MovieChat Forums > Brendan Fraser Discussion > Letstget this guy back on the foreground...

Letstget this guy back on the foreground.

Brendan's got charm and deserves it. We deserve it. Bring Brendan Fraser to mainstream TV!


Starting February 15th he's playing Robotman in Doom patrol on DCUniverse's streaming service.I liked Titans so i'm looking forward to this.


I really is kind of shocking the way that he has just fallen off the ledge, both personally and professionally. From the collapse of his marriage, to his physical issues, to the evaporation of his career, it's a sad tale all around.

Fraser will always have a special place in my heart because of The Mummy. It's one of my favorite movies of all time, and also one of my most re-watched movies.

If you watch interviews with him from the last few years the dude sounds broken, but thankfully he seems to be recovering, both in terms of his mental and emotional well-being and in terms of his career.


My first movie date was The Mummy. Will always love Fraser.


Wow.🙄 I thought all of the pseudo psychologists were over at YouTube.😒 You guys slay me. You make these inflammatory statements and then you proclaim to "love" him. Amazing.


Your response is incomprehensible. From what I can gather though, you don't know anything about Fraser's life over the last 5 to 10 years.


You must be new here and apparently are not from the predecessor of this site, IMDb. Allow me to introduce myself. I am TheChamCham. I know more about Fraser's last FIFTY years than you would ever care to know.


With only 55 posts, I might conclude that YOU are the one who is new here.

In any case, since you are a Fraser historian and whatnot, you don't need me to tell you what he's had a hard go of it in the last decade. He's said so himself. No psychoanalysis needed.


No smart remarks are needed either. His average "fan" is in their twenties and has not endured, nor achieved, what he has, therefore they are not a entitled to judge him. 1692 posts? 🤨


Not sure anyone is judging him. Do you judge the cancer patient for contracting cancer?

Dude's had some hard knocks. That's just the reality of the situation. Physical injuries. A bad divorce. A weird #MeToo sexual incident that, by his own admission, affected his psyche.

Not sure why sympathizing with his plight is a negative thing. Life has not been rainbows and kittens for him in recent years, which he himself has said. Hopefully better days are ahead.


I see very little genuine sympathizing. He's been the butt of more jokes, memes, petitions,etc.


I don't understand why you would see any of that in my earlier post, which you replied to.

As I said, I love The Mummy and he was a big part of what made that film great. Journey to the Center of the Earth is also fun.

He seems to be making a comeback, which is good to see. I just learned today that he's got a major role in Doom Patrol, and he's been in some other high-profile shows in the last few years.


"fallen off the ledge both personally and professionally." That makes it sound like he's been in rehab, behaved unprofessionally, etc. when he hasn't. He's always played by the rules. He only has one year missing from his filmography. There are a lot of actors with more time missing and yet he's the one they notice for some reason. He works as much as he wants to and picks his own projects.


Nah, I meant that his personal life had gone to shit (it had) and this affected his career as well.

We know why his career began to suffer. As I said before, he's already given us the reasons.

I didn't say it was his fault. I just said that it happened.


All you know about his personal life is what he has chosen to tell in interviews. The smartest thing he did was divorcing Afton. He should have gotten away free and clear with only a few million going to her, but Connecticut judges are living in the past.


You're right, and what he has chosen to share is pretty dreadful and unfortunate.

I feel for the guy. I'd like to think we could get one more action movie out of him at some point, but from what he's said about his physical condition, that seems unlikely.

As for the divorce, yeah, it sounds like she did a number on him financially. Also unfortunate.


More than financially and all of the people celebrating fail to realize that they have kids together so that isn't going to change. He wants to do another sequel to The Mummy, but Universal isn't likely to greenlight it because they'd be admitting that the Tom Cruise movie, though unrelated, ws a mistake. His health and well-being are more important than any movie.


He'll be back. Everybody loves a comeback story. But he's not gonna be the pretty funny guy we knew and loved. He'll probably take a serious turn at grim and gritty dramas. Be all old and fat and win a bunch of awards.


He's back! Poison Rose. Check it out.


Well it looks like you were onto something here TandyMan!
It’s taken 4 years but I hope you are right about the awards heading his way.


Yeah, lol. I ended up hitting this one square on the head. I love that video of him at the Cannes getting emotional at the ovation.


I don't know anything about BF's life, but I did like the early movie School Ties, which I think also had Matt Damon in it. I think it's funny seeing MD play such a jerk. I suppose he was a jerk in The Departed, but that's different.

But Fraser, I don't remember seeing him in very many roles. I'm not a fan of Indy Jones knock offs, so I haven't seen The Mummy, but I must have seen him in something else because I feel like I'm very familiar with him. I wish him -- and everyone out here in MC land -- all the best.


I enjoyed this guy in The Mummy and I think critics have been too harsh on him in the past. But while I also wish him well, I think people are absolutely exaggerating. Actors like him have come and gone and without the Mummy franchise he would not have been as popular as he is. He might complain about having been blacklisted, but I think his personal issues didn't help much either. Let's face it, though, while he did do some dramatic roles, most of his films have been lightweight comedies and family films. He's not one of the finest actors to ever have graced the big or small screen. No need to be so hysterical.




That is a very accurate assessment. He was never spectacular, and had a longer career than his talent deserved. A LOT of his movies are really bad.
