MovieChat Forums > Jerry Seinfeld Discussion > He dated a high school girl. She was 17,...

He dated a high school girl. She was 17, him 39

And they dated for three years.


I can't believe the amount of people in these responses who don't see a problem with this.


I can't believe the number of people in these responses who don't see that if she wanted to be with him, there was no problem. If she had been weeks older, a second past midnight on her eighteenth birthday, she would have been at the age of consent. That's just an arbitrary legal number that has nothing to do with biology or morality. She was not less able to consent responsibly just because she was a bit short of that birthday. Their relationship is none of anyone's business but theirs.


Sure it's arbitrary, but he met her when she was in high school. Her wanting to be with him doesn't change it.


Oui phukum yung.


Can’t imagine what he saw in her.


holy smokes those are some rockin tits!!


She looks like him but with a good rack.


Back of the net!

What a legend.


And he broke up with her when she turned 21. Did she become too old for his liking?


His next girlfriend Jessica, who he married, was 27 when they met while she was on her honeymoon. I guess he learned his lesson about dating teens and decided to go for a different challenge.


Yeah, going for a married woman. Great guy!


Jeez... I never heard that before.

Is that a definite? She was on her honeymoon?


Is that the young girl that is real busty?


If Jerry broke the law then it's wrong.


Very disgusting that a lot of guys actually support this kind of behavior. Imagine being a millionaire celebrity and going after a high schooler. Imagine dropping off your high school girlfriend every day at 7:30am and picking her up at 3pm.

I got into an argument with a former friend, who was 28 at the time, who went on a date with a high schooler, quite literally picking her up from high school to take her on a date. "But she's 17, that's legal here" he kept saying. And then what a shock, the girl accused him of being too sexually aggressive and ghosted him, so he started stalking her and got into some trouble. He was a complete fucking moron, not a good-looking guy, unemployed, and still lived with his dad. He also said he had been waiting for her to turn 17 so they could legally date, meaning he had likely tried courting her when she was a minor.

Some of yall should just admit you are pedophiles.


Being "too sexually aggressive" and stalking are problems. But dating a seventeen-year-old where that is the legal age of adulthood is not. Waiting for her to be seventeen before being in a relationship with her is responsible. It sounds like you wouldn't be as troubled about it if he had been good-looking, employed, and lived alone. You are really not thinking logically at all.


It would be equally as creepy if he were a good looking guy. It's equally as creepy when millionaire Jerry Seinfeld does it. Not sure how that's not logical. Also, trying to convince a minor to fall in love with you so you can take her away on her 17/18th birthday is called grooming, and it's extremely creepy and pedophilic. Also illegal.


there is zero reason to even attempt to discuss this with someone that doesn't actually understand the defintion of pedo. they won't face truth, reality or fact, and remain in their tiny echo chamber that doesn't require REAL definitions of words.

also seem to lack a basic understanding of human sexuality.
