MovieChat Forums > Bridget Fonda Discussion > Why Has Fat Enabling Become Such A Socia...

Why Has Fat Enabling Become Such A Socially Acceptable Construct?

It's interesting to read some of the comments on here re Bridget's massive weight gain and a number of people feeling the requirement to virtue signal that they wouldn't "fat shame".

But how did we arrive at this juncture, i.e. at this point at which fat enabling seems more socially acceptable than shaming?

Is it simply an unavoidable consequence of capitalism?

i.e. So many companies can make huge profits from people shoveling heaps of cheap, garbage food into their mouths that there necessarily had to be a counter to people describing obese bodies as unhealthy and "grotesque". By this counter being pushed (and with people, the sjw types, thinking they're just signalling / being seen as being positive snowballing the effect) it allows the junk food industry to continue feasting on their profits...

Who else gains? Maybe the healthcare industry also stands to gain very nicely out of this narrative being pushed. Obesity leads to various clinical conditions requiring very expensive treatments.

So, is it really just a free continuation of today's society that we've reached this point of proud, righteous fat enabling or has it cleverly been pushed by those who stand to gain from this weighty issue?


It's because life has become one giant 'pity party'
Especially since the internet has opened the floodgates for everyone to interact...being merely normal and/or average is pooh-poohed upon in these 'ME-ME' times.
Mediocrity is celebrated and rewarded in all aspects of life.
Therefore (on the lower end of this attention seeking spectrum) a sudden rise of allergies are now suffered by a abnormal percentage of the planet. Autism is the go-to diagnosis for merely the slightest of emotional upset...leading all the way up to body/gender dysmorphia (and the trans problem, and the many other entitlements it brings)

Obesity is placed somewhere between autism and gender dysmorphia...but the symptoms (and more importantly, the cause of treatment are all the same) in that no-one is allowed to question or criticize the 'sufferer' (for fear of offence') despite the fact that no-one ever felt better and/or healthier being fat.

But we've become too woke to tell people we give 'pressured' children hormones and beta blockers, we encourage obesity and even allow others to remove body-parts...all in the name of progression.
A few generations down the line, I shudder to think what the societal-norm will be?

Likely legalised paedophilia next?(you need only look at the Nambla debacle) plus the leftists insistence on supporting causes that (in all actuality) want them dead.


Considering that this person is not going out promoting her situation and that the photos are just paparazzi sneaking an private pic of someone; I find it fair that people are told to leave her alone.

She's overweight in her personal life and not bothering anyone. Let it go. She left the limelight 20 years ago.


I think this has gone awry from the original question but someone else did touch on this and it is an interesting point.

If someone has bathed in the public limelight for a long period of time and gained all the fame and riches that came with it (although this may not strictly apply to Bridget given, as a product of nepotism she would have had wealth anyway) is there a realistic expectation / entitlement to privacy when you decide you've milked the industry sufficiently?

Again, due to Bridget also having a very famous husband, this may not directly apply in her case but you get the question...


Hello again, I spoke with you yesterday.

I was getting more into physical fitness and the fact I think Bridget let herself go - due to either non-exercise (laziness) or depression.

ANyway, I was getting away from "fat-shaming". Well, as far as that goes, in today's world at my current age, I'd never say a word to someone's face that was fat. No laughing, no making fun. One would treat the fat person the same as anyone else. Via social media, obviously I've made comments. Of course I'd never make a comment with my real name attached to it.

But being fair and realistic, if I was say, in my teens, one would laugh hysterically in the face of the fat person. Possibly make fun of them, too - right to their face.

As far as who gains? Well no one really (only whomever sold the individual the food). However, the person that let themselves get fat totally loses. They look bad, they become more and more unhealthy, they'll face the wrath of insensitive, non-compassionate people. No wins in it at all for the overweight person.


I think I'm similar in that I don't think I've ever fat shamed anyone personally. For me, I think it's maybe been more a case of chuckling along with some comedian or a comedy premise in a film rather than anyone I knew.

But yes, getting back to what I was originally questioning in the OP:-

As far as who gains? Well no one really (only whomever sold the individual the food).

that's what I was wondering in terms of that "fat shaming" being replaced with "fat enabling". Whatever comedian making any jokes nowadays would be forced to apologise immediately or be cancelled.

But is that a result of any overt manipulation of social medias by those who stand to profit or just the glow of virtue signalling causing the evolution in itself?


Hi, ok I'm back (off and on today) -

This is interesting and I'd love to continue - just one problem.....

I'm not sure exactly what you mean. RU saying society has now enabled people to get fat?

And this is due to manipulation by people that profit due to human beings overeating...

And rather than making fun of someone for being fat - our society now won't say a word (comedians forced to apologize)....

Is this what you mean?


RU saying society has now enabled people to get fat?

In a sense, yes. I'm saying that social media and the pursuit of online "likes", etc has pushed people within society to the point of virtue signalling things they may not necessarily believe in but like the attention taking such a just position can bring. An example in this case would be "Big Is Beautiful".

So it would now be more acceptable to push "Big Is Beautiful" than a comedian making a joke about someone being fat, or a film like Shallow Hal, Uncle Buck, etc being made.

But did we just get there by ourselves and our own egos being driven by that online "likes" culture or do companies who stand to profit also play a part?

A daft example to illustrate would be - Could a company like Nestle employ social media influencers to showcase someone like Lizzo, for example, as the butterfly effect is less body consciousness and consequently higher sales? Crude example I know but we do know social media is manipulated in such ways in other spheres, e.g. politics.


Ok - I getcha now.

My first thought is, I'm gathering you are not from the USA. If I had to bet (obviously no need to announce it) - I'd bet you're English.

I don't know what it's like in England. I am from the US and this is what I see.....

Too many overweight people. One doesn't know the statistics, but I believe we here in the USA are the fattest country in the world.

So is big beautiful? Well, I don't think so, but I'm only one person. Here is my hypothesis RE: what you're talking about.

It boils down to the greed of corporate AMerica. It is profitable to keep people eating, playing video games, looking at their phones, and watching TV. Much more profitable to encourage people to live like this rather than keeping themselves fit. No need to sit around and play video games - if you are too busy working out. Can't be bothered with the latest cell phone - because you'd rather work out. See what I mean?

Keep America fat and out of shape - it's very profitable in certain sectors.

Ok, that aside, you mentioned Lizzo. I didn't even know what a Lizzo was (had to look her up). LOL. Yes, you are correct there. Glamorize someone that looks like LIzzo (I'm gathering she is a celebrity?), and......

" the butterfly effect is less body consciousness and consequently higher sales"

Indeed. I believe you and I are on the same page.


How exactly is fat enabling a "construct"?

And what do you mean by "fat enabling"?

Seems like it should only mean supplying excess food to someone who doesn't need it, and/or actively celebrating and encouraging them to overeat and to be inactive.

And that would only apply to people whose excess weight is due solely to their diet and lifestyle.

Refusal to condemn someone based on having no knowledge of their personal and/or health circumstances does not qualify as enabling.

Refusing to concede or defer to false unanimity on the ideal and acceptable shape or size of a person isn't necessarily enabling.

Taking the attitude that a grown adult is responsible for making their own choices and should not require strangers to insist that they change their lifestyle for their appearance sake, or make assumptions about their health and personal circumstances.

And none of us here, I'm sure, hang out with Bridget. We don't have meals or make her food. Literally none of us here have encouraged her or been present when the supposed "shovelling" took place. So we literally have no "enablers".

I think the boldened part applies best to what you are experiencing. Frustration that people aren't unanimously endorsing or joining in with your desire to condem whatever choices you believe someone else has made.

What do you think is happening? Do you think a relatively wealthy person is being told by their physician that they are in fine physical shape? Or the doctor is telling them that their health and quality of life are in jeopardy due to their weight and they're just telling the doc. "Nah. Some strangers on the internet said I was terribly obese but some other people told them that it's hardly any of their business. So I think I'm good just going the way I am."


It still breaks my heart how Bridget Fomnda has turned this unbelievably fat.

I always had a crush on her. She was so beautiful and had such a smart and intelligent spirit.


Most Americans are sickeningly OBESE and cannot even walk 10 yards.

They SHOULD be fuckin shamed.


yeah, I sadly agree with this, and I LIVE here.

I've put on some weight without trying, and it is definitely my diet: eating GOOD food from grocery store that is not even CLOSE to good. Everything is garbaged up now.

eating natural, normal, heathy, non jacked up foods CAN BE a little more expensive, but needn't be.
but sugar is addictive and a hard habit to break once you get used to it over decades
