MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > I'm calling it now, this is the end of t...

I'm calling it now, this is the end of the Oscars.

I'm not going to pin it all on Will Smith but if the academy doesn't do anything to resolve this, then they're just going to look like phonies. And now that they have diversity standards, no one is ever going to take these awards seriously again. The fact is, Smith needs to be reprimanded for what he did. He was totally out of line.

Golden Globes will now be considered the real award for outstanding achievement in films.


The only award ceremony I watch is the Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.





Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show


nice i love that award show to


My buddy Homer won that award. For some reason, it was a one-and-done event. Strange.


I think they are weighting about "condemning a black person" vs "protecting a black person from violence", etc., which narrative is more popular.

I am sure after extensive surveys and focus group studies, behind door negotiations, with agents, lawyers and publicists, all the stake owners involved, something will happen.

Meanwhile Smith's wife is probably weighting pros & cons of having him committed & put under conservatorship, or something similar.


Nailed it.


They need to not do that, what they need to do is enforce the rules they have on the books!

But you're probably right, they're waiting to see what the polls and focus groups say, before doing squat.


The media is already labelling Chris Rock's offending comment as the "alopecia joke". It's pretty clear an attempt is being made to muddy the waters.


That is actually pretty good, I think the forces protecting Smith are starting to work their magic.


You'll be wrong. It's too big an institution and gone on too long to go away just like that. Plus, nothing's there to replace it.


If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I think this was a pretty big blow to the Oscars. It put it a real dampener on the entire evening. People are not going to want to tune in to see something like this. And watching all those stupid celebrities give Will a standing O really was nauseating.


Are you kidding me? This probably bought the Oscars five million more views for next year. Audiences LOVE controversy, and they are gonna tune in to watch in hopes that something even more scandalous happens next time. I wish humans were more dignified than this but we simply aren't.


You're right.


In my view, "dignified" is probably not the right word, I would go with "sophisticated".

The fact is, celebrities are always acting like they're about love and peace and whatnot and here is Will Smith slapping someone, which by the way, this is not the first time he's assaulted someone.

I think people might be sophisticated enough to know that they're all fakes and the Oscars are now officially a joke. Which is a shame in my view because I love films, but I just can't sit idly by and let these phonies get away with this, I have to call this out. And plus, can you imagine anyone else doing this and getting away with it? Especially a white person... imagine Donald Trump or any of his kids walking onto the stage and slapping Chris Rock... think about that one for a moment.

Its starting to look like the academy is not going to do anything about this. But we shall see what happens.


People only tuned in this year due to the social media grapevine buzz after the assault happened. Even then it was the second worst rating of all time. The Academy is going to be under great pressure to make next year's event as bland and anodyne as possible - plus a lot of added security. Next year's Academy Awards are the last place anyone is going to be looking for controversy or battle royales. I find it very hard to believe people are going to tune in for all 3 or 4 hours next year in the hopes that some bench clearing brawl MIGHT happen but probably won't. And we can forget about an abrasive host like Chris Rock or Ricky Gervais ever appearing again. I'm not sure I agree that this will be "the last Oscars ever", but I don't think this incident is going to lead some great Renaissance of viewership either.

Of course, I could be totally wrong. We'll see next year, I guess.


Not that he’s not wrong but there’s plenty that can replace the Oscars. Golden Globes, BAFTA, etc. NCAA tournament replaced the NIT, UFC replaced boxing, something could easily replace the Oscars.


One stupid act by an idiot who can't control his impulses won't bring the Oscars down. It's the wokeness that has damaged it. An Academy Award was never purely for merit. There were always internal Hollywood politics involved, clear back to the 1920s. But they had some degree of credibility. Now that nomination is officially a matter of checking off woke boxes, the award has no credibility, as far as artistic merit is concerned. On top of that, the ceremony itself has deteriorated into self-righteous celebrities making woke speeches to signal how virtuous they are. Nobody in their right mind cares about this kind of pretentious, vacuous crap anymore.


I do agree that the award has lost credibility but I do also think what Smith did solidifies it even more. I honestly don; know how the academy survives this. As you mentioned, it's been political throughout it's history which has always annoyed people to no end. I just think this was the final nail in the coffin for the Oscars.

But then again, according to recent reports, 15 million people tuned in last Sunday night, while that's very low for an Oscars show, maybe it won't effect it that much. We'll see...


The Oscars had the second-lowest ratings ever. The slap controversy was known after the fact.


Now that nomination is officially a matter of checking off woke boxes, the award has no credibility, as far as artistic merit is concerned. On top of that, the ceremony itself has deteriorated into self-righteous celebrities making woke speeches to signal how virtuous they are.

Perfect summation.


I read an article about the options he could face as a punishment. If he gets a light punishment for this then I hope every comedian out there boycotts the Oscars. If "nice guy" Will Smith can get off easy for hitting someone, then anybody with power in Hollywood can. I don't think he should have his Oscar revoked though (due to the fact that others who have done horrid things still get to keep theirs), but I do think his punishment needs to be harsh enough to where his career and Hollywood popularity feel it. That's just my own opinion.


"""If "nice guy" Will Smith can get off easy for hitting someone, then anybody with power in Hollywood can"""

I think that's a good point and it just goes to show that the new woke philosophy isn't about actions, it's all about words. In their minds, "words" are the most horrible things in the world. It's really quite revolting to find out that Americans, of all people, are embracing this crap.


Exactly! I also read in that article that if the punishment fits the crime, so to speak, then people would be more likely to forgive him, because he was punished fairly and suffered the consequences. I know that moment helped the Academy's ratings, but if they let this go I feel like the Oscars will be boycotted by viewers like never before. The world watched assault and battery happen and then saw that if you're the hands-on favorite to win in your category (that's only a few minutes away from being announced) then you may return to your seat. I know they were probably stunned, because this was the last thing they expected from the last person they would expect it from. Still, more should have been done for Chris Rock. I applaud how well he handled that moment. Amazing!! I know he had to be shaken up on the inside. You know something, I haven't posted on MovieChat for about three years and I came back just for this. With most everyone else, I am so mad that this happened.



Welcome back to moviechat.

So, it takes a slap to get you interested? haha

I agree, more should have been done for Chris. Will's apology speech when receiving his award didn't sound very good to me, more like a justification of his actions. He even played the "poor me" I get attacked card. Really now??

But we shall see what the academy decides to do and I agree, this is going to hurt ratings in my opinion.


Thank you so much, Stickman 38!
Yeah, that slap did it for me, lol.
You know, there are actors who spend decades in the industry who are either never nominated or only nominated (once for the majority who are) and never know what it's like to take home the statue. I think of Glenn Close and Ed Harris. Neither of them have ever won and they are fantastic actors. Leonardo DiCaprio's win was years and years overdue. Diane Warren, who was nominated the other night in the song category, I'm pretty sure has been nominated many times over, yet she has never won. I rambling on, but what I'm trying to circle back to is if you are lucky the win the Oscar, the odds are that it's going to be the one and only time in your career. That is something Mr. Smith has worked years for, and because he couldn't control his hands he ruined that golden moment for himself. He not only ruined it for himself, but he also tarnished it for the Williams' family and the other winners. I also think it stings for everyone who has sat through countless nominations but never won. He embarrassed himself, the Williams' family and the Academy. His nice-guy, fun loving and easy-going image will never be the same.


Hollywood celebrating Hollywood!
A night to play ‘dress up’. Narcissistic lug-nuts screaming, ‘look at ME I’m somebody!’
I sincerely hope that you are right.
These clowns need a double dose of humility!
Sick and twisted fucks!


I wonder how they'll reprimand him....
Ban him from attending next year? lol
Fact is, you need to get the law involved. This should be a legal matter - not the academy matter.
I'm actually disappointed in Chris for not filing a complaint with the police. By not doing that, he's actually placed other comedians at risk from here on out. Comedians do get heckled and sometimes even assaulted, but not at this large of a stage. And when they do get assaulted, they do file a police report. Let's just say, there's bound to be a LOT of copycats after this incident. Escalation to violence after verbal attack is now perfectly justified in the minds of many dumbarses who saw the show. In fact, there are numerous calls for violence against comedians seen online in the past few days.

So, while Will is a piece of shit, Chris has proven himself to be an absolution moron.
