they perceive themselves as such...


I consider PFLP as freedom fighters even if Israelis consider them as terrorists.

But Hamas? They are as much of freedom fighters as Al Qaeda, who want to "free" the "Ummah".

Are you an Islamist? If not, then why would you support them?


I'm not an Islamist and I'm not a Hamas supporter either.


Your post implied that you are.


I don't see how. I never said anything to that effect.


"Took them to some entertainment experience where they could machine gun down mock freedom fighters, whilst visiting Israel."

Who are the freedom fighters?


No idea. As I said, my understanding is that it puts mock freedom fighters up for zionists to gun down for "fun".

But I believe this "entertainment" experience was in the West Bank...

So where is this implication that I am supporting Hamas? 🤔


You described them as freedom fighters.

The neutral term would be "Palestinian militant".

Palestinian militants these days are almost exclusively Hamas or Islamic Jihad. I'm pretty sure those mock militants weren't supposed to be honorable freedom fighters who just want their people freed.
They are supposed to represent the Palestinian militants or random lunatics who carry out attacks against Israeli civilians.


So you're take is that it is "implied" that I'm supporting Hamas because I described a West Bank zionist "entertainment" centre, as having mock freedom fighters, rather than militants, to shoot at?

That's a bit of a leap...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure they don't just want their "people freed". I'd wager they want the zionists off the land they perceive as rightly belonging to them...

But then I guess we're probably putting too much thought into the philosophy of these mock freedom fighter cut outs (who aren't Hamas!), who are, after all, only there for certain bloodthirsty Jewish people to carry out their fantasies on.


Hamas were the ones who attacked Israel.

And why? Because Israel was reaching peace with Saudi Arabia. They didn't just attack Israel, didn't just break the peace, but attacked the idea of peace itself.


Yeah, decisively derisively. He's become a right wing nutjob. He's now a cranky old curmudgeon.


Interesting how anyone telling the truth these days is now considered a "right wing nutjob".


Meh, the guy's a hypocrite. In the 90's he was cutting edge and risque. Now he's railing against "libs" and woke. Seinfeld is the one who started with the "evil left" diatribe. It's just foolish and I don't have time for it.


Instead of generalities, give me some specifics - I might agree with you. I'm a conservative but a lot of stuff on the right is just taking the other side when the left gets something right.


He referred to the "extreme left" and censorship. I just found it disingenuous coming from someone who has always been identified with liberalism. But I think this has more to do with "liberals" who oppose the invasion in Gaza. He's being a phony.


So you have no specifics, just mOre generalities.


Huh? That's right to the point. I just told you why he's being booed by students.


No, you didn't. Explain why "He's become a right wing nutjob".


1) References to the extreme left are one. He's calling bourgeois liberals "extreme left". That's silly right wing rhetoric. I oppose "woke" censorship as well. But it's standard center left liberalism to ban words and limit critique of certain "marginalized" groups. It's not "extreme". It's been going on for the last 100 years.

2) Criticism of Israel's invasion of Gaza is not "extreme left". The main stream liberal press and Biden himself have called for a ceasefire.

3) Fuck this idiot. He's old and he's lost his edge.


What? "cutting edge and risque" - none of which fits Seinfeld PG13 comedy


Lol, on prime time tv shows about masturbation and vulvas and blah blah blah are risque. No one else dared do that in the 90's.


Why have him there?

Seems like they wanted a reaction.


Maybe he said a bad word. Like "Mulva" or "Delores"


a dozen assholes


It's getting to the point where if an Israeli finds a cure for cancer, pro-Palestine supporters going to protest it.


Works out better for Seinfeld. It gets rid of the whiny babies who cry into their social media when ever someone disagrees with them. he'll have a much better audience with them gone.


"once looked upon as just a great figure of comedy"
this man was never funny, he benefitted from a time when nothing good was on tv


He benefited from being on one of the greatest sitcoms of all time.


That's not true. I like The Cosby Show, Seinfeld, ALF, and Saved by the bell.


He wasn't the funniest character in the show but he was one of the writers for what was a very funny show.


The 90s were the last good decade for sitcoms.


Besides Seinfeld you had Frasier and 3rd rock from the sun. I can't think of any sitcom that's currently airing better than any of those classics.


I'm not even a fan of all of these, but there was also: Friends, Home Improvement, Murphy Brown, Fresh Prince, Boy Meets World, Married... with Children, Spin City, The Drew Carey Show, Mad About You, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Wings,.


Ahh the Bundy's. Never missed an episode of Married... with children. A show that would surely send modern fragile PC nuts running to their social media feeds to complain.


King of Queens
