MovieChat Forums > John Ritter Discussion > He made that awful "Three's Company...

He made that awful "Three's Company"

Incredibly talented comedic actor! And up to that point, I can't remember him in anything but "The Waltons" as the minister.


I loved "Threes Company".




Three's Company was a masterpiece
Take that BACK !!!
Tell ya what...Lets meet at the Regal Beagle and have some beers in our extremely short tennis shorts and calm down


Sounds good. :)


And it had a lot of funny supporting players... Norman Fell, Audra Lindley, Don Knotts, Richard Kline.


It was a fun show and was on everyday after school in the 80s
Us kids would do our homework watching it and only get about half the jokes


You're a fellow Three's Company fan?


Yeah, of course, I love Suzanne Sommer’s thighs, imagine those pythons wrapped around your neck!
And that Joyce Dewitt was pretty sexy too.

Jack Tripper sure could pick
Some sexy assed roommates.


I think the show would not have survived more than two seasons without him. His physical comedy (falling over things, trying to do various tasks/chores unsuccessfully) was really the only redeeming thing the show had going for it.


... and the mind-control grade legs of Joyce DeWitt.

I watched it and M.A.S.H. over and over. Of the two, TC is still watchable for me today. OP is an NPC.


A lot of hot ladies and a great supporting cast helped a bunch too...
But yes, he was the star and very funny


He really was the best thing on it. He was a brilliant comedic actor of the old slap-stick school.

But I obviously didn't care for the show itself. I think it was the Chrissy character. Brain-dead blondes had been done to death.


I used to like "Three's Company" in the late '70s, but I saw part of an episode recently (all I could endure) and it was dreadful. I don't know how I could have watched it when I was younger--maybe I was lonely, or bored, or desperate for entertainment.


Yeah, I used to like apple pie when I was a kid but I nibbled a bit of the dry crust off the end of a slice recently and it was dry and tasteless. How could I ever have liked apple pie before? I must have been starving.

/end sarcasm

You must have watched one of the rare bad episodes. Like one of the last three perhaps.


I loved the show at the time but I tried watching it recently and couldn't get through the first ep.


Loved it as a kid but cringeworthy now. Still Ritter does lift it above what it really is.


I enjoyed him as the Reverend Fordwick on The Walton's. A challenging role as religion got a critical look on that show and he played it straight. His episodes on The Walton's were typically top notch. I wish a way was found for him to guest on there once he started with Three's Company. Maybe he did not want to continue because religion, unfortunately, was reduced to being not hip with most of the public during the late 1970's.


Three's Company was great. Garbage post.


Different strokes for different folks. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I notice I'm not the only one on here who walked away with the impression he was the best thing on it.
