Endorses Kamala


sissy man


Of course he did. He's been crying ever since Trump ripped apart his shitty version of The Apprentice. Arnold is a joke now.


His motto is "Screw your freedom" so I'm not really surprised.


All those steroids destroyed his testicles and he can't produce any natural testosterone anymore. That is the only reason I can think of why he turned into a 250 lb cat lady.

In all seriousness, he really has changed. When he was younger, he gushed over Milton Friedman. No true follower of Milton would support a Kamala administration over a Trump administration.


That should tell you how bad Trump is that a Republican would vote for him.


Ahh-nold hasn't been a straight Republican for a good while. Even when he was governor for Cali, his political views fell to the left of John McCain and George W Bush


Final confirmation that he's every bit as dumb as most of his Hollywood cronies.


yet his SonIn Law Chris pratt is Apolitical don't get it Im like Chris Pratt have become Apolitical.


Schwarzenegger was on the flight list, all these peedo-adjacent cellebs were.


Oh no , that means , according to the maga rule book he must now be demonised and his movies boycotted .
So you guys cant watch any of movies anymore!

Whats that? you didn't like his shitty movies anyway?
yeah you keep telling yourself that , but you're not fooling anyone
. Predator is a right wing rednecks dream movie!
its even got illegal aliens in it!
