Totally Innocent

I will not present any arguments for my position, as they will only be twisted and used to gaslight me, which I will not allow to happen

Sorry, but he will get away with this scot-free, as he should. And Trump will certainly not win re-election in 2024. Nothing more pathetic than a one-term president. It's the equivalent of canceling after a free trial


Indeed she was.


What does one thing have to do with the other? Learn how to properly express yourself. ๐Ÿ™„


It's an excuse to dump on Trump. He hated the full employment, low gas prices, and low inflation. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ


You mean there was record unemployment, record bankruptcies, the economy almost collapsed, Trump supporters tried to lynch the vice president and overthrow the government and hundreds of thousands of needless covid deaths.


I guess the hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths SINCE Trump are needed by leftwing morons? Just some collateral damage, but the agenda is on its way...


Get vaccinated, wear a mask and social distance. Presently, 95% of hospitalizations and deaths are anti-vaxxers. Stay safe!


95% of hospitalizations and deaths are anti-vaxxers

Sure, because the vaccine grants you eternal health and life. You know, how stupid this sounds?


He pulled the trigger on a gun and killed someone. The trigger puller can not be allowed to evade responsibility for their actions; even if he was told that the gun was not loaded. It is a simple matter for the shooter to check for themselves.


Thank God you're not a lawyer!


Do you mean a defense attorney? I'm certain Baldwin will obtain a lawyer that will advocate for him as hard as possible.

What do you think a prosecuting attorney is going to say? That a shooter is not responsible for the bullets he kills people with as long as someone told him the gun was not loaded? :)


The prisons have lots of dumb people that shot someone while playing with a gun they thought was unloaded. A student in my kid's high school got tried as an adult for shooting another kid when he was playing with a gun 2 years ago. It is disgraceful that Baldwin hasn't been charged yet as their is more than enough evidence for involuntary manslaughter and any regular Joe that did this would already be smiling for a mugshot.




A movie prop gun with only blanks is the responsibility of the armorer.


It was a real gun, simply taking a real gun to a movie set doesn't magically stop it from being a real gun. Guns are considered to be an inherently dangerous thing which means anyone exerting control over it is held to a higher level of responsibility for anything that is done with it. Baldwin can't simply say someone else told me it was safe anymore than someone could say someone told me the dynamite was safe so I played with it and blew someone up.


Exactly. This 'prop gun' was contrived by the MSM. They are trying to make people believe he had a Nerf gun or a Super Soaker. Movie guns are REAL guns with blank bullets. Like any gun, they should never be pointed at another person.


Stupid argument! Don't quit your day job!


His argument is precisely the argument the lawyer that will be suing Baldwin in civil court will use and he will win. You cannot shirk responsibility by simply saying they told me the gun wasn't loaded. If you are going to be pulling the trigger on gun you damn sure need to know if it is loaded or not and if your too stupid to know how to check you shouldn't have a gun in your hand to start with.




Shut up you stupid ho. This is my thread and I don't appreciate you disagreeing with me


I hope you get over it. ๐Ÿ˜‚


"It is a simple matter for the shooter to check for themselves."

Simple, yes, But, from all that has been written here and elsewhere, the procedure is for the people in charge of the gun to do the "checking" prior to handing the gun to an actor.

This is where the procedure broke down.


You can have any procedure in place that you want, but no one with any gun training would do what Baldwin did. Doesn't matter if Jesus hands you a gun and says it is unloaded you still check. You only accept a gun is unloaded when you see it with your own eyes.


"You only accept a gun is unloaded when you see it with your own eyes. "

I agree with you, and *I* would check. But this apparently isn't the procedure on a movie set.

I'm still surprised that real guns and ammo are used. To me, a "prop" is something, non-functioning, that looks like the real thing. ๐Ÿ˜•


the term "prop" has no real significance as everything on a movie set that is being used in the filming is a prop. Land a helicopter in a movie set as part of the film and the helicopter is considered a prop. The term "prop gun" seems to be thrown out by some of Baldwin's spin master trying to convince the world that such a thing exists. In pretty much every movie made in the US where regular guns are used, the guns are real. In a sci/fy movie you can have completely fake guns, but it is much cheaper and easier to use a real gun than it is to hire a model make to create one from scratch.


"the term "prop" has no real significance as everything on a movie set that is being used in the filming is a prop. Land a helicopter in a movie set as part of the film and the helicopter is considered a prop. "

So I am learning.....๐Ÿ˜•


Not completely true.

A true "prop gun" is a modified gun that is unable to load live rounds.

So disgarding the term is not correct at all.


It really depends on where you and what industry you are in. A prop gun in the theater world would be a non-functioning gun, possible one that shot blanks, but not a real gun. In movies that isn't the case.


Good grief. No. I know someone who works on movie sets and it's common for everyone down the line to check if the gun is loaded, last of all the person pulling the trigger.
A "prop" on a movie set can be real. If it's a gun, the bullets shouldn't be real, but on a set that had had several accidental discharges, you'd be a fool not to check.


If you have a friend in the movies, then you should know that the armorer states the gun is empty while opening the gun in front of the actor to show him that the gun is empty before handing it to him. The actor doesn't open the gun himself.


The person in charge of the gun is he person who is currently holding it. Baldwin was in charge of the gun while it was in his hand. Yeah, he got screwed by the crew that handed him the gun, but there should be no ethical way the shooter can escape responsibility for his actions.


Jesus Christ. Talk about TDS. Is it possible for you to have a thought or make a statement without somehow shoehorning Donald Trump into it?


these folks, like academia, are considered the "smart" people; scary, isn't it? Only b/c his tweets were mean, while Biden's destroying the USA.


Aw shucks. Thank you :) you're smart too!






Hes guilty as Fuck, rot in hell asshole. Someone else will be f ucking his wife this time next year.



Thank you for sharing your gay fantasies!




If someone hands me a gun and says its not loaded and I point it at you and pull the trigger and you die should I walk away free?






The toilets of the world really need to flush much harder ... how did you float back up?


Wow. just look at all the locker room lawyers.


Seems like a lot negligence and inexperience all around on this film set. Alec alone isnโ€™t alone guilty but everyone played their part in this perfect shitstorm that cost a woman her life.




Not totally innocent. He should know of the sloppy hiring he did to save money a accident would likely happen.
