His sexual preferences wasn't an issue to anybody other than to him it would seem as indicated in his statement, it's not like he's a dashing leading man or sex symbol he's a character actor, he had plenty of opportunities years ago to come out but chose not.
No his problem is been a sexual predator, no matter what way he swung. Anyway no one should be forced to tell anyone their own sexual preference unless they feel comfortable as it's none of our business at the end of the day. Does it take away him been a great actor.
Do I think it would have effected his career even as a character actor if he came out, yes I do. I think Hollywood is more open as it used to be but I think it still they sit uncomfortably with a top leading actor or actress or anyone who's high up been out and proud. Look at Ellen Page for example, her career has taken a slump since she came out.
His sexual preference had nothing to do with being a sexual predator, his timing to come out was bad which clearly a cop out, if he came out at a right time it could've been a time of celebration because we had a major actor deciding to come out, no other A list actor has every done that of any great note.
His deflection did nothing but anger the LGBT community and shun him from Hollywood.
Exactly. His sexual preference is his own business and coming out publicly is always a choice - I have full respect for those who choose never to do so - but the way in which Spacey chose to do so reeks of desperation and bad taste.
I'm not sure he really had a choice since a guy was accusing him of some rape/attempt of rape. If at all, I don't think he was very enthusiastic to say but it was so obvious he had to clear the air.