MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > Will SNL Have the Courage…

Will SNL Have the Courage…

…to tackle Baldwin’s impending manslaughter trial with a sketch? I highly doubt it.


Maybe not in a sketch, but hopefully in Weekend Update. You and I think alike. Whenever bad things happen to "the left", I also often wonder if SNL will take it on. Especially when it's one of their own.

Recall how Eddie Murphy distanced himself from SNL for years just because of a joke on Weekend Update about his movie tanking.


I often check news outlets belonging to “the right” whenever something happens that will whip them into a frenzy, too. It’s always enjoyable to see people lose their shit and/or deny reality.


If you want to see a supposedly unbiased news reporter "lose their shit", go watch Rachel Maddow when Trump was announced as the winner.

Whenever I'm down and need a jolt, I got watch that clip and I can laugh for hours.


Looks like msnbc purged it. Not on Daily Caller:


I noticed. It's getting harder and harder to find. It's the most blatant example of biased news reporting I've ever seen in my life. As well as the funniest. She was literally in tears.


A part of me would welcome this but out of respect for Halyna Hutchins I think they’ll pass and I think that’s the right thing to do in this scenario.
That being said, I wouldn’t judge SNL if they did cover it, as I said, a part of me might even relish in it.


Indeed. I agree with everything you’ve said.


lol no


Do they do sketches about other tragic accidental deaths?
well theres your answer.

Did they do one when Paul walker was killed in that car accident?
or Amy winehouse overdosed?


The sketch would not be about death, but the circular logic he keeps using to defend himself. Regardless, good taste should prevent a sketch.


No one said that it would be about the death itself, but instead about Alec Baldwin’s trial. So yeah, if you’re asking whether or not SNL has done trial sketches before, the answer is a resounding yes. See below for a prime example:

Keep in mind that Nicole Brown was nearly decapitated, and SNL was still totally fine with joking about the trial.

And if it has to be an accidental death, then here is SNL joking about drug overdose victims in heaven:


Unlike OJ Simpson, Alec Baldwin is a rich straight white male liberal (i.e. the most privileged group in the Western world, and fwiw, I belong to 4/5 of those categories; no prizes for guessing which ones), moreover one who has connections to SNL. If he'd been a Black athlete without any of the right connections, the incident would, I sadly suspect, be an 'acceptable' target for 'humour'.


Simpson was proved beyond the doubt of any rational person to be guilty of premeditated slaughter of two people, yet he was acquitted. Baldwin is guilty of stupidity and negligence that resulted in someone's death. The two cases are completely different. If either of them has benefitted from "privilege", it was Simpson, on a spectacular scale.


I'm no talking about a court of law here. I'm talking about a satirical TV show.

However, I agree that there were particular circumstances in the OJ case that unfortunately led to his acquittal despite the overwhelming evidence of his guilt (although the reliance on the gloves that didn't fit was a MAJOR misstep on the part of the Defence, and you must understand that the threshold for any prosecution is necessarily very high, in other words, beyond reasonable doubt). I also agree that Baldwin did not kill anyone with malice, and I partly feel sorry for him, despite his apparent hubris in all this.


Someone died. I would hope that SNL would avoid such 'comedy' whoever the target was (although experience sadly suggests that were the target not Baldwin, and was in fact a non-celeb, or an acceptable, in other words, right-wing, target, they'd be happy to make inadvertent light of an innocent woman's death).


But you KNOW that if a Republican celeb had shot someone, SNL would milk it for all the laughs they could.


Which is why I, even as an anti-Republican lib, said "experience sadly suggests that were the target not Baldwin, and was in fact a non-celeb, *or an acceptable, in other words, right-wing, target*, they'd be happy to make inadvertent light of an innocent woman's death."

I don't know that for certain. I'd like to think good taste and decency would prevail whoever was involved in Halyna Hutchins' tragic death, but I also recognise that a double-standard exists.


And that double-standard is the point of this thread. It’s been interesting to read what everyone thinks.


Yes, I understand that. I also think that double-standard exists in large part because Alec Baldwin is a friend of SNL, and not just because of his politics (although the two may or may not be connected; one's mileage may vary), even if it's extremely unlikely he'll ever be invited back onto the show again.


His friendship is really the most interesting thing about this. Is SNL capable of skewering one of their own? I personally feel that they may have been tough enough once, but those days are now long gone.


I could see them skewering, say, Chevy Chase, or someone else who had a rather acrimonious history with SNL, but Baldwin seems to be someone with a long and positive relationship with SNL, as a guest host (which is interesting, considering how difficult Baldwin's relationship is with other parts of the entertainment industry; he and Kim Basinger were permanently blacklisted by Disney after their behaviour on the set of The Marrying Man). And, besides, the nature of this particular incident doesn't lend itself to the type of 'jokes' that could easily be forgiven.


They endlessly milked Dick Cheney for shooting his hunting partner, with no concern whatsoever for the victim.
