MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > If you think the slap was staged, you ar...

If you think the slap was staged, you are definitely wrong.

Rock was a complete utter nervous wreck afterwards, he messed up all his lines and wanted to get it all over with. See what he says to the assistant after the break.

Chris Rock is a good comedian, not a great actor. That was real.

Will Smith raging f-bombs like he did would never happen if it was staged. He was genuinely furious and the Oscars tried to hide it from the US audience.

Smith was in tears knowing he royally messed up his best career night of all time by hitting Rock. Instead of being overjoyed he was shattered. Referencing the slap throughout his speech and apologising to the academy and the nominees.

Will Smith sincerely apologises the next day to Chris Rock himself.


Never bring a crazy bitch to your Oscar winning night, Case Closed! All she had to do was laugh instead of making it about her.


Absolutely, I bet she’s a right fucking nightmare too!


40 years of acting, 50 plus flims for rock

40 years of acting for will smith too, countless films, his own tv show, an oscar winner...

the two of them paid 100s of millons over the years in order to act and make you believe they are sad, happy, angry, other people...

they show shock and anger on film, and you say it must be real... absolutely embarrassing. the sheer childness of our society has got to critical levels. it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

ps, rock said "will smith just best the S out of me" right after, countless actors have dropped the F word at the oscars. take a look, but like i say, the sheer childishness and naivity that exists in america and many parts of the west nowadays explain why the world is in such a mess.


"Nothing actor's do can possibly be real because they're actors" - herp derp logical fallacy derp


>> Rock was a complete utter nervous wreck afterwards, he messed up all his lines and wanted to get it all over with.

Exactly. People calling it fake are not very good at judging emotions.


i saw will smith cry on the fresh prince because his daddy walked out on him, thats real too? FFS


You don't see the nuances, my friend. Some people can't see the difference between acting and reality. Rock was distraught, not acting. With watery eyes. He ain't that good an actor.


distraught? did he storm off? did he cry? did he beg to go to comercial? has he threatened to sue?

mmm no he said it was "the greatest night in tv history"

hardly distraught, and he's still had 40 plus years of acting, acting in many big movies like new jack city, boomerang, and actually acted with will smith on the fresh prince!


Yes, he was distraught while maintaining his cool. Hence, he is getting alot of praise.


I think a lot of these people are either Russian disinformation trolls or they are influenced by them wittingly or unwittingly. Ignore them. All they are interested in is spreading chaos.


you really think hahaha you really think that the kremlin has sent "russian disinformation trolls" to come to a website that maybe 30 people use, to question if will smith really slapped chris rock on some awards show? you've reached a level of such crazy paranoia that you think putins goal is to infiltrate "moviechat" , and then what? this will be the fall of western society?

i rest my case, utter insanity


Ok, you are simply insane then. I can live with that. Quite a few people around here that ARE pro-Putin do seem to have that opinion about the Oscars. It's not like what pro-Russian people do is any more sane or competent than Putin himself, so nothing would surprise. Anyway, I haven't accused you specifically... yet. Haven't checked your posting history to know for sure. Odd that you would so strenuously deny it. The person I called out specifically (not you) absolutely is one. There's definitely SOMETHING off with a few of you people around here.


you could repeat that in russian please? the kremlin hasn't sent me to english classes yet


Face it, christomacin--you're just a nutjob.


LOL. That's rich. The Clown Prince of Moviechat thinks he's the sane one. You're not winning this debate with me or anyone else around here, though you may convince yourself that you are.


Why do you continue to insist that Rock and Smith have “40+ years of acting” Rocks first role was 1985 Smith was 1988. Thats hardly “40+“ years.


sorry for rounding it up to the nearest zero, you're right, you've got me, that means its real and you've destroyed my entire argument, any spelling mistakes you wanna correct why you're at it? to further destroy me?!


To round up then add the “+” to insinuate its even more than 40 is the problem. To round up to the nearest zero you could say, “They both have nearly 40 years of acting experience” not, “they have 40+”


you're picking at childish meaningless things to try and disprove something, so he's been acting for 37 years and not 40, jeez. you've won this one kid. you're gonna go celebrate with your family tonight? get a cake? maybe a bottle of something?

good for you champion


Where was I disproving your argument? You’re reading between lines. I simply corrected your over exaggeration of their length of experience by the use of the + after already rounding up to the nearest tenth.


that's how people talk, it's like when someone says "i've been to bla bla bla a million times" "i've told you a thousand times..." it's not literal, it's just how people talk, he's being acting for 37 or whatever years, i've rounded it off to 40, because he started in the 80s and it's now the 2020s.

it sounds like something someone on the spectrum would do, where they take everything 100% literal. i say 40, but it's really 37.. jeez..

try offering something inteligent instead of pointless corrections.


Ive said the problem wasn’t with you rounding to 40. It was the added + that made it ridiculous. You’ve already rounded 37 to 40 adding the + means that its 42 or 43, etc…
Its like having $900,000 in the bank and when asked how much money you have you answer with “More than a million.”


nobody cares, add something interesting. this is boring


Yep. There is 0.0% chance this was staged.

Not 1%…0%.

It’s as irrational of an idea as flat earth, the illuminati, faked moon landing, etc.


You'll never convince these nutjobs, it's a futile exercise - they squeal "fake!!!11" at literally everything. They desperately want the world to be preplanned and non-chaotic, to feel more secure in their delusional bubbles. To feel like they're special, that they "get it"... when in reality they're simply clueless and deranged.


This is exactly right.

It’s funny because they think they are more intelligent than the ‘sheep’ for believing these conspiracies when it just makes them look more stupid.


Conspiracies like this help stupid people feel smart.


It has the added advantage of helping us identify the stupid people.


no no, the world is chaotic and full of random crazy events, you're trying to lump in people who can see that this was some goofy hollywood bit with people who think the earth is flat. things have a certain way of playing out. if i told you a glass of water slipped out of my hand, the logical chain of events would be that it fell to the floor, maybe smashing on impact with the ground and water went everywhere.

if i told that it instead floated upwards, and then came back into my hand, defying the laws of gravity with more water in it than before, you'll know it's not true. but we're expected to believe something similar here.

This thing denies basic human nature, will smith is caught laughing before and after the slap, hardly the actions of an offended man, he has a mic on while nobody else does, chris rock puts his hands behind his back, going against what is bulit into our DNA, he actually leans into the slap. the academy have changed story with 3 or 4 important parts of this, they asked him to leave, then they didn't, the strange reaction of the audience.... the lack of footage showing will going from laughing to ready to slap someone on live international it seems that the camaras were prepared for this and knew where to go.

you get a couple of "but...." with these things, i'm willing to accept that you could explain some of these things away with some crazy one-off type scenarios, sure... but when ALL these things become explained by crazy events that don't make sense, then it becomes crazy itself.

but calling people deranged because they question something, thats just silly, even the media, from right to left, american, european, gossip and serious news have all written articules asking was this staged.

the fact that some people are so obssesed with convincing themselves that this is real, i dunno... but insulting people for questioning things, it's a little childish


the only one who is obsessed is YOU. Obsessed that it's NOT real. People are only responding to your irresponsible and lunatic claims. There's something WAY off with you. I maintain my opinion on that point.


He didn’t have a mic on him. We don’t hear anything else he says. He had to shout and the camera mic or boom caught it.

And he had his hands behind his back to show that he was the one in the wrong.
He was not expecting to be slapped.


hahahahahaha, you're denying what is built into our DNI, things that we do without knowing it because our survival instincts kick in, when someone is coming at you, you don't put your arms behind your back, you don't lean into a slap, you're denying basic human instincts, to try and explain this lunacy, then accuse people of doing the same. this loon above me has accused people her of being sent by putin, it's insanity!


what's DNI?


No. It’s a human submissive thing suggesting its over you won don’t escalate it.

Why would Will Smith ruin his image around the world for the academy award viewing numbers?


because sooner or later they'll say it was staged, for over a decade people like you believed the lawler and kaufman bit on letterman was real. it wasn't. but to come at this from another point. lets say it is real, you ask why will smith would ruin his image?

well it seems he's so intouchable, that instead of asking him to leave, instead of being arrested which many people wanted, he later got a standing ovation, he kept his oscar and he went dancing! do you think he's gonna lose roles now because of this? no!

people have become very innocent, they take things at face value, thats why people fall for these nigerian 200 million dollar prince lottery scams. "well it says here i've won, why would they lie?"

why would WWE wrestlers fake it all? why script it? why not just fight and see who wins? what would they get out of lying to you? it's hollywood...


why would you slap someone instead of punching? now you'll say "well he didn't want to hurt chris"

but then that's saying that will smith was capable of thinking during all this with some rationality, if he stopped for a second to think, he wouldn't have done it in the first place right? the slap and how it was done was very hollywood.

why did the camara go right back to will smith on his chair? why? because they knew he was going to say what he said, it was planned. the logical step in all this would have been going to comercial or to focus on chris rock and get the show back, no focusing the camara on will smith who is angry and swearing, no!?

a professional camara man who does tutorials on youtube says that the camara work used shows they knew what was coming and planned for it, camara work wise...

why is the academy lying about what happened? why didn't they go to comercial?

why is every major newspaper or channel asking if this was staged?

why did will laugh before and after? why did jada laugh after?

i could go on forever, i have no idea what really happened, but if theres not one part of your brain that thinks that this couldl just could have been staged, then it's a little worrying


"why is every major newspaper or channel asking if this was staged?"

What major newspapers? What major (non-conspiracist) channels? Mostly it's just a few idiots like you asking the same dumb easily answered questions over and over again (and being massively downvoted).


every major newspaper


Will Smith just resigned from the academy.

Totally staged eh.


It's all going to be revealed in a few weeks! Just watch!


It looks suspicious as hell.


Anyone genuinely thinking it is staged at this point, after the shock, the reactions, the apologies afterwards etc. must be quite low in intelligence.


nope. it's fake af! just a couple of has-beens trying to boost their names back into the lime-light. just like two wrestlers stage a fake argument, and then get the crowd riled up. it's fake, and if you are watching this crap, it just means you're dumber than fuck. you also probably fell for the PLANdemic, wore a mask in your car, and took 4 booster shots. you sheep are all the same, and make me effing sick. so now go play on your cell phone you mental midget!
