yeah, with all the feminism going on recently i really have to wonder why aren't they going after kobe bryant for raping that girl? that is so wrong. oh yeah, too skinny in those pictures.
i love how these girl celebrities can't keep their "private" photos getting "leaked" online. it seems like cellphones worked like this. as soon as cellphones were created they had a camera option on them. this immediately turned into girls taking nude pictures of themselves. which then lead to sexting(sending nude pictures to men)which then immediately lead to these celebrities "leaking" these pictures online for their adoring public. so dumb how these girl celebrities are such attention whores. this whole process is girls being whores and sluts. and girls wonder why men look down and them and disrespect them. it's because everything they do and are is based on how they look, act. and girls wonder why they aren't treated as equals in the career field.
ok, but what nude stuff were you referring to about natalie portman?