MovieChat Forums > Steven Seagal Discussion > UPDATED: What the Hell Happened to Steve...

UPDATED: What the Hell Happened to Steve Seagal?

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Case in point: Steven Seagal. If I told you that a martial artist could become a movie star by training a Hollywood executive, you might find that hard to believe. But Seagal’s story gets stranger from there. Seagal’s fame didn’t just fade. It was utterly extinguished. In a relatively short time, the actor went from an aspiring A-list action hero to a living, breathing fat joke. After a string of hits, Segal ended up sleep-walking through a series of direct-to-video movies in which he was draped in a mumu. Mocked even by his fans, Seagal was a has-been. Rather than accept his own irrelevance, the actor did the unthinkable. He cozied up to a foreign dictator and was recently appointed a Russian diplomat by Vladimir Putin. Don’t tell me you saw that coming!


He's the Russian version of Dennis Rodman.


What happened to Steven Seagal after his early success (notably Under Siege)?

Steven Seagal is a terrible actor, with a massive ego, and apparently is generally unpleasant to be around. Removing any two of those three might make him more appealing. The totality of the three has run his “acting” career into the ground.


The short version - he’s a dick.

The long version, typecasting ruined his career. When Seagal first appeared as an action star, he was basically known for only one type of role - the retired badass who can curb stomp any villains in his path.

His characters were almost always part of an elite military organization that probably got sick of his self-righteous tough-guy wannabe attitude. Unlike other action icons (Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis) that encounter overwhelming obstacles and eventually overcome said obstacles with guile, most of Seagal’s characters are literal one-man-army, he just bulldoze right in and smash apart anyone in his way, no villains could pose a significant threat to him.

Another reason is Seagal’s likeability (or lack of), Hollywood is a small town and words travel fast. Likeable people get noticed and a$$hole also get noticed, Seagal belonged to the latter category.

He’s extremely rude and confrontational toward fellow actors and stuntmen, he regularly mistreats stuntmen (kick them in the groin) who can’t fight back without being fired, and he once broke Sean Connery’s wrist during a rehearsal in Never Say Never Again. Combine this annoying attitude of being a bigshot when he’s a nobody with various sexual assault allegations, being best buddies with Vladimir Putin and self-identified Pro-Tibetan Buddhist (he apparently bought himself a reincarnated lama title 🙄), his personal problems all adds up and alienated him from most of Hollywood.


I'm not going to post the whole thing but scroll down to 119. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 04/16:



eh, people can complain all they want, i still like the guy and i love his early work, which imo stands on its own.

people attacking him then and now is just drama seeking muck rakers imo, looking for a target. if he doesn't matter, then why bother? i don't get it. for some reason he strikes a nerve with people. THAT is the real question; why does one hold anger at SSeagal? hmmmm


Why does one hold love at Seagal? hmmmm


lol. learn english motherfucker before you try to come dissing me. i said i love his early work.


You're the fucking MF if you didn't notice that I was taking the fucking piss at the last part of your paragraph. Dipstick. Oh, and 'dissing me', is that all you can come up with! It's such an outdated fucking comeback. Wanker.


You have not explained why you failed to read my original comment correctly.

Just fuck off now, okay? I did nothing to provoke you.

Go fuck your mother.


' a living, breathing fat joke'

That is a perfect description. Someone who didn't know him could pick him out of a lineup on the strength of that.
