MovieChat Forums > Alan Rickman Discussion > Favorite Alan Rickman movies?

Favorite Alan Rickman movies?

What's your favorite Alan Rickman movie?

I love him in many films....Love, Actually, Harry Potter of course, Galaxy Quest, but my favorite is a little-known film called "Snow Cake." Fantastic acting. I highly recommend if you haven't seen it.

Completely gutted when I heard the news this morning; loved the man!


Emma Watson - The Real Hermione Granger Is there also an unreal one ?!?!???

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Don't remember seeing him in too many movies actually. Die Hard made him immortal, of course.


"By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be AVENGED!!!"


Die Hard and Robin Hood Prince of theives.


Galaxy Quest
Quigley Down Under
Love Actually
