MovieChat Forums > Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg Discussion > She was right to be skeptical of the COV...

She was right to be skeptical of the COVID vaccines

People should honestly apologize to her for lashing out against her like that. Look at all the info coming out and Fraudci's antics during the pandemic being questionable at best.

Jenny ended up in the right side of history. Props to her for standing her ground and not caving in.


She is a ditz.


I don't know why anyone cares what any celebrities think, whether they agree with them or not. A celebrity having an opinion shouldn't have any impact on anyone's life.


right....... but wasn't it a different vax she was against?

due to her son developing some sort of problem?


The negative results of other vaccinations caused her to doubt/question Fauci's jab.

"Experience is the Best Teacher"


Dr Fauci had zero impact on the Pandemic. He's just a boogeyman for armchair conspiracy goons.


More accurately, it was a Plandemic.


Nah he was part of the people planing the stuff. He is no good.


Where? Where are your proofs? There is nothing which contradicts Fauci reported.
