MovieChat Forums > Alicia Silverstone Discussion > The Real Reason Hollywood Won't Cast Ali...

The Real Reason Hollywood Won't Cast Alicia Silverstone Anymore is So Unbelievably Disturbing...

That Knowing It Would Drive You Insane


what IS the reason?


I thought the reason was her very limited range as an actress and some big box office failures.


Whatever Happened to Alicia Silverstone?

Whatever Happened to Alicia Silverstone? In 1995, Silverstone made her mark on teen pop culture as Cher Horowitz, a spoiled Beverly Hills teen you couldn’t help but love – but where exactly did she go after that? For this video, we’re taking a look at what came of her career and why she’s never had a role as popular or beloved as Cher since. MsMojo looks over whatever happened to Alicia Silverstone. Are you hoping Silverstone makes a comeback? Let us know in the comments!


Scared to click on that link now. 🤨


wish the OP would just tell us the fucking reason........ i read that shit, and the reason is not there




you can click, no harm done..... and then perhaps you can tell me if i missed something


I dunno, it might drive me insane, but not knowing something I didn’t care for is slowly driving me that way any who! What a conundrum! 🤔


Is this good enough of a FUCKING REASON!?

So, what the hell happened?

Silverstone caught national attention based on her look in a series of popular videos and became a Hollywood powerhouse based on a single hit movie which was actually only a modest success at the box office. But her fast success resulted in a backlash. Just as quickly as audiences fell in love with Silverstone, they turned on her.

Behind the scenes, Silverstone had a reputation for being difficult. And let’s face facts, she’s a flake. So it’s no surprise that her movie career faltered once her popularity faded. Still, you have to hand it to her. When life handed her lemons, she made vegan lemonade.

Although she is no longer in the spotlight, Silverstone continues to work both on stage and screen. Her movies and TV appearances aren’t seen by many. But she has somehow created a cottage industry out her offbeat beliefs. Personally, I’m not about to take medical advice from the girl from the Arrowsmith videos. But apparently a lot of other people will. So, more power to her?


reputation for being difficult.... that's it?

that's " So Unbelievably Disturbing"...??


She got a big production deal after Clueless but I think Excess Baggage was all that came of it. Someone that young and inexperienced should of just stuck with grabbing all the good roles available - she missed her moment.


She's also an actress with a very limited range, who didn't seem to know her limitations when her shot at the big time came along.

She also didn't seem to know that the real star of "Clueless" was writer Amy Heckerling. That movie just had a great script.


reputation for being difficult.... that's it?

Pretty anti-climatic, huh?


Alicia for one thing, clashed with the director when she was making Excess Baggage. She also backed out of a planned guest starring arc on How I Met Your Mother because she was upset at the notion that she had to work with Britney Spears. Alicia feared that Britney being there was going to overshadow her. I don't know any other examples of Alicia Silverstone being "difficult" to work with, but those are the most prominent examples if you want to call them that:

The Los Angeles Times reported that Silverstone and Brambilla fought over things like dialogue, scenes, script and even wardrobenote . It got so bad, the source added, that Nicholas Turturro had a stretch limo idling outside the set door for eight hours waiting for the moment he could wrap so he could flee. Some believed that the friendship between Silverstone and Del Toro added to the friction on the set. They took to improvising their scenes together, much to Brambilla's frustration; when he would ask to have a scene played a certain way, the actors refused to cooperate. Eventually, one of the film’s executive producers, David Valdes left the project during filming because the project was “out of control”. He was replaced by Bill Borden.


Thanks for the details, TMC. Hopefully she grew up and is easier to work with these days.


I think the portrait of nude man suggests it has something to do with Harvey Weinstein.

But I think it is just, how can say, a vague implication to attract readers. In other words, it is a clickbait, just like why the link is posted here.


Do you get paid to create shitty clickbait articles? Because you’d be amazing at it.


Why should that personally matter to you!?




agree, this is really anoying


That article was a big Nothingburger. Face it. The real reasons why she won't be cast anymore is because she's an unbelievable bitch to work with, and she's not a cute little teeny-bopper anymore. Case closed.


The reason has to be Batman and Robin correct? I've heard repeated viewings can tip one over the edge into madness.


Ironic since "Batman & Robin" is the best of that tetralogy from 1989-97.


She's not a good actress. Not disturbingly bad, just bad.
