MovieChat Forums > Paul Reubens Discussion > masturbated in a theater

masturbated in a theater

just heard


“masturbated in a theater”

What male hasn’t?


But he had it pulled out. I've never done THAT in a theater. That's why you buy a popcorn tub LOL. I remember reading a Penthouse forum letter where a guy claimed he poked a hole in the tub and got a handy from his GF.

WOW that is some buttery popcorn!


The police report said he masturbated 2 times, 10 minutes apart. I’d say that’s some good recovery time right there.


Maybe he didn't finish the first time, and was waiting for another good scene.


It’s possible for sure, but I think it went down the other way. 😀


Whatever the case, I gotta respect a guy that tries hard.


So the cops jerked off while watching him?




Willing to bet that theater went out of business soon after the cops busted P.W. and made it national news that they were conducting stings there. No way in hell men were gonna step foot in there after that. Hope the city of Sarasota enjoyed their reduced tax revenue once the place shuttered! You know--the very tax revenue that paid those very pigs! Idiots.


Don't you think that was the intent? It's probably either a money laundering front anyway, or they under-report their revenue. The city is willing to take a revenue hit in exchange for cleaning up some of the filth that might hinder neighboring businesses.


If they wanted X-rated theaters closed down then why not simply outlaw them??
