MovieChat Forums > Bruce Willis Discussion > In hindsight, when did Bruce likely star...

In hindsight, when did Bruce likely start having issues with his health?

I mean, there were for years leading up to that point, discussions online (on places like Reddit and the IMDb message boards) about how Bruce Willis in his later years, was "phoning in" (and no longer feeling engaged and giving 100%) his performances.


I think he knew he had a problem for some time

Look at the last couple years of his work Lots of 3 & 4 rated stuff I never heard of,
Using his name as a draw -- some I have seen he was like a cameo, barely spoke or did much

He was getting as much as he could because the time would come when the well would be dry

I'm NOT talking down on the guy -- I'm 4 months older I'd have done the same thing


He suffered a head injury during production of Tears of the Sun in 2003, he started noticing symptoms around then
