I am 23 and I rarely wear makeup. I like to be my authentic self. And I am not afraid of aging. I think it's great to see women age naturally. But you know who I think has a problem with it? Men. Everything Oprah and her guests said on her show today was great, but it won't change what men want. Men want a young looking hot woman. Most men do anyway, I know there are a few out there who see inner beauty. As men get older, they want women to still look young. Women, on the other hand, don't marry for looks as much. I think we need to change what men want for women to feel more comfortable aging naturally.
You're so right--all you said was true. The thing is, we ALL are going to age---even men---time dosen't stop for them,either. And yes, it's men that have always made getting old so much of a damn issue for women---which is why we damn near kill ourselves trying to do an impossible thing---stave off age with plastic surgery until we're got no skin left to pull back, and starving ourselves into a skeletal size. Yeah, men like younger women, but so what? Women like hot younger dudes,too. Men don't have a claim on dating younger than their age. And society has always brainwashed women into believing (until recently) that they are only as good as their looks--as if that's all a woman has to offer. Hollywood really browbeats women into doing that----making actresses (and sometimes actors) contort their faces into these horrible-ass hideous shapes---it's sad and pathetic) even though I know it's the industry forcing them to do that.) But,yeah, it's good that you take care of yourself and like yourself the way you are. Since this is an old post, and you're closer to 30 now, there's definitely going to be more pressure on you as a women to look younger. Ignore the BS, don't drink the Koolaid, and just do you like you're been doing.
No one, not even actors, are forced to get plastic surgery. They are incentivized to remain youthful but there’s still choice - and the example of actors whose surgery, far from making them look better, has been disfiguring.
It's easy to be okay with it at 23. I doubt you're going to feel the same way at 63. When you get out of bed stiff and sore in the morning, and take pain relievers regularly, Mother Nature seems a lot less charming. Our bodies are defective. They're designed to self-destruct. This is something none of us want - but we're not given a say in the matter, and try to put the best face on it we possibly can. That's all.
Aging is an evolutionary mechanism. Mutations can only occur at new generations. If an animal's life is too long, and the environment starts to change, they can't adapt quickly enough and go extinct. Limited lifespan sucks for the individual but it's necessary for the species. Natural selection isn't working on us anymore though. We've created a world in which fit and unfit alike are able to survive. Random factors like where you're born and how much money your family has determine your survival rather than anything about your genes. Further evolution of humanity will be self-directed, through genetic engineering, implanted technology, etc. Limited lives no longer serve a purpose.
Wouldn't you rather live indefinitely, and stay young and vigorous instead of becoming elderly and fragile? I sure would. And that'll become possible eventually. Whether it happens in time for any of us remains to be seen. But human beings have always wanted immortality, for as long as they've walked the Earth. Nobody wants to get old. We should at least not bullshit ourselves in that regard.
Well, Chris, I’m reminded of a quote from Anthony Robbins, the motivational speaker: “We often have no control over what happens to us, but we have complete control over how we communicate our experience to ourselves.” Which leads me to a quote from Clint Eastwood. An interviewer asked him how he felt about getting older. This is a paraphrase of what he said, but it’s close to the mark: “I love it. Now I can play roles I was too young to play.”
We as a species focus too much on the veneer and not on the substance. A mature woman (or man) knows a helluva lot more about what to do in the sack and in life than a kid does.
My wife is far more concerned with what her sisters, female friends, and female coworkers think of her appearance than in what men, including me, think. She is not unique; I have observed that phenomenon in many women. By the way, I've known her since she was twenty, and I still find her just as attractive now that she's over sixty, yet she doesn't even wear makeup of any kind, ever.
What a load of rubbish. At twenty-three, nobody has a clue yet what aging is like. Now, eleven years later, the OP is thirty-four and has, perhaps, barely begun to form an idea about it. Most women seem to want a guy with a big income. I think we need to change what women want, in order for men to feel more comfortable about not making a lot of money. As for me, my wife is in her sixties and I still find her as attractive as I did when she was twenty.
Whatever that means, men want what men want. No one can "change" that. Some men like women who wear make up, some don't. "Changing what men want" is an absurd, ridiculous concept. If you like chocolate, no one can make you not like it.
I think we need to change what men want for women to feel more comfortable aging naturally.
You can’t change anyone’s mind, all you will do is make people less comfortable to say these thing out loud. I would suggest adapting to reality instead of trying to change it to fit your ideals.
You should try and find someone that loves while you are still young, and neither one of you will care, because they will love you for you.
But if you find yourself single at 40+, you need to realize that your own value has gone down, so you are going to have to lower your expectations, or you will end up alone
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